
April 11th, 2013








I think I'll spend today screwing Liara drinking and not wearing any pants. Because it's my birthday and I'll do what I want.




I just dreamt about the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. The weird part was that I was seventeen. I don't really get that, but it was a really good dream anyway. Why does the alarm always have to interrupt the really good dreams?




I found this rather amusing... )




Just realized my birthday's in a week. Good thing I've never been much into large parties, otherwise I'd be terrible for last minute planning.

I guess I've been so focused with the weirdness and the dreaming. Maybe I'll head round to a pub. You're all more than welcome to join.




Aside from a select few, I'm really rather frustrated with my students. Half of them can't read music, and those who can can only barely do so. And I'm so terribly picky that I want them to, oh I don't know, hit the right notes 100% of the time. I know, I know, this is asking a lot, but I'm really very particular about music.

And poor young Mister Frobisher, I do feel bad for him. Not only are the bright young things I teach assaulting his ears with bad music, but he's having to start the song over every thirty seconds.

At least I have my construction work and can take my frustration out with a good old fashioned hammer and nails.

It's not all bad these days, though. I've written a fantastic new song.




I'm very glad that people seem to be keeping their clothing on, these days. And eternally grateful that most of my projects can be completed from home, if need be.

My poor virgin eyes. I'm English, I don't do will with excessive nudity.




I've been having terrible migraines of late. I'm probably just working too hard, but I feel on the edge of discovering something and don't want to stop.

Between work in the clinic and work at home, I can't remember the last time I've had a good night's sleep.

If I start seeing spots, I'll take a break. I swear it.


I think I have my shop exactly the way I want it. I think, at least.

There's one box of books that I keep bringing back and forth from the shop to my personal library and back again. Books that I don't necessarily need and probably could stand to part with, but that I might read again.

This is the peril of owning one's own business, I suppose. Any advice on letting go of possessions would be greatly appreciated.

Arthur Fell-Crowley




I just got back from Taiwan! I went there for an article I'm doing for National Geographic, but that's not the cool part. While I was there I managed to set up a Taiwanese chapter of the Iron Man Fan Club. The love of Iron Man is spreading!




Six months on house arrest completed. I just got back from my hearing and I'm being let out early for good behavior. I've been such a recluse lately I thought the network would be a good place to come back to to get my life back in order. I have to find myself a therapist to see once a week, but other than that I'm a free woman. This means I'll be able to make it to the next Stark-Potts wedding and maybe I can get some semblance of a social life back as well. Today is a good day. You don't know how much you value your freedom until it's taken away from you.




I wish I could explain where I've been the last four months because I actually think this lot would believe me, but I'm bound by law. Let's just say it's been an interesting ride and I'm back in Orange County now for good.

[The Agency]
It will be good to be working with you again. I've just accepted Director Bristow's job offer. She's a relentless one. I couldn't say 'no' to her a fourth time. I'll see you guys at the office on Monday.




No one seems to like game night with the physics students.

I think I've pinpointed the reason why:




Is there anyone on here named George or Nina?

You were in my dream.

Have you dreamed about George and some bloke named Tully?




Hey, ValarNet. Anyone know where a kids' storyteller can find a good crafts shop? The one I was going to shut down and I have no idea where else I could find what I need. I'd prefer to support mom and pop stores if I can, instead of chains.

Also, anyone have any good volunteer opportunities? I still have some free time and I'd love to help out anywhere that needs it!




Now that it's been officially announced, I can finally say that I've joined the cast of the upcoming Red Widow. It was killing me, not being able to talk about it. In case anyone is wondering who the hell I am, I'm Glenn Rhee. I don't expect that everyone has heard of me, but I'm sure there's got to be at least one person out there who knows who I am. Figured that since I'll be in town again, it'd be nice to get to know some regular people.




Well this week has been intense. And I still have a full day of classes tomorrow.

Still then it's the weekend, I'm leading a hike on Saturday. If anybody is free you should come along, we still have a few places left.

Oh I'm Melanie btw




We, my friends, are truly living in a golden age of handy devices. When I was a kid, if you couldn't cook eggs, you were just screwed and had to go to Denny's or IHOP for delicious eggy goodness. BUT NO LONGER. No more do you have to bow down to your chickeny overlords. Now, you can get a device to cook the eggs for you.

And, as an added bonus, they end up looking like egg boners. Because that's kinda awesome.




Dear Valarnet,

Those of you who have expressed concern over my condition in the past week are likely to require updates on the condition of my mind and the state of my lodgings. Combeferre has come to stay with me and by that act alone, things have improved. He did suggest, and I agreed, that removing my barricade was best for the moment, and I have been given space again that I did not think I had.

Instead, we have begun construction on a better place for Danton to spend the days I am at home with him, and have been placing replicas of familiar monuments as a part of his obstacle course that he might chew on or eat or roll in or whatever else it is he'd enjoy doing there. I lose my battles with reality less often now as well, as I prepare to face this world, and the challenges it throws to us. I've let the past four months slow me down and while our society of friends has done the work it always does, there is much more that CAN be done, particularly as we reach toward the summer months.

So...(TLDR stuff but an invite to a meeting) )

In short, I am not fine, but I am getting better and will be entertaining other options for how to murder one of your best friends that preferably aren't suspicious? I'd be grateful.

-A. Enjolras