
December 16th, 2013




So, I heard this was the place to connect with the community or something. I'm new to the area, so I figured I should find out what's what around the area. I'm from California, but I'll admit I've never been out to the OC before. My name is Alistair and I've just moved out here and need recommendations on what to do around here.




Christmas is in a week and I have no idea what I'm doing. I've done a little Christmas shopping; for Myrcella, Stiles and Katherine, but I haven't really been looking forward to Christmas this year like the other years. Like, right now my mom would have been making Christmas cookies and my dad would have strung lights outside the house, but this year the house has just been quiet and we don't even have a tree.




Holy stars, I'm going to be married in five days! Which means, yes, Evergrace will be closed until after New Years, while Harry and I are honeymooning and/or saving Christmas from Unseelie Grinches. Knowing how the universe and Orange County tend to work, it may well be the latter, and I don't even care. I'm so ready.




I swear to God, my mom is like a teenager right now. People probably see us in the mall and think we're sisters. It's crazy.




texts to Tessa )

Texts to Ianto )




Christmas is almost here. Ah've picked up gifts for almost all my friends. Ah have ta say, some of you were easier than others. Ah really do like Christmas, even if mah family doesn't want to see me. Ah do have ta admit it's a bit sad, ah do miss my family. Ah well new family here, right?

Also dreams? The last couple are freakin' weird, why do ah 'ave a feud with someone named Dazzler, anyways? That sounds ridiculous. Ah don't think ah'll ever understand these.




My shoulders are more sore than I ever remember them being before. I thought the active life I had would better prepare me for the sort of training I am now receiving, but I was desperately mistaken.

I suppose the best part about training this hard around the holidays is that you can eat whatever you want. I might have splurged and bought an entire box of strudel from the local bakery. Maybe I even ate the entire thing while sitting on the couch in front of the television.

... So I suppose what I'm saying is I'm going to be using this network as some form of food confessional. Hello, I'm Tauriel. Forgive me, Valarnet, for I have eaten. It has been thirty days since my last food confession.


There’s a term that gets bandied about a lot in my line of work. The phrase “corporate restructuring” falls out of upper management’s mouth and there’s quite a bit of fuss about it.

I can neither confirm nor deny that Pendragon Industries will be undergoing any kind of corporate restructuring.

I can, however, say that I’m going to be holding open interviews over the next three days for a new personal assistant. Please show up at [address] between 1 pm and 7 pm and present your CV to the receptionist. You will be interviewing with me, and I will get to you as soon as time allows.

Should you require accommodations, please call [phone number] ahead of time and we will gladly make them.

Ability to actually make a cup of tea properly, or willingness to learn how a plus.




Alright, so I am officially on Winter Break since finals are over. Thank fuck God for small favors on that one. I almost strangled one of my roomies who decided to voice recorded her notes and listened to them on an endless loop in attempt at studying. SO, because of that I need something fun to do this week and it hit me.


It was mentioned to me and I have to admit that I've never been to Disney before, so I want a group of people to come with me. I need guides so I don't die or get lost on some random ride. I was thinking of going on Thursday in hope that I may avoid a bit of a crowd (I know I'm not going to completely avoid a crowd).

Anyone up for joining me?

Let me know when you want a campus tour this week. I'll be around!




Today has been thoroughly exhausting. Waking up with a nose bleed, an enormous headache, and brief hallucinations was not on our schedule. Nor was spending almost all day in the emergency room for said symptoms.

I can still hear the baby screaming and sometimes I hallucinate that I'm still holding her and listening to her father demand her back.

If my sister misbehaves in the next couple days I'm afraid you're all on your own.




Can you guys all do me a favor? If you see a rope puzzle or a toy carousel missing horses just ... laying around, could you not pick them up and call me instead?

Here's my work cell: [number]. I'm a cop, so don't hesitate, day or night.

Those things are from my dreams, they're dangerous, and god only knows if they'll show up.



