
February 7th, 2014




Mmm there's nothing that I love more than this feeling of motivation. I actually cleaned. I know. I know. Heart attack central. I think it's time I had a spa day though.

Shinigami Folks
Don't jinx it by reminding me I'm a lazy bitch back in Dreams.
Just don't. I'm enjoying this feeling of getting stuff done.

I don't know what's gotten a hold of me.




Okay so I am officially going to be Audrey's apprentice at Baxter bakery! :)

I am very happy she agreed to take me on and don't worry everybody I'll work hard to be as good as she is!




Well, this country is very dirty! I made a stop at Chicago, Pittsburgh, and finally LA and every airport I arrived at was filthy! With so many persons moving back and forth between states and cities, I would think there would be better hygiene for their guests.

Apparently I'm wrong in that fact as my new flat is not quite up to my standards. There was dust on the mantel and it had this particular smell of...well, age. But not to worry! Once I set to cleaning, I'm sure it will be practically perfect.

So! I must make my apologies for not introducing myself straightaway! My name is Mary Poppins and I have just come to this god forsaken wonderful place from London England.




I cannot believe how drunk I got the other night. I was in a really dark place. Thanks for coming and taking care of me, Zels. Hope your body guard and Link didn't freak out.




I went out. Which, for those who know me, is a rarity. I had fun. It was interesting. I think I'll do it again sometime.

You turned me into a normal person. Thanks. Getting hard to remember that sometimes.