
January 24th, 2013



So woke up today. With a sore back, sore neck, and in a cold sweat. I couldn't even figure out why. Maybe I was exercising in my sleep? Can you do that? I mean, nothing in my research suggests that, but I could be missing something.

Still, I don't feel in any better shape. Whatever. On the plus side, I'm awake far too early.

So I'm going to update.

First and foremost, Sherlock Holmes snores loudly. John Watson on the other hand, doesn't seem to; or, well he might, but it'd be drowned out by Sherlock. John does talk in his sleep though, and I think I heard him whispering one of the Care Bears' names, that could be me just lying to you, but I have no idea.

One of the cartons of milk in the refrigerator was housing specific specimens necessary in my experiments in trying to fight skin disease. Now it seems to be half empty.

I really hope no one had any cereal today... maybe I should start labeling?




So, I finished the end of my third year at Hogwarts last night. What I wouldn't give for a time turner. And I learned more about Professor Lupin and Sirius Black.

That goes in the file of "sentences I never thought I'd say."




Hospital feels like a ghost town.

Don't be strangers. You're still welcome to come visit.




One of my friends just sent me some of these lovely things.

Who wants to help me pretty up parts of the OC? I promise, they're completely harmless... unless you get hit in the head by one, I guess.




Soooooooo... apparently I just woke up from a coma. At least that's what these guys in medical coats just told me. So in the words of Monty Python, "I'm dead yet."

But I came pretty damn close.




I am so sorry for all of the stupid things I said while inebriated. Really, I'm a bit of an idiot flirt when I'm tipsy. So yes. Sorry.

Secondly - has anyone found anything from their dreams when they wake up? I'm a bit ... weirded out by the fact that this vial is on my nightstand.




I know there's been talk amongst various professors about making sure our students get enough credits for the semester. It looks like everything's running smoothly, which I'm glad to see, and I thought I'd drop a memo here that Professor Hamlet and I have finally gotten permission to join our tutorial hours together to squeeze out the extra credits and study time.

That said, while credits are only available to those enrolled in our courses, we'll gladly welcome any students in the English or International Studies departments to stop by if they need the study time or some extra assistance. Also, I've extended my office hours, so feel free to drop by at any time.


I'm not sure I'm supposed to be on this network thing, but my old AA meeting leader told me about it. Said it might do some good.

I'm Judy, I used to work for a senator in Washington, and I'm an alcoholic, in case you didn't guess. I'm looking for a new meeting, and a job of some sort, because if I have nothing to do but sit at home and drink, that will be worse for me. I have a resume ten yards long, so I can be of great help to anyone who takes a chance on me.

I heard about the crazy plague, incidentally. Is that over with, or should I stay in my condo for a while until the all clear is sounded? I wanted to get the hell out of Boston as quick as possible - for any of you who have "well meaning" nieces or nephews, you know why I wasn't about to move in with them.




I really really want a drink right now.




...Last night, I dreamt of the most hideously pink woman in, quite possibly, the entire universe.

It can't be legal (or sane) to wear that much at once.




Mother thinks I haven't got enough friends. I guess that's why I'm here.

The name's Penelope. But no one really calls me that. I'll answer to Poppet.


Dress shopping is very hard. I don't even like to dress up. I like sweaters and kittens.

If you know something is going to be humiliating, would you do it anyway? In case there's a chance you have a nice time?