
July 5th, 2013




The fireworks are so much more colorful when you're drunk.




OH MY GOD! I love things like this!!





If this keeps up? Never, ever leaving the house again.

I knew the OC was crazy, but this is really, really starting to push it.




Hi! My name is Hyun-ae, and I just got pointed to this network, and I wanted to say hi. So hi!




Alright, I'm all set for this to be done with. It was fun for a couple days, but I miss my bed and the line for the shower is insanely long. There are a couple downsides to sitting around to wait something like this out. Mainly that you're sitting around and waiting.

At least I thought to bring a pack of cards. Mr. Frost's security team is damn good at poker.




My back and shoulders and chest are so sunburnt, it's not even funny. In all the excitement of yesterday at Stefan and Rebekah's BBQ, I forgot to put on sunscreen. I am so red. I don't think I've ever been this burnt. I need to go get some Aloe. Or ask Huck to get some for me. I'm just glad I'm not working today. Sunburnt Aurora or Rapunzel are not what the kids want to see. I think I'm gonna go take a cold shower now. If I don't spontaneously combust first.




I have sunburn. I put on sunblock and it didn't work.

I swear I'm going to invent decent sunblock. Also? I'm going to figure out how to make new fireworks that aren't exactly like the fireworks I've been seeing for the past twenty some years. I mean how has no one made fireworks in the shape of the Bat signal? That makes no sense.


Hey there Valarians, how goes it? It has been a busy busy week for me, that's for sure. Pride was AWESOME! So thanks, Justin, for letting me tag along. Got tons of pictures and made a bunch of new friends, so I'm totally going back next year. Mom loved the pictures and Dad thought it was pretty cool too, but I think he still has some reservations about me having gone. I also may have sort of kind of came out a little to them? Not really sure how Dad feels about that yet, but Mom is all 'as long as you're happy', so there's that.

The 4th was pretty fun, too. Shot off a bunch of fireworks in the driveway, though we couldn't grill out the way we normally do, cause of Dad's health. Mom made some gluten free brownies or something that tasted pretty good, so he was pretty happy with that. The holiday wasn't all lost! Some dude down the street almost blew up his car, though, it was pretty entertaining.

So how was everyone else this week?




I hope everybody had a wonderful July 4th - I've sent my husband into the hospital today with leftovers and a few pies I made.

It's very busy there with all of these terrible attacks and I thought the staff and patients could use a little energy boost.

Also once all this business is sorted - which I hope will be soon - I am offering art classes over the Summer to those who wish to take them. They don't have to be anything too heavy just for fun if you like. I can tailor to suit. Let me know if you would be interested and I will see about booking a room once a week or something.




My parents are really worried about me still going to work, but I have to explain to them that death isn't taking a holiday just because there's monsters about. I have to help.

Doesn't mean I'm not carrying a baseball bat with me everywhere, but still.




It's so weird thinking I'll never go back to high school, that it's all over. I've got my college orientation next month, but other than that, summer's so empty. I need more hobbies than just sitting around the house, reading and practicing my French.




Hi everyone, my name is Annabeth. I'm new to this forum. I'm not really used to doing things like this, but I'm staying with my grandparents until I start USC in the fall. I'm studying architecture and I can't wait to get started there. I know, I'm one of those weirdos that misses school during the summer.

Are there any cool places to go hiking or just be active? I enjoy kickboxing and fencing as well.


I need a harpoon. Now.



Filtered away from Violet Harmon

Hi there Valar Net!

I'm looking for a band who plays covers, particularly of acts like Morrissey, The Cure and Bauhaus free to play on the 17th July. Any volunteers or recommendations?

Thanks everyone!



[Locked from Courf]

Hello Valarnet.

Last night I learned something about a friend that I didn't know before. Namely that his home situation is...a lot worse than he let on. When you make a noise to shock your friend out of a fugue state, he shouldn't snap back to reality, glance at you with his eyes darting everywhere and apologizing for "whatever I did this time, Dad, I won't do it again, I'm sorry, seriously" while he cowers in front of you, when he's already in the damn hospital for stitches.

I...don't know what to do about that. We've all been keeping an eye on him today, alternating with his boyfriend but...I'm scared for him, pissed at his parents, AND scared for Gavroche, who's in in a coma. There are some days that life just doesn't pay, I fucking swear.


Please bear with the extra security measures in effect at Irvine Hospital during this difficult time.

The safety of the staff and patients are paramount, therefore you may find visits take a little longer than normal.

If you work at the hospital and require an escort to or from your home please make yourself known to the emergency protocol administrator working out of the boardroom.

I am working with other hospitals to implement this county wide.




The BBQ that Bekahboo and Stefan held was sweet. It was nice seeing my brothers, especially my big brother Finn. Natalia seemed to enjoy the sparklers and looked cute in the outfit Bekah picked out for her. I could do without the sunburn.


Hello. I'm new to this network, but not new to Orange County. My name is Miles Edgeworth; I'm the chef/owner of Arirang, down in Laguna Beach. Arirang is the name of a Korean song that's basically the unofficial national anthem, so it seemed a good thing to name my Korean restaurant.

I tend to spend all my time there, but occasionally you can find me in bookstores. I am gay, and I do charity work for LGBT organizations around Orange County, so if anyone has any kind of objection to that, please don't bother coming to the restaurant, as it is a private business and I do have the legal right to refuse you service.

That said, I look forward to seeing some of you at the restaurant, and I appreciate the invite to this network.