
August 12th, 2014




Wow. Dreams, man. Gotta love 'em.

[Private: Pepper]
You and me, kissing on a rooftop? Possibly the sexiest thing ever. Possibly.

[Private: Steve Rogers, Nick Fury]
It's not all that often that I want to be involved in something, and am turned down. I gotta admit, you stick to your guns, Fury.

That being said, thanks for keeping me in the loop in this world. Anything I can do to help? Suit's had a tune-up and I'm itching for a test run.




I cannot believe it's been a year already. I can't believe I've managed to go on for a year without my sister. I still go to call her sometimes. Being with her amazing kids helps. Miranda and Grayson would be very proud of them.

I'm glad we did something altogether yesterday.

I feel like I need a coffee IV drip today. Feels more like a Monday than a Tuesday. Maybe it's because I am back to work today.




The Perseids meteor shower will be peaking tonight. I will be watching. Up on the highest hill I can find, wrapped in a blanet, probably from 10 to 2am.

Apologies if I'm a bit of a zombie tomorrow.




Perhaps these past couple of weeks were a good time for work to get incredibly busy - well busier than normal. I seem ot have come back to the end (hopefully) of the comms miscommunicating.

Elizabeh & Sam
Apologies for disappearing on the two of you like that.




I just want it to be over.




My dreams have seen fit to rip my heart out. I'm in need of drink. I'm in no mood for laughter.


Did you know? What happened to mother? And you?




[Mentions of Robin Williams] )