
November 27th, 2013



I've never been a person to make a big deal about Thanksgiving due to not being around my family for the holidays quite often once I left after high school. But, I do admit I love the food that is involved with this dinner. Typically our band would just stop off at some random restaurant that was open on our way to the next tour stop (if we were touring then) and hope they had turkey or something. I will admit that Chinese food on Thanksgiving is still one of my favorite things to do because of that. But I think I may make a quick trip back home to see my family and then perhaps go out again for Christmas.

But, I've been mostly focused on exams and trying to figure out the perfect Christmas gifts. I've also been addicted to BuzzFeed, as per usual, and today they posted this LIST of science gifts and I really want some of the stuff on there. I guess I should look on Etsy and maybe ThinkGeek - my family might appreciate some nerdy gifts for Christmas.



Locked from people under 18

The oddest part about having your own place is that when you go on cooking sprees, you actually have to invite people over or take the food places to share it. Yep yep.

That and the quiet. Its very odd.

(ooc: Contains sexual references and inferences in the comments, as well as a discussion of nursing, and such.)




If one, theoretically, were to create a micro-black hole in controlled lab conditions, what do you, the moronslay masses think would happen?
