
July 16th, 2014




It's only Tuesday and I'm already in desperate need of the weekend. And a night out.




So, I think it's getting close to that time where I'll be joining the others from my dreams who have turned into vampires and I got to thinking, if I can compel people now, maybe I could go to a blood bank or the hospital and see if I can't compel someone down there to give me a couple bags of blood. Dream me has no problem with the human stuff, unlike Stefan who drinks the animal stuff, but I don't seem to bite people that often and I don't really want to get into a habit of doing that in real life once it happens.

What's really gonna suck is that unlike others in my dreams, Stefan and Damon in particular, I don't have a nifty daylight ring, so when I turn I'm gonna be shit out of luck as far as going out during the day, which is going to be a real problem since Disneyland is open during daylight hours the majority of the day.




I don't believe in past lives.

But that is the closest description I can find for what I dreamed. And I'm not generally a dreamer. Certainly not anything so vivid or real feeling as this.

Very strange indeed.




I'm at least reasonably certain I gave my roommate his own room when he moved in. But that seems to have gone by the wayside.


This summer seems to be going on forever.

[Filter to Buffy]
So Buffy, dreams don't excuse you from tutoring.




A family member suggested I check out this network when I got in. She had that twinkle in her eye she gets when she thinks she's being clever, so I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into. Name's Shepard.




Anyone want a house? Otherwise I'm gonna pay someone to blow it up I'm looking at you Lina Inverse demolish it. Don't have need of the space anymore.




So I'm kind of psyched to be living in such a big city now. I've been looking up places that do sports for people with disabilities. I'm tempted to go get one of those awesome blades so I can do more running than I do right now. I also found a place that does swimming lessons, which I should probably do since I haven't even tried since the accident.

And my college totally has a whole thing for adaptive programs. Man do I love this place.

Start placing bets on me to be some awesome paraolympian.


We have like three bags of penis pasta left over from Italy we didn't give to people. Who wants to come over for a dinner party? The classiest dinner party ever. Penis pasta and alfredo sauce.


Wish I had a more interesting or upbeat reason for my first post, but...

Anyone know of any good therapists for vets? I just moved from Brooklyn a few weeks ago and I haven't had the opportunity to look anybody up yet. Preferably someone with experience with guys coming back with traumatic injuries.

Guess I should introduce myself too, huh? Name's Bucky Barnes. Nice to meet you, ValarNet.



[Filtered Away from Brian Kinney]

It's always so weird when I get bombarded by dreams in one night as opposed to a few over the course of a few nights. Shit is starting to get real in them and some stuff is a little unnerving.

Viewable to all - Cut for mentions of murder and slight kink ) Then my father stopped paying for school for me cause he still didn't approve of me being gay. Brian offered to pay, but I already owed him my life, so I didn't want to owe him anything else. So I ended up getting a job as a go-go dancer at Babylon. I wasn't happy with the tips and the owner told me I could move up if I performed certain favors for him and I did cause I was too proud to take help from anyone else and wanted to earn the money on my own.

It always boggles my mind a little how crazy my life is in the dreams, compared to real life. Considering there are no vampires or superheroes or anything like that in my dreams, they fairly normal, but just so fucking dramatic. I can't even imagine what it would have really been like if my life had been even close to that when I was actually eighteen.

In real world news, Billy has officially moved in with me and I might be featured in another art show. I have to meet with the person running it this weekend.