
August 16th, 2012



It was a brilliant day at work; not a single person implied I was too stupid to do my job --- said no one whose ever worked a customer service based job ever.

Alright. So I’m Mickey Smith, please no mouse jokes, god I’m tired of mouse jokes. What’s up?


Leia, I get off early today; do you want to get dinner tonight? Han can come, too.




Valarnet. Oh my GOD, people. I have THEME music. That I apparently hum in my dreams while I'm shooting people. I haven't been subtle about who and what I am in those dreams, but uh. Even I know when something is overkill.

In other news, I had a dream about a...well, he was male identifying but I don't know that he had a GENDER actually, guy made entirely out of atomic energy. Atomic energy. What the ever loving fuck? Atomic energy in a containment suit. Yeah, that DOES sound like something I marched against in college just like dream me told the guy. I mean impending armegeddon signs or what?

Also. Watchtower. Justice League. Any of those sound familiar?




The only good thing about waking up this morning looking like a completely different person is that when I do the official wedding on Saturday I'll look different in the dress.

Considering I'm now almost lighter than the dress is, I'm not sure that's a consolation.

Blue eyes are pretty, I guess. I should have expected this, really. And my hair's so black it almost looks like a fake dye job.

At this rate I might as well start wearing all black and draw an ankh on my eye. Kids are gonna wonder if I shop at Hot Topic or some shit.




Not that death threats via letter, e-mail and text are to be taken lightly but you know what's funny? That all it took to defuse the source was a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate.

Now I get panties in the mail and nude pics on my phone.

I need to change my number.




Are teenagers always so difficult? Her father insists it's only a phase.




Okay, you know what was an awesome comic strip? Calvin & Hobbes.

I mean, I want a pet tiger. And a Transmogifier. And a Noodle Incident.

I never wrote a paper on bats being bugs, but I did try the professional plastic notebook thing in elementary school. Fucking nailed it.

Yeah, Calvin & Hobbes was pretty sweet.