
Posts Tagged: 'integra+hellsing'

Nov. 17th, 2017




What does one do when Thanksgiving is no longer a viable option? I wonder.

Also the gym will be open for those who desire to work off the turkey they do eat.

Oct. 29th, 2017




I almost feel like I should wrangle Alucard into some cheesy couples costume for Halloween.

Then I remember it's Halloween in Orange County, and I don't feel like that would be wise.

Oct. 25th, 2017




I have two fighters preparing for matches in Bellator. I am so proud of them and know they will do very well. I look forward to their matches and wish them well, as I cannot attend personally.

Sep. 25th, 2017




The gym is closed until all this mess is over with. mostly because I want to be out doing shit

Sep. 3rd, 2017




I had someone freak out on me this evening because there are octagon cages in the gym. Um, it's an MMA gym lady, but yes, thank you for screaming at me how I'm torturing my clients.


Aug. 1st, 2017




So far things are going great. I love it.

Love, I have the desire to shoot people who are annoying. And I really am not in a mood to curb that. please assist.

Jun. 13th, 2017




Opening my own MMA schools sounds like just my style. I think that's what I'll do.

May. 13th, 2017




My Father keeps calling. This will be hard to avoid forever.

I suppose I'll just have to concoct some kind of story. "Hi dad, I'm a vampire!" just won't go over well.

Apr. 27th, 2017




I miss laying on the beach in the sun.

Though, being free to explore the night landscapes is pretty amazing.

Apr. 15th, 2017




I may have gone on a crazy shopping spree the other day. Goodness knows it's more fun at night when most people are home instead of out. I'll give it that much.

Mar. 16th, 2017




While I cannot fight anymore, I do still follow the UFC. Spring is looking to shape up rather nicely for the UFC, with roster shuffles and so forth. Plus outside that, there are some good fighters coming up the ranks. It makes me miss it a bit.

Feb. 6th, 2017




65 years ago today, Princess Elizabeth spent the night in a beautiful Treetops Hotel in Kenya. In the morning she left a Queen. It's Queen Elizabeth II's Sapphire Jubilee. The first in history to celebrate the milestone. A bright spot in an otherwise dark and depressing year. Long live the Queen.

Jan. 28th, 2017




Where did January go? My goodness.

Jan. 17th, 2017




I cannot believe we're halfway through January already, I didn't even notice. My goodness, I need to get my head out of my work some day again.

We should get out of town for a few days. Ooor we can spoil our favorite protege and take her for a weekend jaunt somewhere?

Dec. 24th, 2016




I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas or happy holiday that you celebrate! I am lucky to have the best boyfriend in the country and the best friends a girl could have with me over the holidays.

Oct. 19th, 2016




I'm not one for many holidays but I have to admit I rather enjoy Halloween. The house decorating becomes more elaborate each year, the children seem to enjoy calling on our home. Of course it could be to do with the ridiculous amount of candy by other half sends them off with.

Sep. 29th, 2016




I must say, I really do enjoy the night nowadays. It took a little awhile but I'm used to it now.

Sep. 26th, 2016




Oh, it's a Monday.

Email from old trainer. "Why aren't you training for the fight at Madison Square Garden anymore? Did I miss a memo?" since he was out with his own injury I can't exactly head desk at him. How do you politely tell someone if you actually fought professionally anymore you'd probably accidentally really hurt the other person?

Monday, I really could do without these moral quandaries so early.

For the record? I replied with "I work for my father now and I just do not have the time" because it's not a lie. It's just not the whole story.

Supernatural fight club, it really should be a thing. I'm antsy.
I love you.

Aug. 26th, 2016




I have the strangest urge to redecorate lately.

Aug. 22nd, 2016




This month's to do list:

Acquire empty lot next door: ✔
File for building permits: ✔
Start construction: ✔
Spoil boyfriend: ✔
Have the last few items from home in England sent over: ✔

I feel like things are sorting themselves out here. I even finished my paperwork stack that's been there for a few weeks while I sorted the whole list out. I feel good about that. Oh and, also:

Successfully Avoided Tough Conversation with Father: ✔✔✔✔

Jul. 12th, 2016




Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking when they try to mug someone. I suppose I look an easy target, poor thing.

Jun. 25th, 2016




I am disturbed by the Brexit. My Father's business is mainly exports. This is not exactly something we were looking forward to. I know my Father voted to stay. This is disheartening.

My dear, it is a good thing that Father does not rely on wholly legal means for the business. I have a feeling I may wish to let go of the house I still have there and move the last of our things here, gain a stronger foothold for Father here.

It is wrong to desire to go make a snack out of the idiots who voted to leave, correct?

Jun. 15th, 2016




Am slowly learning to adjust to my new normal. Unfortunately, that normal means Madison Square Garden is no longer on the table. Oh, well.

Love, darling. We should figure out a plan for, you know, food.
Because I'm hungry.

oh and have we told anyone yet?

May. 26th, 2016




Apologies for my most random disappearance. Things have been... interesting lately.

I regret nothing, of course, but it is a bit of an adjustment, to say the least.

Apr. 19th, 2016




Motivational talk: Check
Survived: Check
Would rather jump in the cage with no practice than do that again? Check.
Dream me totally could pull it off. I'm a bit more shy in public speaking.

That said it was nice, and I'm glad I inspired a few new members to join and give it a go. In other big news, New York State finally joined the rest of this country in allowing MMA to be legal within it's borders. Maybe if I train hard enough I can get in one last fight so I can do one in Madison Square Garden - it seems like a crowning achievement for my career.

Pretty sure my shoulder would be ruined but....

Apr. 13th, 2016




I got asked to give a talk at my gym for prospective students - both men and women - they want me to help inspire the next group.

Mar. 30th, 2016




Being home is nice. I think a vacation was well worth the time, though. I am getting so much more done now that I have had a few days away from it all.

Mar. 27th, 2016




Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. I? Am hiding from the world for a few more days, because vacations are nice. I do love when Alucard plans such things.

Mar. 22nd, 2016




I got lost in work again.

Oops? Sorry?

Between working for my father and helping out at the gym teaching young ladies that if they want to, they can have a career in punching people in the face, I've been so busy I forget to check this thing.

Feb. 15th, 2016




My goodness, what is going on this week?

Are you alright?

Jan. 25th, 2016




I am forever grateful for my closest friend also being my better half. He's been so good to me lately, and that's a good thing, considering just how absorbed in my work I've become.

Nov. 28th, 2015




No matter how long I live here, I do not think I shall ever get used to watching people lose their minds over deals that really aren't worth that much. I am glad I do not ever go out on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Oct. 21st, 2015




I'm feeling much better as of late. Still a little disappointed that I can no longer particpate in my career of choice, but it could be much worse and I shall take that. I can't believe Halloween is almost here. Goodness time flies!

Oct. 6th, 2015




I have to admit I do rather enjoy Halloween, I always have. Perhaps it appeals to the macabre side of myself. But when children come round to trick or treat I do rather enjoy the looks on their faces when they see the house all decorated.

Sep. 25th, 2015




We're slowly but surely getting there on PT. I'm still terribly irritable over it. But at least I'm listening and doing what I'm told to. I feel much better, too.

Sep. 9th, 2015




For the record, don't ruin your shoulder and break your arm in one go. The physical therapy is killer.

Aug. 5th, 2015




I feel kind of guilty fighting with my new muscle mass and body type. And horns. Mostly the horns.

So I retired. I did, however, get asked to train at the gym, so that's good. I won't have to worry about where food's going to come from for a while.

Jul. 27th, 2015




Well. That went well. I won my match at the cost of use of my arm. For some time. Goodness next time people should just drag me out of the ring when I look injured and ignore it. After all my years I've never broken a bone until Friday - my humerus is broken and needed some pins to hold together, I tore my rotator cuff and had a blood clot. But it could have been worse.

I am, of course, refusing pain medications. I simply detest them. Although the lack of using my arm is already driving me batty. And I'm incredibly thankful for voice to text and my dear Alucard.

This is not exactly how I wanted to retire and take my place in Father's work, but I suppose it will just have to do. I am restless already, my love.

Jul. 15th, 2015




I do hope whoever has stolen my car realises what a mistake they've made and returns it soon.

Jul. 14th, 2015




Dreams always bad. Wastelands as far as the eyes can see. Sun too bright to bear. Everyone dead or dying. Only myself standing alone in front of the empty world as the heat bakes the sand into my skin, hair, everything.

I am nothing more than the last man standing.

I am become a History Man.

Never dreamed of darkness unending. Never been in world where everything feels wrong for reasons got nothing to do with medications from doctors. Strange days. Alls need is to drive. Hit The Road. Been ordered to stay put. Cargo can't be lost due to crazed weather or a world gone mad as myself. Things more valuable than me. Do understand. Don't like it, but understand. Why this to come about now? Everything changing. Everything black. Storms upon storms yet none carrying sand. What happened to the sand? Red as blood and sharp as glass when it hits the skin. Hot. A world of fire and damnation yet this?

Nothing but blackness.

Even the lightning strikes black.

Is it a sign? Is it my sickness?

Or is it only all of us are damned?

This world is Hell and now we will know it?

Too many questions. No answers. Everything is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrongwrongwro

Jul. 6th, 2015




Finally got the rescheduled match date. July 21st. Way to cut that one close. Good thing I'm no slacker. The dreams, though, are killer on letting me get a good night's sleep. Ugh.

Jun. 24th, 2015




After being home for a few weeks, I find myself deep into training and volunteering so much so I've neglected being social. I swear, I probably live in the gym these days - either the official one or the one in the house. I really should change that. I'll end up too much like the woman in my dreams if I become all work and no play.

Jun. 8th, 2015




Volunteering has been lovely. I do enjoy giving back a little and seeing some of the girls' eyes light up when they realize a girl can be tough too has been nice. Coming back from Vienna was rough - I didn't want to leave, but there's work to be done, so we did manage to get me back on the plane.

Now that I've gotten back into the swing of training, and all, it's been nice. I'm really happy to be back into my routine.

May. 21st, 2015




I'm almost sad to have planned this vacation to Vienna. It isn't often I get to relish a moment of taking a page from my dreams and laying into some things who need it. I almost wish I could stay. But I am looking forward to a little bit of time outside the country. When I get back it's busting butt for the next match again.

May. 7th, 2015




Besides my regular training, and my trainer's idea of fun (those lovely ten mile runs which, for the record are inching up to 15, does he expect me to run a marathon too?), I've decided to volunteer. There's a gym my trainer works at that serves kids who come from homeless shelters, tries to get them into exercise and the like. I'm only doing one day a week, so I don't pack my schedule too tight, but I think it'll be a good experience.

May. 5th, 2015




We rescheduled my next match for the end of the month. My opponent had some ... issues. How dreadful. I was looking forward to getting back in the ring sooner rather than later. I suppose it is alright, though, I can train a little more and relax a little more.

Darling I think we should do something nice for Irisa.

Apr. 2nd, 2015




I honestly am exhausted. I not only ran ten miles today but I spent a few hours at the gym with my trainers. I'd taken a little time off to just relax, and I? Am so regretting it.

Mar. 15th, 2015




Since I'm here for Mother's Day I had dad promise to bring flowers to my mother's grave today. He's a sweetheart and sent me a photo of it, so I could share in the moment. It's times like these I really love my father.

Mar. 13th, 2015




It's good to be back. London was nice and it was lovely to see my Father, but here's home now. What have I missed?




I won my last bout. I'm thinking about having a party or something, maybe renting a bar for an evening. Any of you random so-and-sos want to come? The more the merrier.

Edit: Going to have this shindig on the 21st at [Random Bar Address]. I rented the thing, so drink as much as you want. But if you try to drive home drunk, just know I'm really good at popping shoulders out of socket.