
October 26th, 2012




If you come to my show tonight, you're in for a biiiiiiiiiiig surprise!


Are you kidding me? Are you actually kidding me right now?

That's how the story ends? That's what happened? I got married and everything was just great?!

You do not give a woman a broadsword and then tell her she's done fighting.




It seems taking matters into your own hands isn't always the answer. If we were speaking, I'm sure my husband would be grateful I've come to my senses.




So Xi'an and I are going to get married, and there's too many people I want to tell that it'll take me awhile, so consider this a formal announcement!




What the hell? I'm called away on urgent business, come home and I find some 'reporter' slandering me in an article?!

For the record, I am NOT an escort. Nor have I ever been or plan to be. I am a respected member of the community who teaches enthusiastic minds how to think, speak and resolve differences without the need for violence.

This woman is toxic. Do not let her get to you.




This has been an interesting week. My mood is looking up.