
September 16th, 2012



Filtered Post

[Locked and filtered to: Clarice, Dani, Illyana, Jean, Jubilee, Kitty, Moira, Neena, Rahne, Wade, Xi'an. Also open to Wrex, Obi and Shepard]

I had a conversation with Illyana the other day, and she suggested something that I think might better describe the goal that we should have. I wanted to get this up before I went to bed.

It's not a school. It's more like a Mutant Outreach Center.


I love One Direction!!! That Louis is so hot.

(The post goes up at 10:00 am on Sunday. Replies won't come until after 6:00 pm.)




Today is bloody magnificent. Why didn't I get relocated to California, sooner than this?

Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the area as much as I'd like. Does anyone have any recommendations for a restaurant that serves previously-happy, currently-cooked cow? Or anything, really. I quite like a good curry.


Cobb. Is there a fellow by the name of Cobb on here?




Good afternoon, Valarnet! It's a beautiful day to go to the park and have a picnic, I think. Of course, I just think it's beautiful outside, so that makes it a good day for anything! What are you guys up to on Sunday? Are you being lazy like me or are you doin' stuff?



Dear Valarnet

Does anybody want anything Mexican or Tequila or something Duty Free? Trip to Mexico tonight so I'll do pick up and pass out stuff later. If you want anything SPECIAL, PM me and we'll see what I can do. What ARE the transport laws again, anyway?

Also, my teacher is an asshole. Why am I paying people to boss me around again when I know more than he does about what my body's capable of? Annoying. Clearly I need to convince him. Somehow. Surviving Mexico in a wheelchair probably can show his overprotective ass a thing or two...