
December 20th, 2013



Postponing Everything

Unfortunately, I will not be able to do any construction work today...and possibly for a few days longer. Weeks? I hope not very long at all, but there's no predicting how long my current circumstances will last. There too much of I risk I will injure myself in this state.

I regret wishing for a little more wisdom.




I would highly encourage everyone to go check out the Google Doodle today.

Ten minutes well spent.




Of course it snows just in time for Da to get here. Which means he feels more at home, but the poor man certainly did not pack for it.

At least all my jumpers are oversized, and the snow is preventing him from wearing hideously patterned shorts.




Merry Christmas to me, I get dreams about my family dying in a horrible fire and my uncle tearing apart my sister.

Also two teenage assholes trespassing on my property. Three guesses as to who that was, and the first two don't count.




Things have been a bit odd lately, what with mine and Derek's new dreams, and I've been feeling a little tense. But Christmas is a time for cheer, so that clearly means it's time to post more embarrassing pictures of my nephew.

Because what else are uncles for?




I had the most exciting dreams! In them, my friends and I (Loki and Thor included, of course), traveled to a planet made of ice and snow!

There, we did battle with frost giants, and we all fought most heroically. It was like something out of a movie!

Until I got impaled by an icicle, but my face remained in tact, so I was apparently not too bothered.

I woke up before the fight was over, so here's hoping we all survived it.




I know this is the millionth post about the snow, but snow.

It's like all my Christmas wishes have come true! Well, except the one about the Easy Bake Oven, but I'm over that.

Definitely made a snow man. Which got knocked down by some neighbourhood kids. Oh well. Tis the season, I guess.




Anyone made any cool snow sculptures yet? I've been thinking about it, except I realized in order to make one I had to go outside? Seems like a rough trade off.

So. You know. If you made one, pics or it didn't happen.

Still married, holy crappppp.



[Locked from Non-Puncturable Marvel Muses]

Cut for image. Safe for all. )

Is it too late to put this on my Christmas wishlist?