
August 13th, 2014




I woke up this morning to find my medical kit on the bedside table. From the Dreams. Tools and technology from a far distant future. I thought everything had gone with the Enterprise when Jim and Hermione left. But here they are.




So apparently I can sing in the dreams. Maybe I will pick up that talent here.
That’s much better than becoming a vampire.

[Filter; friends]

I had way too many dreams last night. But the good news is, I adjusted to the whole being a vampire thing. I’m pretty bad ass which is cool I guess. Well Buffy may not consider that good news, but hey at least I have things under control now.

But of course there is way more bad news. I had to spy on my best friend. My mom hates me well until I compelled her to forget the fact that I am a vampire, but all that arguing reminded me of middle school and just no. I also got caught up in a love triangle, thankfully I didn’t pick the asshole, but the nice guy freaked when he found out I’m a vampire. So I guess that is over.

Lots of other stuff happened too. Way too much to go into. I’m sure a lot of your already dreamed it already. Ugh I have no clue how I am going to handle all a marathon night of dreams when classes start back up again. At least I don’t have to work today.




Dear Occupants of House Lina y Rogue (really we need a name for this, home for wayward strays? idk)

There is breakfast on the oven. Lunch in the fridge and dinner in the crockpot. I made sure to make enough for... well everyone and then some for safety's sake. Enjoy!

And now I'm crawling back into bed. If anyone of our friends wants to stop by the house to eat, I'm sure there's plenty. I cook for an army these days.




I need answers. I'm tired of having none. I'm tired of not knowing why my parents left me, or what this briefcase means. Calculator, glasses, tap card, phone, pen, three pencils. I'm tired of everything I end up doing resulting in questions instead of any kind of answer. I just want to know why I wasn't worth staying for or keeping and keep coming up with nothing.




I swear to God growing a life drains your batteries like Woah. And I can't have caffeine!?!?!?! I'm DYING here guys. Nothing is getting done.

When I'm not eating like a pig and trying to get that little bit of exercise the doctor says is good for me it's like... surprise! Nap time!

I need a pick-me-up that isn't sugar. Hey pregnant ladies club, any of you have any advice on this one?




New town, new adventure. Hey. I'm Ruby and I'm new to the area. Which was already stated when saying new town. Anyway... What's there to do here for someone wanting to get a feel of the place?




I might have gone back to work a bit prematurely. I came home and insantly fell asleep on the sofa. And Dreamed. I hadn't had a Dream in a long time. It's all things I've Dreamed before, but... man. I really don't like re-living my father's funeral. Especially since he's still alive and well in New York. As far as I know, anyway.

He's tired of me calling him after nightmares, so I've stopped. Ugh.




So... okay. People have weird, physical things from the dreams, right? Not just things that show up, but... deformities? No, that's wrong. physical changes to a person's body? Because I woke up with wings. And Pixie Dust.

I had a really long dream last night. One of my former fairy friends showed me that she knew how to manipulate pixie dust, but she got yelled at by Fairy Gary (who was a bit of a dick, btw.) and then she went off. Like, a year later she showed up again, stole dust, changed my talent and did all kinds of weird stuff. Then there was a pirate ship and... Captain Hook. He was the Fairy, Zarina's, first mate. But it turns out he was using her, so I had to save her and then we stole back the dust, and convinced her to come home with us.

Long dream. And I woke up with ... I woke up with wings.




So this whole "cutting down on drinking" made me realize 80% of what I do is go to bars, and, well...drink. I may or may not have a problem.

I need a hobby. Or something else to do besides color coordinate my closet, make sure my socks are all paired up and iron the damn curtains. Big sis would be so proud for once.

And what's the deal with scantily clad women with horrible laughs in my dreams? Seriously? That castle was hideous, and I did that kingdom a favor by blowing it up. I'm just saying.




So, my mom knows that I've been working towards getting over my fear of water for awhile now and she knows that I've been working as a lifeguard, but of course she doesn't know I can breath underwater or to what extent I'm over my fear exactly, so I decided to get one of those waterproof phone cases and before I left the pool today, I took a quick video of myself underwater and sent it to her. She called me a little while ago and told me how proud of me she was that I'd come so far after almost drowning a few years ago.

I also had a few new dreams. First, I had a dream that Grover was being chased by a Cyclops and they ran into a wedding shop and then it blew up. That same day, at my new school, I was in gym class, playing dodge ball against some seventh graders and they turned out to be Laistrygonian Giants and tried to kill me and my friend Tyson with flaming dodgeballs, but Tyson tried to protect me then Annabeth showed up and helped us kill them. She summoned the Gray Sisters Taxi to take us back to Camp after that. I can only imagine what's gonna happen once we get back to camp.