
Posts Tagged: 'tessa'

May. 5th, 2013




It is truly a good day when you find that work is a place you love to be. Acting has always been my passion. My fortune of late has been to share that with others and gain some small element of fame, and I feel incredibly grateful to those who make this life better than it was.

Apr. 24th, 2013



Tessa, can I just get that punch card thing we were talking about that one time?

I'm waiting for my insurance to call 'being me' a pre-existing condition.
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Apr. 22nd, 2013



The surgery was successful, and I'll be out of the hospital tomorrow morning! Thank goodness.

I need to get out of the house and run around after work. Who wants to distract me?

Apr. 21st, 2013



Free Candy at (Insert Gabe's Address)

Hey Valarnet.

Weirdest thing in the world just happened to me when I woke up and now I'm passing my windfall on to all of you.

You know the skittles rainbow? That just happened. In my living room.

And it doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. You want some candy? Come on over!

Apr. 9th, 2013




Note to self: When trimming branches in trees, always check for bees hives first. I just spent the last two hours at the ER. Damn good thing I'm not allergic.

Apr. 8th, 2013




Seems like the thing to do these days is post on one of these blogs, or networks, and talk to people here. Somehow, it doesn’t feel quite the same as talking in person, to me, but that might be my age showing. Either way, hello to all.

My name is Magius, and I am a doctor at Sunburst Medical Clinic and it's sister facility, Sunburst Women's Shelter. One of my colleagues kept mentioning this place as an interesting read, and since I do rather love reading, I decided to give it a go. Seems a bit chaotic sometimes, but what doesn’t, these days? But you mostly seem like a nice bunch, so I hope to enjoy a few chats on here between work and studying.

Now, does anyone by chance know of a good stable around and about? The one I used most recently is shuttering its doors and my horse Silvanus needs a good place to stay.

Apr. 7th, 2013




Having more dreams, and getting inundated by the many times my life has been utterly weird and frelled, I have to say that I am very glad to be here and not in that other world. I'd much rather be a firefighter and ex-marine than a super-hero and ex-vigilante, and ex-student. Life is a lot more fun in the world without people trying to kill me every week.

I think so anyway.

And the costumes are much more colorful here.

Who else has dreams where they wear a costume and think... 'really? was I that limited in my creativity?'? Because this happens to me a lot.

On the up-side, I now know a whole lot about Seismology, Geology, and Mineralogy that I never studied in this world.

Apr. 1st, 2013




Hi, ho, and hu, everyone! You're looking at the latest college freshman of UC: Irvine! Well, admitted freshman, even if I have no classes yet!


This is... a good day!

I can't wait to start classes in the Summer! This is going to rock!

Mar. 29th, 2013




I don't know what to do. How can you love one man in so many bodies and forgive them all for just... being who they are?

It's going to break my human heart.



Spring Celebration

In honour of the Spring Equinox and the balance of male and female fertility, I will state despite my dislike of it, that those wishing to conceive try around noon at each day for the next week. At the peak of the hour. The male and female energies should be equal, and chances of conception are higher as the goddess aids in creation and rebirth.

Meanwhile, my sister and I will be performing a few spells for our safety and the rebirth of our mind and energies. Any wishing for good energy passed their way, feel free to comment. We will also be hosting a feast for those wishing to just celebrate life and the start of new life and times. Of renewal as the land is blessed and brings forth the new season. No religious requirement for it to attend, for she loves all her people.


There will be cheese, and salad, and cakes, and cookies, and veggie burgers and a lot of other stuff! And there will be a small set up of candles and flowers and paper beside it. You can write your hopes for the year, or regrets of the past. And then set it on fire and into a metal bin behind it for it to burn away into the sky before you enter so that your spirit is calm.

Mar. 27th, 2013




I watched my brother die about a thousand times in my dream last night. It wasn't exactly pleasant. Didn't get much sleep last night, since it was so riddled with dreams. I've been a bit of a waste of space at work today. I'll make up for it. Everyone has one of those days.

If anyone says "case of the Mondays" I might start throwing punches.

Mar. 25th, 2013



I don't understand.

Why do action figures rarely resemble the people they are intended to?

The Batman is not nearly that obese.




Everyone's always talking on here about the dreams. And for the longest time, that's what I assumed they were... nothing but dreams. But now I'm not so sure anymore. They just seem... I don't know. Too real? Almost as if it's something I've already lived through? It doesn't make a lot of sense.

What threw me was how people from here were in the dreams too. I figured it was because you dream about people you've met, or talked to. But I know things about these people that you'd never tell a stranger. I've done things with them and shared experiences that no one would ever believe.

Here and now, I work for a video game company: Bad Wolf Interactive. But even that name was in my dreams. A certain person IS the Bad Wolf. And she scattered that phrase through space and time, always turning up in the places the three of us travelled to. It gets stranger though. Because of her, I died and was permanently brought back to life. The Doctor said I was "a fact"... a "fixed point in space and time" which means I can never die. In the dreams, there's always people dying... never me. And in the end, no one else from the dreams is there... just Gwen Cooper. Somehow, it always comes down to me and her being the last two standing.

Speaking of space and time, travelling through it was something I did even before climbing into the TARDIS. In my dreams, I was a Time Agent. I grew up in the 51st Century. I spoke with an American accent all the time, instead of my normal British one. And all of it's so completely out of the ordinary that it's not even close to the life I have here.

I feel like I'm starting to lose my mind.

Mar. 24th, 2013



Okay, barely survived the quarter. Spring Break isn't coming fast enough.

Who's up for a party to celebrate?

Mar. 22nd, 2013




I don't really understand why people have sex. I can conceive why love happens, but sex seems like too much dramatics for an exchange of bodily fluids. Yay. Gross sweaty people. Woo.

I hate people my own age, it's all they talk about. I'm never going to have it, unless someone can convince me otherwise. Which I doubt.

Mar. 17th, 2013



Okay, anybody who comes over to my place? Don't touch the huge double-bladed saber thing that's sitting in a corner of my living room. That apparently I can lift.

Private to Thor: It's Lady Sif's fucking weapon. I may be panicking just a little. I feel stronger, and I can lift the saber. I know it isn't like, the end of the world, but it's scary.

Mar. 13th, 2013




Shooting movies is an intriguing experience, every time. Somehow, being in front of the cameras, breathing life into a new character, and redeeming words and ideas from a script feels incredible. It's a kind of dance that makes the heart pound and the mind fill with new imagery. It makes me endlessly hopeful, and it makes me happy to be me.

Today's shoot was a little different, and almost nervous-making, but not in a terrible way. A new stunt, a new situation, and new coworkers who I know and trust has made it a definite pleasure to explore this job. I don't think I will ever be tired of being an actor.




More dreams. Showing me what the life is like. Showing me what could happen. Life as a hunter. Dean's last Christmas. I don't know what I'll do if Dean actually

It's more than just ghosts and demons, though that's a big part of it. Last night I dreamed of a girl in a coma who was causing all sorts of trouble. And a hunter turned into a vampire, and a pair of pagan gods who take human sacrifices at Christmas time. I have lots of dreams, they take place over days, weeks, and when I wake up it's only been a few hours. Messing with my internal clock.

Mar. 11th, 2013




I have these dreams... like everyone else is dreaming. A second life. Though, my dreams are mostly nightmares. Last night I dreamed about the seven deadly sins that were really demons, changelings, a rabbit's foot that was really lucky/unlucky, and another hunter who wasn't quite as professional as Dean and me. ...if "professional" is the right word.

I'm curious to see where these things go, though I'm also trying not to let it distract me from my real life.

Mar. 9th, 2013




Sometimes I wonder why I ever bother leaving (or coming back), but I miss everything, don't I?

Red skies, unexplainable tremors, I can't wait to hear an official explanation of it all.

Not that it changes the fact I was forced to sit in JFK Airport for several hours. I hear some flights managed through it, but they ended up cancelling mine after infinite delay.

Now I'm on my way home from John Wayne Airport and ready for a drink. Anyone up for a round or two?


Okay, Portlandia is funny as hell, but come on. Spike is not your normal bicyclist, okay? A.) We're not nearly that douchey and b.) having a gauge that big in your ear is just asking for it.

Also, hey. I'm Wilee.
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Mar. 7th, 2013


Locked from Logan

... So hey, call me curious, ladies of the county. I really like the guy, but I've been hearing so much around.

Has Logan Howlett in fact had sex with the OC?

Mar. 5th, 2013




Haven't been doing too good about talking on here.

Seems like work has been really busy since the blue flu thing went away. And even though Wonderland made the servers turn into ducks, that just made the bosses buy new equipment when the ducks, in the river, changed back and sank. Brand new servers and trunk equipment. It's pretty sweet to get to play with, er, I mean, work on. Heck, working on these things is play to me. They are awesome!

Went to the first D&D game I've been to in years yesterday, and it was fun, just like I remembered it. Somehow, it feels good to get the old dice out again and just play.

My therapist thinks things are turning up, recently and the work situation is helping, so that's good.

Mar. 4th, 2013




Dreaming of a dream life, one where you feel younger and stronger, and yet somewhat dumber, is weird. I never thought I would say something like this, but I wish my dreamself were smarter. Things go so wrong for him, though, so often, that maybe he just doesn't want to think straight. I don't know.

I do know that things are going awesome for me these days. This life, at least, is turning out to be a really good one. Work is going well, cases are going well, and my apartment is shaping up.

Of course, finding someone and figuring out that you care about them and they about you, more than to ever knew? that is icing on the cake.

Mar. 3rd, 2013



The only bad thing about being in a good mood at work is that I look too cheerful, which is a bad thing in a doctor who works with cancer patients. I end up having to think of depressing things before I go into any patient room.

I blame certain people for my good mood. They know who they are, and they'll be punished in kind.




These dreams are getting worse. Not even 11am and I need a drink.

It's not fair. She shouldn't have had to die like that
My hands were tied
I'm not a

Mar. 2nd, 2013




I'm curious, has anyone else had dreams where they have like an extra family member? In my dream I have four brothers, but in real life I only have three. I would have had four if Robb hadn't died. It's weird, because it feels like it's the way things should be, but it's pretty impossible for it to actually happen.

Mar. 1st, 2013




So. Finally had one of those dreams everyone's having.

I was dead. And by dead, I mean undead, but dream-me definitely didn't realize that I was lying in the wake of a zombie plan crash.

So, you know, that was fun.

PS. Learning how to walk as a zombie is painful. And not because it hurts, but because it takes, apparently, hours.

Feb. 25th, 2013




I had a ton of dreams last night. Now the huge, strange plants are gone, apparently my dreams are coming back in full force.

Apparently my dream father thought I was going to turn evil. I thought I was going to turn evil.

I woke up with a mark on my arm from the dreams. Like a scar. I wonder how much it'll cost to have it removed.

Feb. 19th, 2013




Vampires, Vengeful spirits, mind control... my dreams just keep getting weirder and weirder.




Having those dreams everyone keeps talking about. Funny how they're so similar to my waking life. Is that the case for everyone here?

Feb. 12th, 2013




Now that just makes no fucking sense at all. Just woke up from a dream where I was in World War I. There's no way that can be related to my other dreams. I mean, how could it possibly be related? The dreams in Bristol took place in the present, or not so distant past, and World War I was a really fucking long time ago. That had to have been a regular dream then. Nothing more.

I feel like I should go out and get pissed. Yes, I think I'm going to do that.

Feb. 8th, 2013



A couple of friends clued me in to this network thing, so I thought I'd say hello. My name is Sif. It's Norse, and please don't call me Siffy. It brings back bad grade school memories.

I'm going to be starting work at Orange City Hall soon, and I figure I ought to state up front that anything I write on this network is my opinion only, and does not reflect the opinions of City Hall. I'd like to not lose my job before it starts.

That said, speaking as a private citizen, I wanted to make you all aware of the Immigrant March. Anyone of any ethnicity is welcome, as hey, we're all immigrants except for the Native Americans, really. We're starting at the downtown university campus, and winding up at city hall as we march for the rights of undocumented immigrants and refugees. It's tomorrow, from 9 until whenever we arrive. We got the paperwork all set, so I don't think anybody will get arrested, but we'll see.

Feb. 5th, 2013




So, uh, does anyone else have Norse dreams? Like, that they're ... in Norse mythology? It's kind of tripping me out.

Feb. 4th, 2013




I need a vacation. Maybe I'll travel a little. I always meant to, but I was never restless enough. I'll go someplace hot and troubled. I'll fight right in. Israel's nice this time of year, right? I'll go do religious stuff, maybe it'll give me some peace. Or I could go to Morocco, I've never been to Africa. I could go cool down in Russia instead I think I speak Russian now. I just need to get out of the house for a while. I've never felt so agitated before.




I had a strange dream.

Tell me more about the Blue Box.




Wait, you don't have White Day in this country? Just Valentine's?

Now I have to hurry!

Feb. 3rd, 2013




My boss is throwing a big Super Bowl party at work for the staff and a few of his close friends. Which means giant screen American football action, pizza, and probably a ton of other snacks and things to eat. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be taking no for an answer, even though I've told him I have zero interest in football. I told him I'm not really interested in any sports before they could go on a rant about why their football is better than our football (including both soccer and rugby), but that didn't matter. I'm living in the States now, the Super Bowl is important (some nonsense about commercials?), and I must be there.

This is going to be a REALLY long evening.

Feb. 2nd, 2013




Link, I think I saw your ghost. Looks like she's not confined to your house. Reminds me of something I saw on the beach when I was

Private to Dean
You haven't had any dreams yet, have you?

...we should look into this ghost girl thing.

[ooc: plot!]

Jan. 28th, 2013



If I ever see hospital food again it'll be too fucking soon.

They have the audacity to call a lump of apples and dough 'apple pie'. Bullshit.




I got fucked by a horse in my dream last night. A HORSE. And then I was pregnant with a horse. And had to BE a horse while it gestated. And then I...Oh my god and THEN...

...So then last night I dreamed about turning into a horse.

I fucking slept with a horse. And GAVE BIRTH TO A HORSE. It had eight legs, what the everloving FUCK?

...What the hell kind of drugs am I unknowingly on?


Zach said I should introduce myself on this message thing. He thinks it will help me learn to read better if I do it while talking to people.

I'm not sure about that, but he's been right about other things, and he's my friend, so I'm going to give it a try.

I'm Laura, no delete back one word. Stop that! interested in meeting new people, but I don't know how good this Internet thing will be for that.

Jan. 24th, 2013




...Last night, I dreamt of the most hideously pink woman in, quite possibly, the entire universe.

It can't be legal (or sane) to wear that much at once.




Hospital feels like a ghost town.

Don't be strangers. You're still welcome to come visit.

Jan. 22nd, 2013




Is it proper to suggest going to see a horror movie for Valentines day? I mean that's really what I feel like when that holiday comes around. Romantic gestures on V-day just feel fake, staged, and unreal. I know I just made myself unpopular with a lot of people but if you love someone you should show them every day as it's expected on holidays.




Ma jolie and me just got back from Mexico, day or so after the cure apparently got found. I'm damn glad for everyone that things is getting back to normal, but I'mma suggest to the network what I had suggested to me.

If you been in l'hopital for a good long while, and you got a significant other? Have sex. Seriously. Ain't much that makes you feel more alive than good sex. Plus, if you been in hospital for three weeks, it's been too damn long for most people.

Private to Scott: I mean the homme who talked at me who knows my girl Candy. You make it through the plague? If so, maybe we can talk. Shit got more interesting.

Jan. 20th, 2013




These dreams are enough to give a man a headache. Magic? Murderous teachers? Secret societies? Me as a wizard? What the heck did I drink last night?

Not to mention dreaming I accidentally killed my dream girlfriend while facing my dream mentor who was trying to zombifie my dream brain is really not a cool way to wake up. And these secret wizard councilors are dicks. Holding a 16 year old accountable for killing his mentor in self defense? Bullshit. Not even a bad court would do that here, not and last long.

Stupid dream.

Jan. 19th, 2013




Off to work I go. I really should find a new job - I'm already dreading coming home smelling of cigarettes and booze. And don't get me started on the glitter.

Jan. 20th, 2013



On behalf of the Irvine General Hospital board I would like to thank the men and women who continue to work so hard to ensure that all patients receive the best care possible in such difficult circumstances.

Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed.

Jan. 17th, 2013



New inhaler working wonders. Miracle cure? I'll take it. I'm feeling better already. And now I would like to leave to see my brother I have a store to get back to.

But I guess, while I'm waiting....

GINNY WEASLEY. Admit defeat.