
Posts Tagged: 'tifa+lockhart'

Oct. 27th, 2019




Is it really quite so necessary for anyone to be bringing out the Christmas decorations yet? My senses were assaulted by the appearance of a Christmas light display in the park.

Oct. 22nd, 2019




So I went out last night, in desperate need of chocolate and midol, and didn't bother with a bra because it was like, 3 am.

This lady looked so offended and whispered to me 'did you know we can see your nipples?'

My response?

'First of all stop being ungrateful'

The look on her face was almost as good as the chocolate.

Oct. 8th, 2019




Get out the hospital only to get hit with more dreams.

I didn't die there either and end up joining a group of eco-terrorists fighting this corporation called Shinra, which is, naturally, killing the planet.

Sep. 26th, 2019




Spoke too soon on the dream train and got run over by a guy with a very large sword who burned my hometown down and killed my dad.

somehow that part isn't as bad as my parents


Going to be missing work tonight, I'm in the hospital.

Sep. 18th, 2019




So is it abnormal to not get dreams? I feel like I'm missing out and yet I'm pretty sure I want to be missing out.

Sep. 16th, 2019




Glad as I am to have my strength back - I really could have lived without the heightened sense of smell coming back. How in a week did I forget how disgusting that tea blend my neighbor makes every damn day smells?

Gonna need you to help me stay on top of things tonight - I'm still adjusting to having everything back. Distractions are definitely a problem for me.

If your boyfriend comes in tonight I'm putting him on phone babysitting. I'm delegating every distraction I can until I get used to my senses again.

Sep. 12th, 2019




I accidentally turned a bottle of top shelf vodka into mixed berry juice because I'm apparently experiencing a fruit deficiency and this is worse than the yellow eyes.

Aug. 19th, 2019




Man, this chick who ran my bar while I was in prison handled it all so well I think I might retire from the business and just sell her the place.

And yeah, I did just say prison. Behold, the infamous dunkin donuts truck stealer. I did that shit while I was still in a wheelchair. You guys have to at least semi respect those skills, right?

Hey Pidge, I promise I don't steal anymore so please don't ban me from yours.

Aug. 5th, 2019




I always thought bartenders who took a personal interest were a myth, something someone decided would make better television.

Mine doesn't seem to have gotten the memo.

Aug. 1st, 2019




It’s amazing how hard it is to get a job as an ex-felon. Or an apartment.

Luckily some people are willing to look the other way or I’d be in serious trouble.

And I’m sure most people don’t go around bragging about committing felonies but I’m kinda proud of defacing Trump Tower.




So, I decided to download this new mobile game because I wanted something mindless to play with and turns out I'm completely addicted.

It's called MyMuseum and you're basically an paleontologist that is filling up this little museum with dinosaur skeletons. You don't have to pay any money - you can get little bonuses from just watching ads. But it's so addicting! I get so frustrated when I go to dig up fossils and don't find any. It's so much fun though!!

I hope this sparks interest in a few of you and you give it a try :3

May. 24th, 2016




Soooooo I think this geostigma is some kind of comparison to like... child poverty or... something? I mean, it's mostly the kids getting sick. Some adults are getting sick but... like... it's mostly kids. My buddy Yuri broke me outta my dad's stupid house arrest thing, and we tried to find some stuff in the materia caves to help. Course, I just find Nanaki but that's cool too. Pops just shut down the borders to Wutai so we're cut off, I gotta break outta the whole country to go try and help my friends before my whole nation gets wiped out. Yuri doesn't deserve this. Midgar here I come!

Things would he more helpful if Vinnie would answer his phone, travelling on cat-back is bumpy.

In other news! I am gonna kick butt this week in class! Hopefully. If I get up in time. Stupid alarm clock needs to be louder.

May. 21st, 2016




I dreamed our mission involved me cross-dressing in disguise.

On an related note, Aerith and Tifa can be terrifying when trying to extract information from someone.

May. 14th, 2016




Screw this. Screw the dreams. Screw Osborne.

I'm so done with this stupid initiative.

I am taking liquid painkillers and going to sleep in a blurred state for a week hopefully.

Apr. 28th, 2016





Okay, so not really really, please no one try to break into my apartment or anywhere else because I'm actually fine. But!!! Dream me is held hostage! By my own father! Then again, he's not winning dad of the year, ever. Whatever. Godo is locking my up to save me from a thing I don't even have so that I don't get it, but I'm not gonna get it and other peoples are getting sick!

Not cool old man, foul points!

Okay, but now I'm actually going to be held hostage because we have a stupid project at school and I'm gonna be stuck in that one room all day. Uuuuuuurgh.

Apr. 23rd, 2016




I think I had one of those dreams. I was some kind of soldier, but I was using a sword. A really big sword.

Apr. 3rd, 2016




It's a little last minute, but planning and traveling definitely got in the way of me remembering to say something here!

Seventh Heaven's closed until next Friday. I'm in Taiwan right now and... I'd forgotten the awful jet lag. Been a long time since I came back! Got some tombs to sweep.

How are things back in the OC?

Mar. 20th, 2016




The things you do to help save the planet... I woke up in a dress of all things. There was a little bit of a sewer smell, too. It was not a very sanitary set of dreams... but at least I'm learning more about the world in them! Even if it's got me trying to call him again

Hope everyone is doing alright! Guess I gotta find a reason to use this dress now... after I get it dry cleaned.

Mar. 9th, 2016




Well, it's official. I must be right around the corner from old age - I'm going to be a godfather and am knitting a baby blanket. What's the next step, I wonder? Creamed corn? Wearing my trousers up to my chin?

At any rate, dreams continue to be absolutely mad and possess absolutely no sense. We're in Camelot, yes, bloody Camelot with all the Arthurian legends - only Arthur is some crazed lunatic and Merlin is a rather attractive wizard, my god, if I wasn't so besotted with a certain blonde Savior I'd probably want to disappear and make some magic for awhile.

Anyway, our Scooby Doo gang is off to retrieve a broken piece of Excalibur (with Zelena in tow, honestly, if she wasn't baking a bun in the oven I'd be all for dropping her off a cliff) and my lady left with Merlin to retrieve something called the Flame of Prometheus. I hope they're not up to anything naughty because I'd be quite sad I didn't get to join in.

I'll be looking forward to the break from this horseshit during my upcoming UK/Ireland holiday (requests for souvenirs accepted, I suppose). Someone please try to talk my sister out of green beer - the poor lass thinks that's actually a thing for St. Patrick's Day.

Feb. 21st, 2016




Huh. I woke up this morning with a weird understanding of how to defy gravity fight in a completely different style. I was just telling someone I hadn't dreamed in a long while, too. What a time to be having them with everything I've been reading out going on.

I hope you're all okay. If you need to find shelter and you're in Costa Mesa, you can hide out at Seventh Heaven.

Feb. 18th, 2016




Ugh. It's been three days and I still feel like I've been hit by a freight train. These dreams, man. They really get at you.




Sometimes I think Dream me is suicidal. He takes on one of the most dangerous jobs in the area, mouths off to the Empire - the people he's trying to hide from - and gets into fights as though that's what he lives for. And just when I think he's probably the most miserable asshole in the galaxy, he goes and saves some jackass from a mining cave-in and in doing so blows his entire cover.

So, yeah, basically I'm the galaxy's worst Jedi. Sounds about right.

Feb. 17th, 2016




World Cabbage Day? Who the hell comes up with these days? I mean seriously and more to the point why is my calendar telling me about them?

Jan. 28th, 2016




Well, 'slaying a basilisk' is not how I'd picture spending my time but there you have it. Though granted, I didn't do it on my own. We do make quite the aquatic creature-hunting team, Miss Bo (is it still a team with only two people? Alas).

Point is, there's a dead basilisk on my porch. It's wrapped in a tarp and I need some of the skin but otherwise, it's free to be donated to anyone who wants to study...a mythological sea snake.

Figured I'd try this network first, because you lot are strange and there might be someone who's interested.

Jan. 5th, 2016




Because of the busy holiday season among other things, I haven’t had the chance to really talk or think about the dreams I’ve been having. I also didn’t really want to talk about them while Mother was here.

I’ve come to the realization that we are some very odd pirates.

cut for length; readable by all )

The Too Long; Didn’t Read summary: I dreamed of flying up a giant geyser, finding island in a sea in the clouds, being whisked away by a giant crab, a ruler who calls himself God and searching for a city that may or may not exist, but supposedly has incredible wealth and answers I’ve been searching my whole life for.

Also, I forgot to mention, apparently there is a civil war going on between the denizens of Skypea over ancient homeland, but we don’t really seem to care much about that.




Okay, who the hell just gives other people's stuff away? I mean, sure, dead and all, but c'mon man.

Don't know how much stock to put in that death thing in this place, but jeez, giving away a mans bow? That's low, even for Cap and his well meaning.

I'm pretty sure this samurai thing isn't gonna stick.

Jan. 2nd, 2016




My dreams have been on repeat recently, which is fine since I'm not waking up bruised all to hell like before. Last night, however, they moved forward finally. Muriel, the witch we've been hunting, came into the town after we'd captured one of her friends. They're collecting children, one born from each month, to do some sort of ritual with them. What that ritual does we don't know, but it's going to happen really soon in my dreams. I woke up right after she told me that she wasn't going to kill me there and then, which was odd since she very well could have, and then she tossed me out a window.

Needless to say I've got some cuts, and my head hurts but otherwise I'm okay. I would just like to know if we manage to save the children.

Dec. 17th, 2015




Someone is sending me Mike and Ikes. Someone knows how much I love my candy.

Someone is awesome!!!!

I think my teeth are going to rot!

Dec. 4th, 2015




Seriously California, I didn't think snow came this far south. Ugh. If I'd wanted snow I would've stayed north, damn it. I was hoping for beaches and sunshine. What the hell is going on with the weather?

In other non-related news, name's Bo, new to town. I'm a bartender looking for work, and hoping the snow doesn't stick around. Like. At all.

Nov. 27th, 2015




Good Morning!

I am still so full of turkey and sides and delicious pie I could burst! I didn't want yesterday to end at all! I hope others had an equally fantastic Thanksgiving with equally as fantastic company.

Sadly, back to work bright in early this morning. It's chilly enough that I'm actually wearing the coat I got from my dreams. I love it, it's so warm and comfy!

If anyone is out shopping on Black Friday, everything in my shop is 20% off. As usual, mention Valarnet and get an additional 10% off the entire purchase.

Happy Return of the Season, everyone!

Nov. 15th, 2015




It's 1:30 am and I'm wide awake because of the noise I heard across the hall. I'm pretty sure the neighbor who lives in that apartment is certifiable. I came home with dinner Friday night and she was out in the hall. I don't know what she was doing out there, but she was babbling about Friday the 13th and the fact that there as a new moon and how doom would follow or something. The new moon was the 11th.

I couldn't get in my apartment fast enough. This place keeps getting weirder. Is this normal?

Nov. 7th, 2015




There's something really irking about being killed by a team mate.


Apparently my dream-half is a little more forgiving than I feel like I would be. Seriously, twice. What the hell. Plus side, existence. That seems like it would be a good thing.

Oct. 20th, 2015




So, after mulling it over a little, I think I've decided to bite the bullet and get a little thematic with Seventh Heaven for Halloween! Would anyone be interested in coming to a lowkey costume party at my bar Halloween night? Just curious--I'll be open either way! I don't usually celebrate any holidays, but given the insanity of the year so far... I thought maybe a little fun couldn't hurt!

Oct. 19th, 2015




Reasons why I moved to California:

1. Who doesn't want to live in California?
2. I was tired of living in Vegas.
3. Getting the chance to be the lead animal behavior expert for a zoo whose application was more involved than my application to get my masters.

Reasons why I should have Googled more before moving to California:

1. "Zoo" is a loose term which can also translate to "backyard menagerie."
2. Salary should always be discussed in advance.
3. Working two jobs to cover what I made at one.

Thanks for the welcome, Cali. How about you cut a guy a break now?

Oct. 18th, 2015




I've had a few more dreams recently. I fought a marine lieutenant who had demanded the release of King Cobra and I nearly killed her. I feel very poorly about it. She was only doing her job to protect the kingdom of Alabasta.

Then I purposefully mistranslated the poneglyph for Crocodile. I had really hoped that it would tell about the Void Century. It didn't, though. It spoke about a weapon and Crocodile simply couldn't learn that. Somehow, though, Crocodile knew I was lying to him, so he stabbed me with his hook.

I woke up this morning with a horrible pain in my side. Thank goodness there was no injury.

I did find this outfit in my closet, however:

Cut for Picture, Open to All (SFW) )

Its the outfit I've been wearing in my dreams. While its perfectly acceptable to wear in my dream world, I'm afraid I would get more than one odd look if I attempted to wear it here. I do really love the coat though.

Oct. 16th, 2015




This is, surprisingly, not a post about pumpkin spice or Halloween.

I'd call it an introduction. Not a blind one, however - no, I've scrolled back many pages to revel in all this...uniqueness.

Dr. Ian Malcolm, resident Chaotician at your service. I teach a few classes here and there at UCI, and recently moved to the area with my daughter who is a budding Olympic gold gymnast.

But that's only me. What about you? Lots of dream talk. I like it.

Oct. 15th, 2015




Ever get to that point where your dreams stop being even remotely interesting and then segue into an inevitable train wreck? I don't care about prophecies, I don't care about your dragon drama (especially when all of you are suspicious bastards), please stop interrupting my plans of travel that involve a) me getting filthy rich and b) eating. I'd also appreciate the attempts of murder to stop, because I actually didn't do what this urinal cake thinks I did.

On the bright side, I can blame my sister for forcing me to handle this mess, otherwise I'd quit. But I hope I get cool stuff. I'm due for getting cool stuff again, dreamfairy. Hinthint.

Anyway, moving onto more realistic matters, is anyone interested in a big clunker van? It's a Frankencar, has been shot at multiple times throughout the year and still runs pretty well. It's got somewhat butchered shag carpet on the inside and I'm keeping the beaded curtains, fyi, but it'd be a good project for a grease monkey.

As for the blood in it, it's not mine, I didn't kill anyone, people who got shot just bled all over it. I'll, uh, discount it for that part.

Sep. 28th, 2015




Even though I don't have much pride for my heritage, my family was very conscientious about it. We'd celebrate all of Taiwan's holidays, we'd even go away for a week around Chinese New Year to see my grandparents. The older I get, the less I find myself keeping track of those important days. Almost missed Moon Festival (and if you've ever read the tale behind it, it's an eyebrow raiser)... So, in the spirit of the blood moon: Happy Moon Festival! I've got the bar closing early tonight, but I managed to get my hands on some different kinds of moon cakes if you're curious to come and try something new!

Sep. 27th, 2015




Good god the Super Blood Moon is amazing to look at. I was able to get my buddy at the Observatory to let me in so I could watch from there, and it's fantastic. So cool.

Sep. 25th, 2015




This is bullshit.

Today is bullshit.

This place is bullshit.

Boobs get in the way of everything.

Sep. 23rd, 2015




I heard about this place from a co-worker who suggested that I join up, I resisted at first since I didn't see the point, but here I am anyway. My mother would be quite upset if she found out since I don't have a Facebook account and she's constantly telling me about extended family members and what's going on with them. It's not that I don't care, but I don't need to know every little detail of their lives or see that funny picture they posted.

I'm David Loki, I work with Orange PD, it's nice to meet you all I think.

Sep. 12th, 2015




I got my first dream!!! Maybe I shouldn't be glad, since it came in the library and I made a noise falling off my seat waking up and I'm pretty sure the librarian hates me but...

image under cut -language )

Jul. 29th, 2015



Hello Orange County! This is a neat little community, now isn't it~? I'm Aertih - I own your favorite flower shop, Promised Flowers in Costa Mesa!

What better way to brighten up your life this summer than with a beautiful bouquet of flowers?! I know, I know, this is pure shameless advertising ... Heheheh. ^_^; But seriously, come over and visit me!

Jul. 14th, 2015




I'd say it's good to be back home, but considering the conditions... Home sweet home, I guess.

What'd I miss the past few days?

Jul. 13th, 2015




I feel like I haven't been going to church as often as I should, and I should really try to fix that. Does anyone attend a Catholic church they'd like to recommend?

Jul. 9th, 2015




And boom!

The old man finally replaced my electrics because I am a responsible adult!

Well, semi-responsible. If I can avoid crashing into anyone with my bike, I might get a car. Or a scooter! ZIP ZIP ZIP! I'd love a scooter!

This means summer is gonna rock!!! Or it would if I could afford to do anything... stupid allowance!

Jul. 7th, 2015




It seems my dreams are getting a bit more interesting. Still no magic, however my on again, off again girlfriend was being stalked by a crazy girl who is now in an insane asylum.

I also lost my job teaching at the college thanks to said girlfriend’s father.

Jun. 26th, 2015




Alrighty, Valarnet, I need your sage input.

Anyone else have dreams that are done and over with, but are still experiencing physical changes? Because apparently I'm going blonde, so unless someone's been sneaking dye into my shampoo every day, I've got no other explanation.

And if someone is sneaking dye into my shampoo, I will find you. And punch you right in the intestines.

Jun. 23rd, 2015




Since we seem to be officially done with kidnappings and destruction by a hungry arachnid, and considering the fourth is approaching fast, I'd say that's good timing to actually break in that firepit we keep talking about.

Barbecue (with vegetarian alternatives), drinks, and fireworks assuming people behave and don't break our things. I will put a bullet in your ass otherwise. This might even work as an engagement/house warming celebration, since our last place got bombed and we haven't showed this place too much.

Just whatever you do, if you bring something, avoid the nuts and the mangos. My life thanks you in advance.

Jun. 11th, 2015




Filter: Clint
Hey, thanks again for helping out at the bar during that vampire mess. I'd be questioning my sanity right now if I'd tried to handle that on my own.

Had a couple more of those weird dreams. The world in it is so bizarre, but... do any of you find that your lives here parallel your dreams in a strange sort of way? I know things can be weird here in the OC, too, but there's something... I don't know... much more fantasy-like about my dreams. Maybe I'm just over thinking it. I'm just gonna be grateful I haven't dreamed of anything all that bad. There is a man that scares me a little, but

So, disregarding that... I hope everyone is recovered from that whole hell-on-earth debacle now. I haven't lost my optimism about this place yet, but limits sure do get pushed here, don't they?