
July 2nd, 2014




Ah have ta say ah enjoy being able to pop down to the ocean if ah get overheated. It's nice ta have that luxury. Ah'm starting to miss working out daily though, ain't fun by myself, and most of the people ah trained with at the gym are either gone or too scared of me now.




UGH more dreams. I won some Miss Mystic Fall pageant which was nice. But the dreams ended with me getting in a car accident and passing out. Not so good. No clue whether my dream self is okay or not.

Oh yeah and I woke up with the sash from the pageant next to my pillow. And my head is killing me. This is getting too strange.

On the bright side I got a job at the Pie Hole with my friend Allison. Time to start making money. :D




The absolutely great thing about spending a few weeks or so in a coma is that you don't have much else to do BUT dream about the crazy dream land.

It's all a mish-mash but I'm pretty sure I'm all caught up now, if my skin is any indication. Time to invest in SPF 5000 Sunscreen I guess. Yaaaaaaay.

Of course while I was in there, my entire community ripped itself apart. Christ, people, can't I even close my eyes for two weeks without everything going to hell in a handbasket?




( Private to Friends )

John and I are over.

I need a place to live. Great.




Link and I have decided to extend our honeymoon in Scotland. <3 Not sure when we'll be home. Maybe a couple months?

I love you guys! Take care int he mean time!




Nothing like a change in scenery to reinvigorate a person. I'm looking forward to some extended time on the west coast; it'll beat the weather in Chicago, anyway.

Oh. I'm Alana. I'll be taking over a practice for a friend for the foreseeable future, she mentioned maybe joining a network might be a good way to jump right into things.




This will be my first Fourth of July celebration. It seems I moved just at the right time. I will gladly take any and all tips about where to go and what to see.


[pretend this was posted in the afternoon because timezones]

We've been married a week! :D We've just been kinda roadtripping around (thank you, GPS) and finding all sorts of things and meeting very interesting people. And now we're in another gorgeous city.

[photo] )

Okay, and gondola rides are pretty romantic, I must say. Even with people yelling and there being all the sounds of the city.

We also visited a market and look what we found! I want to buy a bag for everyone. This is also kinda not worksafe.

[photo] )




I was just talking to my mom and they're expecting a storm Friday, so the fireworks that are at the Esplanade in Boston have been moved to tomorrow night. I can't remember a year that it ever rained on the Fourth of July. Pretty sure this is the first time they've had to change the date of the Boston Pops Fireworks.