
September 17th, 2012




School should be optional if you are smarter than your professors. Who wants to sit and listen to morons talk all day? This is why teenagers are addicted to cellphones. Angry birds saves us from going crazy in school.




Dancing with props is a lot harder than it looks even for professionals. Good thing about ribbons and hula hoops? They do not hurt when you miss. If you have some free time next month you should come see our show! I have a bunch of free tickets. It is going to be very Cirque du Soleil type of show for Halloween. We might even go to Vegas for a weekend to see a few of their shows so we can get a better idea of how the show should look.

I have been asked to cut my hair too but I do not know if I will. Short hair really is not the most flattering on most girls.



Private to Coulson

Hey, Coulson. I heard a rumor around here that you're the one I have to thank for getting my name in with Bristow. I really appreciate you sticking your neck out for me like that.




It's truly incredible what nature can come up with. Maybe our species' obsession with sci-fi all draws back to seeing something like these, once upon a time.


Wow. Well, I have always been one to acknowledge when I've been beat, but I will win next time.




I've got some moon rocks I'm willing to give away, but I want to do something special about it. Like a contest. It could be a sexy contest but I'm not picky.

Any ideas?