
January 14th, 2014




[Tatia Petrova]

You've been quiet lately, babe. Everything okay?

[Siblings and friends]

What do you think of a BBQ for Martin Luther King day? It wold be a nice fun relaxing day for all of us to get together.





Nessie took her first real steps today all on her own. Even after she fell back down she just looked at us and laughed as if she was incredibly pleased with herself. I am such a proud papa.




Oh. oh now ah get why people keep mentioning a certain someone around me. Well ain't that a kicker. It's sad it made me want comfort food almost immediately. Maybe ah'll start up a big ole pot o'gumbo.. Something from home. Maybe some dirty rice, too.

Raven, ah'm totally takin' o'er the kitchen. Ah need comfort food. And time ta think, oui. And maybe a night out to punch people in the face for fun. Gotta digest this new dream.




It's happened! The big day! The dreams! They came!

I am now officially apart of the club!

It was so particular. There was a man...big nose, big ears, but funny. Determined. Random. He had this police call box he traveled around in, I think it's called the TARDIS? And there were these mannequins that were attacking people, but they were really aliens and we had to stop them.

Dear lord, I sound mental don't I? Everyone else has had strange dreams before, it shouldn't be so hard to believe. But it is. Still trying to take it all in. Thank goodness I have today off. I think today is the kind of day to stay in bed, ponder, and have a nice cup of tea.




I feel like this Arishok person is going to become a fairly large pain in my rear, and soon. We respect each other well enough right now - I'm sure Fenris has helped me in this regard - but respect really only stretches so far between enemies.




I haven't had any new dreams in a month or more now. I thought they were done with me after my eyes finished changing, but this morning I woke up with a tattoo on my forearm. It still stings as if it were fresh.

It's a pretty design. Somewhat tribal, a kind of set of swirling lines that wraps almost all the way around. Siam, in the dreams, wore his with pride, and I still remember the reasons why I decided to match. I remember watching my 'sister' shoot her own arm off to be free of it.

In the dreams, I hid the mark, but I think I'll wear it proudly, here. It was a testament to my family, and I'm the only one left.




Having taken damage to one eye, I've discovered I look appealing with a white leather eyepatch. At least until the damage can be repaired.

Perhaps I should study peoples' reactions to this. It'll give me something to do until the lab (and my partner) is restored to working order.


So I might have picked the absolute worst time to give my wife my lightsaber as a show of love for her and dedication to our relationship (no Atton, I literally gave her my lightsaber, you're going to be a father, you shouldn't have such a dirty mind), but I still managed to save all but one of the Senators. Though really, you have a harder time getting into Dex's when he's got a special on Jawa Juice than this bounty hunter had getting into the Galactic Senate building and taking it over. I really hope Washington has better security because I am not in the mood to fly up there and save them if they get taken hostage.

Also, I hate Cad Bane.




Being in love suits me. I like it.




There are those days when my head will not stop pounding once the bell rings.

I was out walking the halls, and stepped back into my room to find two students in it and his hand was up her skirt. Okay, I get it, but NOT in my room. I also have to laugh a little just because I did something like that six years ago when I was in school.

I need a drink.




I have a modeling shoot coming up - not me in the pictures, but my hair creations will be. I mean, no one needs to look at my face in a magazine, but I do great hair.

So far, I say it has been a great new year.

Hi. I'm coming with take out later. Let me know what you want.



[Filtered Away from Annie Sawyer & Nina Pickering]

Should have known that was going to happen. That policewoman wouldn't leave well enough alone. Then when the police did show up, Annie convinced me to let them arrest me even though I knew that being arrested would lead to them taking my picture and nothing would show up. I did it because I loved her. But being arrested meant leaving Herrick in the attic alone. I don't know where George and Nina were. Annie stayed with me in my cell until Herrick of all people came to get me out. Somehow his memory was triggered. After he got me out, he was going to tell me how he'd come back to life, but then he knocked me out. Things can only get worse from here.

After this, I know now that I have to tell Annie about the Boxcar 20 before she dreams about this herself. She needs to know