
February 18th, 2013



Locked to X-Men

Who the fuck is Bishop?

More damn dreams.


I wanted to call off work today as I think I got about an hour of sleep, but it's not really a good enough reason. Still. I think I got some of those dreams that people are talking about. The hell is in the water around here?

I dreamt that I was the Sif - like, from Norse mythology. Not uncommon, I figure, but it was SO real. So vivid that I looked around my room when I woke up and wondered why it wasn't snowing like in Jotunheim. Thor and Loki were my friends. I dreamed I had blonde hair, and Loki cut it off to make me and Thor fight, and I cried and cried.

Anybody have any leads on what's making these dreams all weird? Or any espresso they can bring me?





Sorry. I guess I should have intro'd myself on here before now. I suck at the net and social networking stuff.

Hi, I'm Renji. Sometimes I type in all caps so people think I'm yelling at them. Right now I'd like to know......who the HELL got this idea and WHY would you want your kid listening to the lullaby version of Nine Inch Nails - "Closer"?! Or THIS - the "naughty horse discovers drugs are bad" kid's book? What is this I don't even

These are the things I find when it's slow during my shift.




Did anyone else notice that glowing green skull in the sky last week, or was I tripping balls?


Everything is so somber around here. It feels like the whole hospital has gone quiet. I can understand why, but it's very different.

I always wish I could do more in situations, but I'm not very good at helping. Today is a good day to cuddle my cat when I get home. I was wondering though, if anyone knew any places to buy baby clothes? My sister is expecting again.




I know there are a lot of doctors on here, so I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out. I'm curious about DNA tests. Can they tell any relation or are there limits?




If any of the public has concerns regarding the recent happenings, they are encouraged to approach the authorities regarding what they may have seen as promptly as possible.

Thank you.




It's over. The end of the battle, the end of the war.

Wow. Those were some fucked up dreams. I don't know how to process it all.




Time travel is a really, really freaky thing.




I just watched the strangest fucking movie. Some Japanese horror movie called Cut for Possible Triggers ) After that I had to watch. It went on some mad tangent in the end and I'm not even sure I understood it.

Has anyone else seen this movie? Maybe you can explain the end to me.




My sister's house is so boring. She took my spray cans and gas mask away. The bitch. I love her though. Even if she's holding me back. Only a little.

I love you really, 'Ponine. But you can be a stick in the mud sometimes.

I'm hungry, hmm.




It's odd, when things seem their bleakest, life has a way of reminding me that things are always going to be okay.

Private to Logan: It's okay. I got it.