
July 11th, 2012




Today was "therapy" day for me. It didn't go as horribly as I expected when we talked about how I didn't handle the fourth very well, even though I didn't hear much of it. The lights and the sound I did hear though, yeah, not dealing too well with it. We talked about coping techniques and then my therapist brought up an idea I hadn't thought about, but don't actually mind.

'A pet would be a good idea'. She told me, and mentioned that in my line of work, it could be helpful. So now I've got a brochure on Hearing Dogs, and how to apply for one. They could train it both to hear things for me, and to deal with me when I get...funny.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for that, actually. The last pet that I had...I had to leave her behind when I came back here. The Fucking Army can expend everywhere else, but it can't let me bring home my kitten.

...I didn't even know that one still pissed me off. I guess it's all the dog business that's making me think about it. If I'm ready for an animal in my life again, and well, if I want to admit that I need help when I'm out in public. A dog would make me visible, point out that I'm the guy that doesn't hear too well and everything else. On the other hand, it might be nice to have something furry to sit with on the couch again, and this time have it able to help me.

I'm thinking about it anyway...


How weird is it to wake up from a nap and find a crown on your pillow?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say 'pretty fucking weird'.




Uh... Is there anyone here who is able to hold an intelligent conversation?

That is a female?

I could really use some discussion over tea.




I'm so sick of hearing about bath salts in the news. Especially the shitty reporters that think they're being cute.



[Post Deleted and Purged]

Nathan Christopher Dayspring Whatever-the-fuck-you-have-too-many-names Summers!

You had better be as dead as they say or I swear to GOD I...





E-mails, text messages, thumb-up icons, commentary on blog entries, crippled, butchered and slaughtered writing attempts - all of it virtual, none of it tangible.

Modern man is present everywhere and leaves not a single trace behind.

Letter writing is a dying art. It's a pity and a shame.


As more of these blasted cars have parts ran by electrical circuits I'm finding my skills are needed less and less. I spent three hours this morning trying to get the timing chain on a stupid Volkswagen to work. I tweaked it, tightened it, loosened it, did everything imaginable. The problem, a fuse in the circuit box was blocking a connection somewhere. Once the burnt fuse was replaced everything was working fine. Damn thing was manifesting like a worn belt so I treated it like a faulty belt. Hell, the belt even had some decent wear on it.

I'm getting too old for this shit.




Some kids keep hiding the Twilight books under one of the loose ceiling tiles.

I can't blame them, really.


This crowd is a lot more naval-gazey than I thought it would be. You're all doing a lot of soul searching for a social network.




All around me, things are changing. PEOPLE are changing in ways I didn't think were even really real. I mean, superheroes? There was the point I would have said give me a break, and that would have been it, but then more things started happening. You people started working on making the things that you see in your dreams such a reality. You're changing, and you're better people and it's making me realize the truth about who and what I am.

I'm not much good and that's the truth. I'm irresponsible, perverted and I'm pretty sure I drink a little more than I should, and sleep with more people than I'm supposed to. I'm a sex addict, and I'm fading from the scene pretty fast, and I should be.

...My friend Hal is having a big problem with his life. He called to say he wants to change a lot of things in it, so that he can be a better person and a decent one. Since I'm the last person to know, how would you people go about totally reinventing yourselves for the better?




[Private to Alice]
Guess who got a fucking job!

[Private to Wanda]
Be proud of me. I am employed!

And if you ever need to reach me there: [phone number] and ask for Mateo.


...so, Valarnet, we seem to have a high collective tolerance for 'strange.' If anyone is about with a little patience left for dream-related oddness, I'd like to run my mouth a bit. Comment below and be forewarned: when I say 'strange,' I mean it.

Actually. Instead, open question: have any of you dreamed about people you've never met, and then caught sight of them in person while you're awake? Because that's happened to me and I think I might be mad.