
Posts Tagged: 'stahma+tarr'

May. 31st, 2019





I think the best takeaway here is 'new phase of matter' don't you think?

One of the fun parts of my dreams is waiting for scientists in this timeline to discover these things.

May. 23rd, 2019




My Dreams have, at last, shown me my destiny. I discovered a ritual on the planet Voss which allowed me to heal my mind and strengthen my body so I could control the power I had borrowed from those ancient Sith Lords. After a minor diversion involving a superweapon test, whereupon I gained another ally in a Sith Lord who was in the line of fire that I warned, I finally confronted Darth Thanaton and ended his ridiculous crusade against me.

The power that coursed through me was incredible. In the end I stood victorious, and took his mantle for my own.

Darth Imperius of the Dark Council, head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, with Thanaton dead at her feet. And what do you know, all those people I spared and allied with were very quick to pledge their loyalty.

Before I can begin the task of reforming my empire, there was one last thing to do.

I was presented with two options, for the Sith Ghosts in my head. Keep them chained and bound them to me, or release them back into their ghostly forms.

I chose option three.

I set them free. Bathed in light, free'd from their pain and their pasts.

I gave them peace.

Apr. 30th, 2019




It is difficult to understand how it is already nearly May. It was just the Christmas holidays, wasn't it? And yet we will blink and Halloween will be upon us once again.

Apr. 18th, 2019




Naturally, gathering together the power of these Sith ghosts would require some effort, but I was side-tracked in my quest by the Empire needing my services.

I was sent to destroy a target at the Foundry, only to discover this target was Darth Revan, the Jedi-turned-Sith-turned-Jedi who'd provided a great deal of inspiration to me. My strike team overpowered them, and yet they escaped. How they survived for three hundred years is a mystery I'd pay a great deal to have solved.

It was, at least, a very nice distraction from the ghosts in my head driving me insane. However, I am now on the track of a ritual that should heal my mind and allow me to control this power.

In other news, I discovered my Starship while I was hiking this afternoon. It's rather utilitarian in nature and I will have to do some serious redecoration to make the interior livable, but it is formidable in combat and has a very long range.

Although... The incredibly comfortable bed can stay.

Apr. 16th, 2019




These doomsayers I keep running into remind me of my home from my Dreams. Though they had a good reason to spout such things on my home planet. On Earth, they more liked to proclaim that if we did not follow the old ways, we would be damned. Or some such nonsense that I stopped listening to.

Mar. 14th, 2019




It seems silly, but things like this discovery are really exciting, when it comes to seeing how people actually lived in the past.

When you're studying ruined cities it's easy to forget they were once vibrant societies. And that even the grandest city could one day be abandoned to time.

Feb. 25th, 2019




It's been quite awhile, but I dreamed again.

I stopped a rampaging, scared deer, and then later was preparing to meet with a King from a neighboring land but had to send my sister in my stead while I dealt with a sudden emergency on our borders.

Doing actually... political things is actually pretty interesting.

Feb. 21st, 2019




Some punk tried to hold up my bar tonight.

Boy is lucky he's still got his hands.

Jan. 23rd, 2019




Considerin' the latest in the long line of trauma I figure I should do a bit of advertising.

Dr. Harleen Quinzel at your service, specializing in Dream-related therapy, though I do offer services for a variety of mental health needs!

Completely unrelated but if there's a redhead botanist bombshell out there, call me!

(ooc: abuse tw for some comments)

Jan. 14th, 2019




Found one of my employees at the bar skimmin' out of the cash register.

Turns out he's been havin' problems at home. Suspended him for the week and told him next time to come an' talk to me.

Nov. 29th, 2018




Every year, we get snow in December like clockwork.

Just two days and we'll find out if we break the streak or not.

Agency Lock

How do you all feel about being trained on our nuclear submarine?

Nov. 14th, 2018




This ball python clears out this room in literally less then 10 seconds. I'm impressed.

Oct. 31st, 2018




Halloween is here. Lets see your best costumes!

Oct. 28th, 2018




I walked into an elevator and I thought I heard laughter.

And now I'm stuck in the elevator.

And it's making 'yum' sounds.

I could break out easily but I don't want to damage someone's property.

Oct. 27th, 2018




My coffee maker is on the fritz. Churned out some kind of sludge, and then I swear to god it beeped angrily at me.

Sep. 29th, 2018




The wife got a position in London and I sent her and the kiddo off today.

It's a big ol' house without 'em. I mean, neither of us'll be alone since we're open, but it'll still be lonely, you feel?

Sep. 28th, 2018




Do... things just arrive from the dreams? I woke up in the skin-tight blue undersuit for my armor, and my armor was standing there against the wall.

Aug. 31st, 2018




I have to say, the intense heatwave that was happening earlier this month reminded me of my home planet in my dreams. The twin suns in the star system were dying, thus increasing the temperature on Casti. I wish I could have seen my home world in a time before the twin stars began to die.

Aug. 27th, 2018




I wish I could reach into my dreams and backhand myself. Lady, you're making the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons how many times do you have to not work out with someone before you realize, hey, it's not going to work out with him.

And you should be way more concerned about what's going on with Rachel.

Why are our Dreamselves sometimes idiots?

Bad writing, but still

Jul. 18th, 2018




Well, this is an interesting little site with an interesting little community. Please tell me you all talk normal things besides comparing strange dreams all the time.

Jun. 30th, 2018




I am not American, but I figure that since I am living here, I should ask: what does a typical fourth of July meal consist of?

May. 29th, 2018




Don't get me wrong, I don't really miss dreams of misspent college or high school days. Those days were awkward enough without a murderous dad on the loose, or friends who are seriously snapping. I want to see the end though. I don't think I'm at it, and they have been 'on hiatus' for a little while.

May. 15th, 2018




I for one welcome our ancient alien cephalopod overlords.

Mar. 10th, 2018




My daughter is as beautiful in the dreams as she is here.

And about as much of a troublemaker.

Feb. 19th, 2018




Lets be real sweetcakes, who wouldn't be in love with Idris Elba?




I can't believe I was obsessed with a Loth-cat.

Feb. 18th, 2018




There's something going around. It might be some kind of virus, or magic, I don't know yet, but it's making people fall in love. With each other. Themselves. Objects. Pets. Celebrities.

Pretty much anything they're looking at.

It's like Cupid run amok.

Jan. 31st, 2018




Have you ever told two six year old girls that they don't need to take a bath? Scratch that, that they can't take a bath? Dear lord, you would think that I told them that Christmas came again and their birthday was early. I've never seen anyone be more excited to be told not to do something!

I mean, it's going to make it all the harder to get them into one when the water situation is fixed, but it's entertaining as hell right now watching them chant "NO BATHS NO BATHS" while running around the house.

I don't know if bathing in the water can make you as sick as drinking it, we just really don't want to take the chances right now.

Jan. 17th, 2018




I'm discovering I don't handle break ups well.

Oct. 31st, 2017




The moon exploding is usually kind of a bad thing, right?

Oct. 27th, 2017




I feel like I've barely watched any Halloween movies this year. It's possible that I guess the dreams are basically like a year-long Halloween movie, though.

Oct. 5th, 2017




With Halloween coming up, I think we all need to be just a teensy bit wary.

Haven't had a year go by in a long time that didn't have some kind of thing happening. There's a reason I don't wear costumes any more.


Its been awhile, we should get lunch. Among other things.

Did I ever show you my nuclear submarine?

Sep. 29th, 2017




It’s been an interesting week to officially start my career as a professor. There were quite a few students missing from my first day of classes, not that I can blame them. Hopefully my second day is less insane.

Sep. 28th, 2017




I wish criminals here were as easy to deal with here as they apparently are in Canada. Surprisingly, not an Onion article.

I wonder if I can convince these armoured mercinaries to turn around and go home by offering them tacos.

Sep. 26th, 2017




Well. Today has been interesting. To see my charge blade be turned completely harmless was not how I anticipated any encounter with these hostile forces going.

Aug. 31st, 2017




After watching reruns of Criminal Minds all evening, I just have to say how glad I am that California no longer has rolling blackouts in the summer months. Especially with this mini-heat wave coming up. Orange County has enough to deal with without having to also worry about serial killers like the fictional Prince of Darkness running about.

Aug. 27th, 2017




For the next week, all money from sales of my albums will go to hurricane relief.

It's easy to fight a demon. It is much harder to fight a storm.

Aug. 3rd, 2017




We helped a family, they had horses, and were very friendly. They invited us to dinner. It was the most normal dinner of either of my dream lives.

More normal than most dinners I've had awake, too.

Jul. 25th, 2017




I had the strangest dream last night. I was a child, but I could make ice and snow. Anna and I would play together. It could be the hottest summer and it didn't matter, we could always go sledding.

Jul. 21st, 2017




I moved back to California after years in London at University and I feel like I'm in a waiting pattern. Waiting for job interviews, mostly, but also waiting to feel like I'm actually home.

I'm Elsa.

Jul. 17th, 2017




I dreamed I was a child again. Just like last time. Something made to kill. Only there were more of us. Dozens of children.

My nurse, and my mother I think, was a woman named Gabriela, and she helped us all escape.

Jun. 24th, 2017




I don't know what's worse, blowing a tire out or having a truck full of drunk men try to help. I'm sure their hearts were in the right place but I could do it in the time it takes them to stumble out of their vehicle.

May. 19th, 2017




Sometimes late at night, I miss the world that was. The great city carved out of the earth and the trees above it that I whiled away the centuries dancing through. The constellations were different then. Different figures that told different stories. I miss the way the stars themselves looked. They were so much brighter then, so much more alive.

I miss my people and the songs they sang.

It is a world that is now gone, passed into myth and legend. Even the very shape of the continents is altered.

And I am the only one who remembers it.

Apr. 30th, 2017




Those electrical storms were rather fascinating to see. It reminded me of the Arkfall storms from my dreams, in a way. Both had lethal capabilities, but were also strange anomalies.

Jan. 30th, 2017




Perhaps I should be grateful, it seems my dreams have come to a conclusion. And it was not a conclusion I expected to have.

Oct. 25th, 2016




Why is Halloween so popular here, anyway? It's always puzzled me and I've been living in the states for years.

Aug. 30th, 2016




With my divorce finalized, my father has reached out to me, much as I expected. Now it appears, after my subsequent rejection of bending to my father's will, I am officially disowned. Not that I need or want any of that money anyway. I am as dead to my family as they are to me. It is extremely freeing to have all ties with Moscow sufficiently severed.

Aug. 2nd, 2016




I received excellent news from my lawyer today. Seems as though my husband finally signed the divorce papers. With no contest. So I am finally able to put him behind me and move on to better things. I suppose he finally saw sense for the first time in his life.

Jul. 20th, 2016




I've never seen the moon look quite so beautiful as it did last night.

Jul. 9th, 2016




I have had two sets of unique dreams, but now I'm dreaming of something that's clearly heading towards a similar event from the other set of dreams.

I don't need this.