
March 22nd, 2014




I think I may have joined the dreamer club. They're not...pleasant.




I have been forced to tender my resignation from roller derby stemming from developing physical complications thanks largely in part to those damnable dreams and temporary suspended from acting position at the medical examiner's office until matters are resolved.

With so much free time on my hands, for the time first time in nearly a decade, I find myself at a loss.




Well last night was a disaster.
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I am never going on a date again.




I'm in need of entertainment. Any volunteers?




So that's a hangover.





Okay seriously someone needs to smack Hank. Who's bright idea is to snatch the Xavier's first class from the past and bring them to the present. Like that'll somehow make Scott not crazy.


YOU GUYS. Yunie and I got a puppy - she's a corgi mix, and her name is Mako, and she's the cutest animal ever.

No, seriously. Cut for image, viewable to all. )

Yeah. My dog smiles, how do you not want to smooch her muzzle? That's all I've been doing, potty training, muzzle kissing, and belly rubs. Life is AWESOME.