
Posts Tagged: 'penelope+garcia'

Jun. 20th, 2014




Geek Girl sense is tingling! This tech kitten's going to stay inside with her boo, VPN into work, and spend the day in her Pikachu onesie jammies. My mama didn't raise a stupid child. ... well, besides my brother Carl. He's special, though. (He ate paint chips as a kid.)

Wait, what was - right, the situation outside. I'm staying in, reheating some Thai, and if I were you, I'd do the same. Just sayin', we should have a Normal People Protocol for OC Shenanigans.

Jun. 13th, 2014




I feel it's very important that you all know that I've made Miis of all of you in my game of Tomodachi Life. It's making work way more funny, and now I'm having problems separating game canon from real life sometimes.

Like, Dick, my love, whenever you post I wonder why you hate green peppers so much you barf and lose half of your happiness bar. And Arya, why do you obsessively run on your treadmill at 3AM?

This game is strange, but it's making life more fun, so I guess that it's doing its job!

Jun. 12th, 2014



I got home today and found a big, glass-fronted case set up in one of the unused corners of the warehouse floor, and my uniform from the dreams on a mannequin inside it. It's just like the one from the Cave - if it weren't for the surroundings being very firmly my house, I could almost swear I'm fifteen again and about to go suit up for a night of patrol with B when I stand in front of it.

Also, the uniform itself is definitely too small for me :( , but the equipment stored with it is totally usable.

Jun. 8th, 2014



In other news, Barbara Gordon is amazing. And quite possibly the closest to perfection that humanity has has ever come.

Too bad she's only in my dreams. :( Cry forever.

Locked from law enforcement personnel

Anybody got one of those handy cards, or do I have to get to Colorado somehow? I think my old connection sold me some bad stuff. I dreamt real vivid last night, about living in the 60s and stuff. Wasn't bad, but it was so real I woke up not knowing where I was. Baaaad trip.

May. 26th, 2014




Between the need to promote the tea shop and I guess interact with people more, I was pointed here. Hello, my name is Christine. I'm not really good at this, but I work at [tea shop/location] and we're having a Memorial Day sale for anyone who is interested. And if not, Happy Memorial Day to those who have or do continue to serve and thank you.

May. 22nd, 2014




Woah, the Bachelorette is starting on Monday? It feels like I just started wanting to punch Juan Pablo in his smug little nose.

(Yes, I know they're not romantic at all and totally forced. THAT'S WHAT MAKES THEM AMAZING. It's like watching Darwinism at work.)

Hopefully this season won't have as many people randomly leaving. Hello, you signed up to be on the Bachelor/ette - you should've known the next eleven weeks would be spent with jerks.

May. 19th, 2014




I may have found giant sized Periodic tables for my wallpaper in my room. Today is a good day.

May. 16th, 2014




People keep telling me how intimidating UCLA is, but once you've lived in New York nothing really compares. I think it's kinda cozy? Anyway, finally unpacked the last box in my new apartment but it's really kind of..plain. I'm not exactly Mr. Interior Design though, so is anyone on here good at that sort of thing? I was told this may be the place to look.




So, I had myself another dream last night. First one in a while. I was wearing a nappy. I mean, baby diaper. At first I thought it was just from changing Christina so often while I'm awake, but then I realized all my old bandmates from Drive Shaft where there and they were wearing diapers, too. We were shooting a commercial, shaking our diapered bums at the camera, dancing in a baby pack-and-play. Our song "You All Everybody" was now "You All Every Butties". It was horrific.

But kinda funny.

Mostly horrific.

May. 7th, 2014




It's times like these when I wish I could drink. Damn you tiny humans inside my body.

I've reached the end of my dreams. I almost wish that I would have never dreamed this last dream, but alas, the dream world is mean.

But in better news this weekend is my first official Mother's Day even though I'm not technically a mother just yet, but Anakin and I are going up to Oregon for the weekend to see my mother and the rest of my family.

They haven't seen me since I announced the pregnancy, so this will be an interesting trip and hopefully a lot of fun.

May. 4th, 2014




Happy Star Wars Day everyone and May the Fourth be with you.

May. 3rd, 2014




Hi, Valarnet! For you new people, I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Penelope Garcia (you can call me either name, I'll respond to either!) and I'm your resident tech goddess.

Also, I blatantly ship all of you. Whether you want me to or not. Sorry, not sorry.

SO. I'mma play lonely hearts here and help all you singles find people who're ready to mingle! Single folks, reply down here, and we'll get you mashed the hell up. It'll be scandalous fun!

Seriously, scandalous fun. )

Or send me cat gifs.

I'm bored waiting for my boyfriend to get off of work. :(

Apr. 26th, 2014



Law enforcement personnel and/or computer people

Is there anyone with access to the federal database who could run a few names for me? The names are Beverly Katz and Georgia Madschen.

Apr. 20th, 2014




How do bunnies stay healthy?

Why are people always tired in April?
Because they just finished a march

What do you call a bunny with a large brain?
An egghead.

Why did the rabbit cross the road?
Because it was the chicken's day off.

What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?
A receding hareline.

What do you call the Easter Bunny after a hard day's work?

What does a rooster say to a hen he likes?
Your one hot chick!

Knock, knock...
Who's there?
"Ether" who?
"Ether" Bunny!

Do you know how bunnies stay in shape?

Why did the magician have to cancel his show?
He'd just washed his hare and couldn't do a thing with it.

What do you call rabbits that marched in a long sweltering Easter parade?
Hot, cross bunnies

Apr. 12th, 2014




Fully employeed college intern here! Konnichiwa. I like it so far.

But we need more CANDDDDY. Snakeychan and I once raided a candy shop. Anyone like candy?

Apr. 11th, 2014




So this little ball of fur is called Leroy Jenkins.

Cut for Image, Open to All )

Apr. 9th, 2014



I totally did my good deed for the day. I was walking with a theater friend, a girl, and stupid boys were catcalling her. 'Hey baby nice ass' and that kind of stuff. She was getting upset, so I turned around instead and said "Thanks! I do squats!" A few bats of my eyelashes and they'd run off.

Don't catcall, it's not attractive. And her gay friend might answer you instead, so if you're not into that, too bad.

Mar. 31st, 2014



So, erm. I was going to post about this but then all hell broke loose. Atton and I are having a boy.

Mar. 30th, 2014




You are looking at the newest employee of Stark Industries! Eeeee!

I start on Monday. An actual job. Who would have thought? Snakeychan would be proud, maybe.

So who are my new coworkers?

Mar. 29th, 2014




All those aftershocks and then another earthquake this afternoon. It should be alarming now that when my windows start rattling I barely glance up. I hope that if any of you were among the displaced homes in Fullerton you're doing all right. Fortunately, California isn't really much a stranger to these things.

[Locked from Non-Puncturable Marvel Muses]

In other news. Apparently, I'm an app.




What happens when Time's men of the year make a bet?

They have to pay up.

Yes, that's right. In all their glory may I present to you Mr Tony Stark...

 photo TonyTShirt_zpsa3baa770.jpg

...and Mr Kevin Flynn

 photo KFlynnTshirt4_zpsd3397e38.jpg

Mar. 28th, 2014




Walking my coworker's dog makes me think I should adopt one.




My father keeps wanting me to push up the release date of my product, but I had that date set for a reason. I want as much time as possible to work out all the bugs.

It's my first solo project, and the last thing I want to do is have to recall it because of something not working the way it should.

Still, it's nearly done, and I know it will be ready by the release date that I set for it.

I just wish he would trust me, sometimes.

Mar. 26th, 2014




That awkward moment when your roommate tries to wake you up for class and you punch her in the face.

And then you're late for class anyway.

And fall asleep in the front row.

Whyyyyyy did I stay up binge watching Doctor Who?




Always a good feeling to come back to California. It's an even better feeling knowing I'll be sticking around a while, I'm pretty tired of slushing around through the weather back east.

But, hey, I should introduce myself! I'm Michael. I host a show on SyFy (The Geek Interpreter) and we've decided to relocate over here for the foreseeable future. With WonderCon nearby and SDCC just around the corner it's a good time to come out. (Not to mention all the AMAZING movies coming out this year.)

So, yeah, this is me. Looking forward to it.




Girl Scouts were selling cookies outside the gym.

I'm pretty sure that's cheating, but I may or may not have bought a few boxes anyway.

... okay twelve. I bought twelve. But it's for a good cause!

Mar. 21st, 2014




More dreams. Woke up with the craziest paperweight on my desk.

Iron Man. It's a good name.

Mar. 10th, 2014




Man, all of the Hardy Boys / Goosebumps / Babysitters Club books would be way better if they had literal titles.

This one's my favorite. Cut for image, viewable to all. )

Mar. 9th, 2014




I'm not one for this sort of thing, but, at this point, I'll take anything to try and fight off the boredom. And as introductions seem customary, here's mine.

My name is Rollo. I'm a rugger, out for the better part of a year right now because of some knee problem. Normally I'd go back in, but apparently I need to wait for the doctor's absolute okay. So here I am, with nothing better to do than join a community network.

Anyone know a good place to get a drink or two?

Mar. 7th, 2014




Things in life have calmed down for me somewhat, and as a result, I got an idea the other day to do something I haven't done in ages: archery. I love shooting, and I always have. I have a beautiful hunting bow that was a gift from my Da, but I also got a bow from my dreams - an absolutely stunning longbow that feels like it's been in the Starkhaven family for generations. I'd like to try it out.

Anyone have access to a range? Stark Industries doesn't have one, does it?

Mar. 5th, 2014




Whoever ate the last of my Girl Scout cookies is fired.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




SPRING IS COMING! And of course, the only way I know this is that there's grass in my town in New Leaf, and today was Festivale. Which means there's a gyrating peacock in my town.

I love Pave, I really do. Cut for image! )

You're welcome. Stock up on antihistamines now!




Ugh, I've been feeling a little run down this past week or so. I'm almost afraid that it's some sort of bug that's been going around. I thought working in a law firm would make it so I don't get sick as often since there's not as many people in our office. May be time to grab some extra vitamin c tablets.

So, thanks to being tired I took a few naps over the past couple days and apparently that's all I needed to jump back into my dreams. The winds are changing in my dream universe and I can't say I'm very pleased with how things are going. Apparently a pregnant Senator doesn't do as much as a non-pregnant Queen because I spend so much time just going to Senate meetings and I almost miss being out in the battle field, which is a weird thing to say. I don't want to keep having these dreams because I don't want the ending to come

Mar. 1st, 2014




There's a show on Animal Planet about tree houses. It makes me very happy. Although I'm not terribly certain why it's on Animal Planet as opposed to the Discovery Channel. They aren't tree houses for animals, at least not yet. I haven't gotten very far.

Feb. 13th, 2014



Mwen pa renmen rèv mwen nan tout. Had some weird dreams the other night. Dreamt that I got born in New Orleans, but in like 1750. I was the daughter of a placée - a white man's African mistress. Me and Maman who was also Jeanne were free, weren't slaves, but still, very weird. Uncomfortable. So vivid I damn near forgot how to use my iPhone when I woke up.

Feb. 4th, 2014




Very proud of my country indeed. The freedom to marry is a fundamental right.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




These dreams like to punch you in the balls, don't they? Even if you don't even have any.

Edit: I'm looking for someone good with computers. Like really, scary-nerd good.

Jan. 30th, 2014




Please spare a thought for Scotland tonight, guys. They're suffering a national tragedy. A tanker let loose more than 6,000 liters of whiskey into a river.

I'd pour one out for the fallen, but that'd be wasting it too. The humanity.

Jan. 27th, 2014




You guys!

I was just taking a dog nap with Marco Polo in the nicest spot of my apartment where the sun shines in really wonderfully and makes naps perfect because it's like the perfect temperature --





Not at all apologetic for flooding the parking lot with candy sprinkles. Not even a little.

PS: Dean. Yeah. About that lots of murdering thing: Sorry. Ish.

Jan. 25th, 2014



There are rugby matches on television all day today, of all things. I had no idea this country knew what rugby was. But I am glad they do. Because rugby. And rugby players, and their legs and backsides.

Jan. 23rd, 2014




I never thought Canadians were such bastards. A ship full of cannibal rats heading for my country?

Jan. 22nd, 2014



Hello, bonjou, hola, bonjour. I am new to this network, and I suppose, to California. I've only been here one month or so. My name is Aveline de Grandpré; I come from Miami, and my family is Haitian. I wanted to get my master's degree here at UCLA. I am still a bit out of my element, I fear. I miss hearing Creole, I confess; does anyone happen to speak it?

Also, could anyone recommend a good D&D group? I am flexible in what setting I play, but I do prefer Forgotten Realms.

Jan. 19th, 2014




I swear I've been around, really, I have! Video games just own my soul lately.

So I've got my handheld video game problem, everyone knows this.

Cut for image, ota. )

But then I've got this AMAZING indie game that I've been obsessed with.

It's called Long Live the Queen and it's ... oh my god. You're a princess and you have to live long enough to be crowned queen, but there's intrigue and magic and poisoned candy and basically you just die OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER and I got to week twenty once but then she was all OH CANDY and stuffed her face and then they were poison and I guess I spent too long on her weapons training and not enough time on detecting friggin' poison.





Note to self:

See about better ventilation when working the Transmatter Ray.

Like, maybe even open a window at all.

Jan. 16th, 2014





Still a hostage. But there are hamburgers and substances that I have been assured are not actually illegal. Day is not completely ruined.

[ x-posted on twitter ]

Jan. 13th, 2014



I think I'm ready to up my cosplay game to the next level. I mean, you can only be a guy in a dress so many times before it becomes expected. Unfortunately, my manufacturing skill set is strictly 19th century. I can sew and knit. I'm okay with makeup if it's not more complicated than eyeliner and nail polish. And I'm a fairly decent wig stylist. And honestly, for most cosplay, that's all you need. But I've always wanted to put together something awesome. A mecha. Or actual armor. Or a superhero. Maybe a racebent-genderbent superhero.

So. Open call. There are millions of people in the world. One of you reading this has to know somebody who cosplays or who wants to cosplay or who you can persuade to make costumes. Serendipity. Fate. Destiny. I'm waiting for you.


Loyalty and friendship, so far that seems to be the theme of my dreams. And now my dream-self is planning to potentially ruin the life of his best friend in order to save him from something that would probably destroy him. It seems I walked into the open arms of the CIA with my eyes open and ready to do whatever my country might need of me no matter how it would change me, but my friend, the best and most decent human being I've ever met, I couldn't let it touch him. The things that you are required to do as a member of the CIA would chew him up and spit him out if it didn't outright kill him. Chuck deserves better than that.

Orion felt the same and asked me to take care of it. So I'm about to do something terrible, to save him, and he is going to hate me for it. As long as he ends up the way Chuck has already told me he does then I guess I can live with that.

Jan. 8th, 2014



Locked from non-puncturable Who!People.

So we're all sort of nesting and getting animals, right? (I TOTALLY BLAME YOU, ANAKIN!) Well, consider me +1 on the bandwagon. I went to the shelter and found this little guy staring at me.

Cut for image, viewable to all. )

Jan. 5th, 2014




I don't want to alarm any of you, but I think I may have joined the Dreamer Club.