
December 17th, 2013




I guess it's only appropriate that I start having my own dreams right around the full moon, given what these dreams are about.

Namely that I'm from a family of (mostly) werewolves. And apparently, someone was none too happy with us, and decided that burning down our house and killing nearly our entire family was the way to deal with it.

Derek, his sister Laura, and I were the only ones left, and I was stuck in the hospital in a coma for years afterwards. There were vague patches of consciousness towards the end where Derek visited me (thank you for that).

And then some sort of nightmarish blur where I went after Laura. My own niece, for god's sake. I don't know what would have compelled me to do something like that.

I don't want to be this monster that people have been dreaming about.




Christmas break, no worrying about school until the new year.

Now we just need some snow to make it perfect.




I'm excited to be going somewhere chilly for Christmas. I haven't spent Christmas in such a warm climate in a very long time, I think it would feel strange to have a Christmas without snow.

What about you Californians, how do you get into the spirit when it's seventy degrees out?


I'm debating, dear listeners.

I do like to decorate for Christmas, but now there's Hector to consider, and I'm not sure how well cats and decorations mix.

Would those who own cats please chime in with some helpful hints?




Cut for Image, but public viewing to all! )


Holy crap, Christmas is next week! Wasn't it just Halloween? Ohmygod. Yay for winter break though! I got most of my shopping done thank you Derek and only have one or two things to get for a few friends.

So what's everyone else doing for Christmas? Staying in? Going out? Travelling?


Does it still count as phantom pain when you feel your arm getting lopped off in a dream when you lost the same arm here? I woke up with it stinging and burning and all you can really do for that is take a pain killer and hope it acts like some kind of placebo. At least I'm not feeling any after effects from the force lighting, not even static electricity.

Also, note to self and really any one else who finds themselves fighting along side Obi-wan Kenobi against a Sith Lord: When he says 'No, Anakin (or whatever your name is), don't!' listen to him. You might actually get to keep all your limbs and not have your ass handed to you by an old man.

So. Geonosis. I think that could have probably gone better. What happened to Dooku? I thought he retired when he left the Order, how and when did he become a Sith?

You love me.




Has anyone ever...had one of those dreams, at the same time that someone else was dreaming of the same event?

I don't think I've ever stayed in bed that late but I couldn't let go of her




So what do you do when the dreams come at you and try to kick your ass?

You decorate your living space like a boss, that's what. I'm officially the KING of Christmas decorations, you guys. Bow before my awesomeness!

[ several pictures of Croft Manor decorated in evergreen garlands, lights, and crystal snowflakes, plus a few shots of the outside lined with icicle lights ]

I didn't even almost fall off the roof trying to get those icicle lights up. Lara, I'm okay.


I love my work, but I wish I had more time to participate in the traditions I loved as a kid and a young adult. I haven't decorated my tree, or put up Christmas lights, and worst of all, I haven't put a silly paper hat on my bird and posted it to the Internet.

Not that I'll get to any of that until this weekend. At least I have Christmas Eve and day off.




I'm finally in the Christmas spirit! I made my annual meat nativity! (It's just not Christmas without the meat nativity.) Don't worry, Hamlet didn't see it!