
February 21st, 2013




Those marks in the sky last night were quite peculiar. One of them happened to be over my apartment building. I'd be very interested to know what or who caused them.





I appear to have lost my mind. Completely this time.




I heal fast according to my doctor. wonders of being a senshi. Cast off both shin and thigh. I just can't put much pressure on it. So using the wheelchair still. But I might finally be able to go out somewhere.

If my lover will be so kind as to help me around.




It's beautiful out.

Where are you, love?





Obviously we all needed to have the water laced with LSD.

Locked to The Agency

I want whoever is causing this trouble found. Hill, start at each of the mark's locations and pull all of the video surveillance on the street. Coulson, I want you to interview the residents of each of the houses and find out who or what is the string holding all of them together. Bond, you're with me. That's it. Let's go before something else blows up in our faces.




Oh thank goodness, I've not gone nutters, we all have!

Welcome to Wonderland, please keep your hands and feet inside the mushroom and watch out for that Infernal Train, it's quite nasty.

It seems we have a bit of a red queen problem, I've noticed.


I would seriously like some assurances that I'm not going insane. Cause I'm fairly sure the UCLA stadium, which I can see from my window, is not actually made of fucking bluegrass and mushrooms.




Holy Shit.

I feel like David After Dentist or something. Is this REAL life? Cause I'm not totally convinced this isn't some kind of mass hallucination. I mean, shit, did we end up all ODing on something last night? I'd be remembering that, right?

And I mean, honestly, what the hell kind of thing causes this? It's like some kind of hookah shop on steroids.

Hookah. Hookah is an excellent idea right now. Anybody else want to join me while I cut my last class and go ahead and find some. Might as well see if it makes this shit better, right?





Yeah, I could get used to it.

So who is being fucked with, why, and who do I pay to start getting footage of the special effects for later usage.

Anybody else getting the urge to go and lick Stark Tower?


Is it too cliche to simply state Curiouser and curiouser?




Everything keeps talking about how things are weird. But I gotta say, I haven't seen anything different.




This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

And that's saying a lot.




I have to wonder if this is what it's like inside the mind of a drug addict.


Okay, so going near the castle is a really not great idea. Nobody do that.


So. Um. I came to the OC to meet with buyers for my shoe line. Not screw around with somebody's Alice in Wonderland crazy-ass hallucination shit. Never had a trip this bad even in my twenties. Explanation? Please?

If you don't know me, by the way, the name's Velma Kelly. Of the San Francisco Kellys.


Oh, now this is interesting.

And I mean actually interesting, not the boring nonsense you all prattle on about, day in, day out. This is really interesting, meaty interesting.

And I shall get to the very center.




the fuck is this fucking shit fucking what

shit is insane outside and i don't know what the fuck's happening and someone better fucking have something to say to me soon or i'm going to fucking have something to say to them




Can someone tell me just what the fuck is going on?

I swear to god, I need to move to some backwoods state, live in a mountain, and escape all of this crazy bullshit that happens around here.


Oh, cool, so now Disney's doing city wide promotions, this is fantastic. Think that tomorrow I'll wake up and see the serengeti?

There better still be coffee shops.

And why the hell isn't this weirder to me?

My dreams are really screwing with me.


I don't find it that bad, actually. This motif isn't without its charms, is it?

You know, I'm starting to believe I died ages back and this is merely a particularly southern Californian version of Hell.




The OC leveled up. Now I just have to find the boss.

Glad I've got an axe.




Well this is different! Kinda fun though, right?




The network was about to announce some really amazing news, but I guess one of the network receivers or something turned into a huge mushroom? They can't get any new programming out at all. Seriously? I have to deal with insane shit all the time in my dreams. Now I have to deal with it in real life too? Will we ever get a fucking break?




There needs to be a quest.




If this is a precursor of things to come I'd just like to put in a formal request for there to be no such shenanigans on April 6th.




What the hell did I just walk into? I leave town for a couple of months and when I get back all hell has broken lose.