
Posts Tagged: 'clark+kent+%28superman%29'

May. 6th, 2021




I did a sweep of the area earlier to get an idea of just how many areas the droids were located and it's honestly not a lot, but there are a lot of droids. I took out a few tanks from the sky cause those are probably the ones we really need to worry about. The B1s, the ones honestly aren't that hard to take down. Yesterday BB8 managed to distract a few to give me a chance to pick em off with the Bowcaster I got. That thing is pretty awesome. I can see why it's Chewie's weapon of choice.

I really wish Rey and Finn were here cause I think they could have had a good time taking down some of these guys.

Mar. 6th, 2021



Friends filter

I think I'm going to go after my PI license.

Feb. 22nd, 2021




Lucky charms? Good.

Lucky Charms on pizza...not good.

Feb. 3rd, 2021




Looks like the dreams are starting to get into the best friend territory. The first time that I ever met my best friend, Chloe.


The dream didn't just show me that. I also don't want you to be surprised by bullet holes in the shirt upstairs.

Jan. 2nd, 2021




My roommate is either trying to test fate or just test me. Because, in her words, what's the worst that could happen by having a ouija board carpet and a Roomba? Never mind the fact Gar keeps trying to fight the Roomba when he isn't hiding from it.

Dec. 8th, 2020




So, hypothetically speaking....

Is it considered cheating to use my SoulSelf to shred/grate potatoes for latkes to cut down on prep work?

Nov. 18th, 2020



Filtered; Clark, Donna, Jemma, Kory, Timmy, Raven

Thank you doesn't seem sufficient enough for what you've all done for me. But thank you. Sorry it took me so long to get back on here, but I'm out now. I'm just..getting shit together.

I owe you one birthday kidnappinng.

Nov. 14th, 2020




Has anyone else had a dream that flashbacks to their childhood and teenage years? I have already dreamed most of these events too, but this last dream added a little more to the memories. Either way it sucked reliving them twice.

Nov. 5th, 2020




The dream that I had last night is really messing with me. These dreams are doing that in general. Showing me at different ages. Last one was age 3. This one? Age 10. School and home life wasn't so bad, except for the occasional bullies. I think everyone has those, though.

Oct. 11th, 2020




Seems like these dreams are showing as I age. Which is weird.

Also, I think I'm going to need to stay away from much of everything at the moment. I'm pretty sure my truck needs a new door now. It's not the only thing I've managed to break today either. So, I might have to sit in the middle of the living room and hope I don't break anything else.

Oct. 7th, 2020




Newest dream? I was found and raised by Martha and Jonathan Kent. I don't care what these dreams say, those are my parents. It's weird to even think about the fact that I was found as a baby by them. But that's what these dreams are all about. Them raising me and making sure that I have a good life. Something that I'm more than grateful for. Possibly inside the dreams and I know that I am outside of them too.

Oct. 5th, 2020




Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry now have a three pack. Also added to the seasonal cereal: Reeses puff Bats and my cereal fix is almost satisfied. Almost. Gonna need a bigger cereal closet soon. Cerealously.

Looks like I'm minus one roommate/handyman.

Sep. 24th, 2020




that damn nightmare again
My parents falling from the highwire. Enough.
It's been haunting me all week already.

Say what you will about this place, but the fact that I found a place at 10pm to get a funnel cake is pretty damn awesome. One point Orange County.

Sep. 11th, 2020




One thing I never had to do back in Chicago was battle wildfires. This is unlike anything I've ever seen before.

It's been a long week. My team has been ordered a 48 hour furlough before tagging back in. I don't even have the energy to get groceries to make a meal. I'm grabbing something quick and going to crash.

Sep. 7th, 2020




Ever have trouble sleeping, all you need do is look at the stack of paperwork on my desk. Hello darkness my old friend, will you ever end?

...Three cups of coffee sludge later and I'm pretty sure the pile hasn't shrunk, but multiplied.

[Self defense students; Alex, Dan, Kory]
Sorry about the disappearing act last week. Back again. Two freebies for each of the ones I missed.

So, had any Dreams yet?

Pretty sure you know this already, but I may have acquired a roommate.

[ooc: if there's another 4th student pls let me know, brain failure]

Sep. 4th, 2020




First it's get kidnapped to the future and then sent back to the past/present to prevent the future from happening. Now it's....go back to the past and preserve it.... Because it's not like time travel wasn't confusing already.

I could certainly do without being called 'dame' or 'bird', though.

Aug. 6th, 2020




I do not recommend cross country moves. I have a hell of a lot to unpack but I'm done for the night. I'm going to sit on my lawn chair with a beer and catch the game.

Aug. 3rd, 2020




Normally, I wouldn't bother with the network. But, I know of a certain someone who would probably tease me like crazy if I didn't say something. So, if you ever need anything, you can find me at the local firehouse. Where it seems that I practically live most days.

Just ask for Clark Kent.

May. 2nd, 2013



I know I shouldn't really be surprised anymore but when things have been quiet for a while I completely forget how strange this county can be.

I saw the strangest group of people walking through the town this morning. They seemed nice and nobody bothered them. But I can't help wondering if this is leading to something a little less...calm.

Apr. 23rd, 2013




Who knew finding a job after being on house arrest would be so hard? I've got to disclose all of that information and employers would rather hire someone who doesn't have a criminal record, go figure. I think it's back to the club with me. Are any of my regulars still on this thing?

Apr. 20th, 2013




Dear network,

If you could travel anywhere in the world and spend a year there exploring and settling into the way of life, where would it be?

Follow up question: Why did you chose this place?

Luna Scamander

Apr. 16th, 2013




Even in my dreams, I'm the fucking bad guy. Guess I ain't surprised. I'm kinda glad that no one in my dreams is here.

Trying to kill my friends and shit. Working for the baddie.

My lot in life.

Apr. 13th, 2013



I know this will sound weird, especially since I'm me, but I can't wait for summer. I'm starting college soon, so it'll be my last real summer vacation ever. (I'm going to go to summer school, I want to knock my BS out in three years.)

So this summer I'm doing nothing. I'm goofing off and drinking overpriced coffee drinks and sitting with my boyfriend and kicking his ass in Bananagrams.

Mar. 29th, 2013



Will anyone else be attending the Stark party at Disneyland tonight? I've never been before, and was hoping for recommendations on what I absolutely need to try out.

Barbara will you




I have to be a contender for 'worst dreams in the universe' right now.

Living for millennia and seeing your comrades die over and over again, and being completely and utterly barred from so much as touching them. An eternity of solitude in the cold mists of time. It's one of the cruellest fates I can think of. And that's not even mentioning what comes after

Mar. 28th, 2013




And the dreams are back. This one wasn't so bad. In fact it was kind of interesting. I wound up in a city called Gotham and there was an earthquake, which leveled most of it and it was cut off from everything else. I was working with a group of people to keep the citizens safe. I wound up saving the life of a man who was the Commissioner of the city then I became a super hero. They called me Batgirl.

The really strange part about the whole thing was that the woman who was in my dream, do I was working for, is the same woman I ran into while walking Ginger the other day. So now I'm not sure if it really was one of the dreams or just any other random dream.



[Locked From Scoot]

So Valarnet. I've got a little project for us to organize here. I'm pretty sure most of us saw Scoot's post yesterday. If not, he's a really awesome kid who is going to be having surgery at the beginning of next month. I know it's kind of short notice, but I saw someone else mentioning setting up a care package for him, and I'm thinking we can add to that.

Having been there, where you can't really get up and do a lot of stuff, or are zonked out on pain meds to the point you're not doing a lot, it seems like the best thing to do is watch bad movies and I've got the impression he doesn't have a lot of those. Not to go giving out personal information but he's kind of lacking a lot of STUFF these days, and well.

I was thinking we could start up a bad movie collection to give Scoot something to do while he's recovering. Obviously, we're gonna need to coordinate so we don't end up with ten copies of The Incredible Mr. Limpet or something, and a place to drop them off, I'm thinking directly with his awesome girlfriend, but ideas? Thoughts? You can comment here if you'd like to help.

But let's give him an awesome recovery, yeah?

Mar. 27th, 2013




So I have a surgery scheduled for the April Sixth. Never thought this day would come. And I'm so nervous.

Is going under scary? Or what? Because I'm totally going to punch a wall from dysphoriaanxiety if it's too scary.

Please don't ask what the surgery is for, I'm bad at excuses for things.




Having a housemate has taken some getting used to, but having Darcy around has actually been nice. I haven't lived with anyone since my parents during the summers when I was at Harvard, so it was a bit of an adjustment, but my house finally feels lived in.

I'm debating whether or not to attend Tony's party at Disneyland. I've never been before and I'm sure it would be fun, but I'm undecided.

Mar. 26th, 2013




So, bachelor parties. Or specifically, mine.

Before you ask, no, there won't be strippers (unless Thor gets drunk and loses his pants, which I put the odds at 50/50) but I fully intend for it to be an awesome night. Renting out Disneyland for the night, starting at Midnight and going until dawn.

Men, women, whatever. Gender friendly and I am going to personally buy you all mouse ears, all right?

And you will wear them.

This Friday. Be there.

Mar. 25th, 2013




We just thought we'd remind you. There will be more details soon about party + venue + everything we expect from life, and everything you promised us.

In the meantime:

Tonks: Hope the rest of your birthday went well!
Percy: You're coming to our party. You do not have a choice in the matter.
Ginny: Ready for charity work and favors from us in return? We're thinking Wednesday.
Percy's Better Half: Read above. Minus the favor part.
Hermione: ... We got nothing. We just wanted to include you in our list.
Verity: Hi. We can see you working. Over there. Behind that thing. Yeah. You.

Midna Not-Weasley: BRONCHITIS: Ain't nobody got time for it.

Mar. 10th, 2013



Things have really started picking up at work, which is wonderful. They've given me a much busier beat and my own byline.

Every day seems a little better than the last, which I'm very grateful for. I hope everyone else is enjoying the same run of luck.

Mar. 6th, 2013



Well HYDRA's a crock of shit.

Meanwhile, my costume showed up in my closet today. It's tighter and curvier than I was expecting. Though I'm not sure what I was expecting exactly.

How the hell do I even put this thing on?

Feb. 24th, 2013



Fucking shit! I don't know what the hell you people are on here, but this Wonderland trippy crap needs to be over. I just got fucking mugged walking down the street by a playing card. He stopped me, pushed me, asked who I was, and when I tried to turn away, he grabbed my fucking purse off my shoulder.

I don't know where law enforcement or the military or whatever are here, but they better be handling the Goddamn problem. How can anyone do business here?

At this rate, if anyone teaches self defense, I'd be interested.

Feb. 14th, 2013




There should be some sort of opposite Valentine's Day where we tell people we hate how much we hate them and give them awful gifts like sweaters. I could get behind that.

Feb. 11th, 2013




Yes, I have a black eye. No, it doesn't hurt. Yes, it'll go away eventually. Stop asking me questions. Jesus.

Feb. 6th, 2013




No leads on Michiru. What a pain.

Are police so incompetent? Not all, just the ones working on this case.

Feb. 3rd, 2013




I would like to apologize on behalf of my hometown for this merde maudit at the Super Bowl. Son of a bitch, even Detroit didn't have the damn lights go out when they host the thing.

Feb. 2nd, 2013




I'm new. Introducing myself.

Jan. 31st, 2013



So, uh, I was watching the news today and one of my favorite musicians. I think I've spoken about her before on this thing, but her name's Michiru. She's been kidnapped--is this real? This isn't some stupid National Enquirer prank is it?

Well I suppose not, since it's on legit news stations.

God this world is terrible, well my thoughts go out to her and her family. I hope she's okay... where ever she is.

Jan. 30th, 2013




My everything hurts. A lot. At some point that'll stop, right?

I think I'll try to leave fighting to the professionals from now on. I'm awesome at kung fu, but it's different in an uncontrolled situation. That's when it's awesome

Leonard, you can bring dinner this time. I'm icing my poor, battered body.

Jan. 29th, 2013



For those of you who might be interested, I've been given leave to say that Fayth, down in Mission Viejo, is back open for all business, not just alterations. We are over the blue flu and ready for customers.

Jan. 28th, 2013



If I ever see hospital food again it'll be too fucking soon.

They have the audacity to call a lump of apples and dough 'apple pie'. Bullshit.

Jan. 20th, 2013



On behalf of the Irvine General Hospital board I would like to thank the men and women who continue to work so hard to ensure that all patients receive the best care possible in such difficult circumstances.

Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed.

Jan. 2nd, 2013




Missed ringing in the New Year entirely. Or maybe I didn't, but I don't remember it. I've just come to in ... Not actually sure where. Posting via my phone and battery is in critical condition. Got detoured on my way to Fullerton.

I've made a plan of action (a rarity, I know): 1) Locate tylenol and orange juice; 2) Discover location; 3) Hopefully acquire funds from friends to take a bus home or plead to my horrible parents to come rescue me.

I think 2013's going to be fantastic.

Dec. 30th, 2012




She missed Christmas.

Dec. 25th, 2012



I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Isn't that remarkable? Southern California having a White Christmas.

I hope it's a very merry one for all.

Dec. 16th, 2012



To all four of my teachers who thought that "Holiday Homework" would be "fun" and "distracting":

May you choke on some really old, crusty dicks. Fuckers.

I hope you get bird flu,

Violet Harmon.

Dec. 6th, 2012



Hi! I was told this network is for OC residents to get together and stuff, so I thought I'd post. I'm Lorna Dane, I just moved to Newport Beach this week. I'm a Libra, and I have my masters in Botany! Yay, me!

Anyway, I wanted to say hello, and invite everyone to a preview of my new shop on New Years Eve. I'm the owner and soon-to-be operator of Grassroots, which will be a pot dispensary and also have crafts for sale. Until the place actually opens I can't sell any pot, but (amusingly enough), the number one thing I got from the local crafters when I put out the word to them was pots. So we have those. Plus, I can give you plant advice!

There will also be free drinks and a snack bar. If we don't all die in a horrible way that the Mayans tried to warn us about, please come in and check the place out! The party starts at six, and we'll serve snacks until we run out or people have mostly dispersed to the bars.

Nov. 20th, 2012




Yes, for those of you who have been asking, Luke's is going to be open on Thanksgiving. We're only serving one thing for breakfast, lunch & dinner though. Turkey. If you don't like it don't come.

Someone has to feed the cooking-challenged of Tustin. I'm pretty sure at least one family would starve to death if I closed the diner for a day.