
November 13th, 2014




T-Minus one day. If you can't find me, I'm buried in the cafe with staff. Someone please bring coffee. Or sanity. Both would be appreciated.

Lady, I haven't picked out shoes or a dress yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! PANIC.

Logan H
I hope you'll be showing your generally grumpy ass at some point tomorrow. Free food cooked by yours truly, ya know.




Cool. I can use some things from my dreams. It explains so much. I'm hoping it doesn't bleed into my professional life too much, it would be career ending for me if it does.

Anyways, since I haven't posted one in awhile, image of the day:

Saving f-Lists )




Tomorrow I leave for San Diego, weigh ins are later in the day, then the fight is on Saturday. I'm ready for this. I've got this. I can't wait to see what Alucard has planned, too, he's been making me wait and I'm sorely impatient! I want to know.

Then when I get back, I'm looking forward to catching up with an old friend and getting ready for the start of Christmas events. Although, I'm not sure if we're doing Thanksgiving or not, I suppose we should. At least it'll give me a good excuse to make a turkey.




Last Year's rig. We'll need another chair this year for my new sister-in-law. Though, I've been trying to convince my brothers to let me make some improvements.




We've got a wide variety of Thanksgiving and Fall themed cookies at Baxter Bakery. Order a Sparkling latte and a cookie for a discount on both!

[Cut to save f-lists, Public Viewing!] )




I'd already taken today and this weekend (and next weekend for dragonslaying) off before things got seriously real, but now it's time to unwind and slay orcs.

cut for image )