
February 16th, 2014



Woah, woah, woah. I'm the hero in my dreams. Why the hell would anyone follow me? I'm ... boring.




How does one even become a professional curler? That is a crazy sport.

I still don't get the whole brushing thing, but it's a lot like shuffleboard, I think. Speaking of, why don't they have competitive shuffleboard. Can you just see a group of old people getting into that. It would be really cutthroat.





I have to say, I'm delighted to finally be spending an extended amount of time in California. It's a beautiful state, and, if I'm going to be honest, the women and the men are just as nice to look at as the scenery.

My name is Aramis, and, as it's been mentioned I'm going to be here some time, I felt it would be best to really get to know the community. This network seems the place to do that, so here I am, and I hope I'll be welcomed with open arms. In most cases, I will not object to actually being welcomed that way, should it come to pass we meet in person.

(It also happens to be my birthday today, if that makes anyone feel more inclined to open their arms to me.)




I will admit, Valentine's day is not a holiday I've ever celebrated. That's alright. I had a wonderful couple that I taught a tea ceremony to for their Valentine's gift to each other. It was rather sweet. I made sure to include some sweet treats.




It's officially open! Four Star Karate Dojo has been opened just off Huntington Beach.

Belt tests and initial classes are being held this upcoming week; no appointments necessary. Any age is welcome, though I do ask 12 and under that if your parents can come with you that would be fantastic.

Classes start at $10 a class. That's a good price, right? Or a good meal, because I really can't cook!




How do you manage to get sick in Orange County? It's practically summer here compared to other climates. But I've had a non-stop headache all freakin' day. Nothing I take is touching it.

Fuck my life. This better go away, do you know how hard it is to do your physics homework when your brain is throbbing?

And no, before anyone says it, I didn't drink anything last night. It's not a hangover.




OKay, medical professionals and home medicine practitioners.

Assuming I don't want to use a metric buttload of cover-up, is there something you can do to get bruises to fade away? Because I am sick to death of looking at them.


So meditation when you're agitated is pretty near impossible. Maybe I'm not helping by obsessing but I can't seem to make myself quit no matter what I do. Every attempted distraction just comes back around to seeing her in his arms, seeing him worry over her when she had been poisoned, and my rage at the lot of them and their Confederacy. These dreams are going to drive me crazy, I swear and there's very little I can do about it. All I can think to do is let it out before I make myself worse, so here it is:

If Rush Clovis, or any member of the Trade Federation or Separatist, or really anyone else, puts a hand on my wife again I will gut them.

Not sure if that will help, but I do feel a little better.




A word of advice - if your boss at the job you're leaving asks you to stay until your replacement can start just say NO.

Otherwise you might end up in the hospital stuck eating this food which tastes like crap nothing I actually want to eat. Which brings me to my point - I will give 50 bucks to the first person who brings me a bacon cheeseburger meal. I'm in [hospital room number]

And even with getting shot in the leg - not the worst Valentines Day I've ever had.


I am now 30 weeks pregnant. Seven and a half months. I'm starting to get that sticky-outy belly button thing.

By the way. If anyone ever says any one of these to me, I will cut your throat with the heel on my Louboutins.