
February 16th, 2013




Alyssa's mom is nice and all, but seriously crazy. Like, I just don't understand her. Most parents discourage teenagers from having sex or watching porn. But not her. She's so completely different from how my mom was. I'm starting to get used to her though.




Oh physics, the gift that keeps on giving! :D





I just got schooled by my dream self...

And I don't think I'm going back to sleep tonight.




This is one of my favourite times of year.

Half-price chocolate! It's a lovely, lovely thing...




I think I'm going insane. I had these dreams, these nightmares, about my mother...and I was so hungry. So fucking hungry. When I woke up I ate almost everything in the house...all the leftover chicken and the butter and the frozen bacon I was saving. Raw. And I still felt hungry afterward, and I threw it all up. I couldn't...I couldn't control myself. I don't know what came over me, it was like my blood was on fire.

I'm not really sick, am I? Like...ebola or anything? I feel so low.



In a surprising turn of events, my .. well the father of my children came by for a visit and decided to take all of the kids off my hands for an entire weekend.

So I'm here by myself, and cleaning the house because that's what needs to be done while they're away. Sometimes I think I should get out and do things, but then I look at the state of my house. Truth is, I wouldn't have minded just spending some family time with them and Harry. But apparently that's not what he wants, so I'm by myself for a bit. I don't know how he's alone in that house of his.

Recommendations for what to do when you have the house to yourself? Besides throw parties, I'm far too old for that.


Oliver, we're going to Belfast and we're kidnapping this dog. Look at her! I have never laughed so hard in my life.




Consider me joined to the list of people who dream weird other lives. I don't even want to think about them, but man... I am hoping these dreams were the only ones I will ever have. Man, why did I google how many myths he is in? Why?

So, ah, anyone ever just had like, one set of these dreams and no more?




Fuck it, I'm going out tonight. Deformography is playing at Sharkey's and they're really good. At least their drummer is, sometimes they mess up their speakers and I can barely hear the guiars.


Anyone else want to go? Split gas and stuff.

Edit: Nevermind, they just cancelled. fuck everything. I'm going to get drunk now and sketch and maybe play COD.




I signed up for match.com.

Go me.

Though I'm thinking maybe if there's enough interest, I might try some matchmaking on my own? Like I'll write up a very small questionairre. Then all the singles fill it out and send it to me. Then I will match people up. They can go on one date, and then take it from there.

Anyone interested? I'll make sure no one's a psycho, don't worry.

Edit: Bah forget matchmaking. I'm off to go marry Christoph Waltz. Like right now. I know where he is, he's doing SNL. Two seconds on this show and I just want to squish him.




February vacation this week. Couldn't be happier. Ever since we came back from Christmas Break my teachers have been piling on all the work and it's starting to do my head in. And I'm sure that it's only going to get worse before graduation.

Does anyone want to get together for a game of soccer or softball or something sometime this week? I need to get out and do something fun before I get bogged down with more schoolwork.

Oh and if anyone doesn't know, my name is Arya Stark.




Holy crap this guy made the world's most expensive Starbucks drink (47.30 if you're wondering and don't want to watch it). I MISS COFFEE. I'm mostly a tea girl, but sometimes I want a coffeeish milkshake from an evil corporate giant! AUGH.

... his sounds kind of gross, but goshdarn, I want some in my belly. :( I know I could have caffeine with the blueberry baby, but I'm not going to chance it. It's already sort of doomed, what with Pete's genes, to be a caffeine addict. I don't want to make it worse.





Mmm, cheap chocolate and strong ale. My day is good.