
Posts Tagged: 'shane+collins'

Sep. 2nd, 2013




Anyone know of a good place around here that offers boxing? I kind of miss fighting hitting things hitting the gym and going a few rounds.




If you don't think that this is the best sketch of any variety show ever then you're wrong. I could watch this all the time and never get tired of it.

Aug. 24th, 2013




My summer session is a little more than halfway over and I'm really glad I decided to sign up for a few early classes. I would have gone crazy waiting for the end of September. UCI starts a lot later than my old school did.

Of course, between classes and my internship, I've been a little busy, but I kind of like it.

Aug. 14th, 2013




So I see people, not changed people with unnatural body parts, and you know what that means. The Magic Mountain trip is calling.

Next Saturday, the 24th.

Who's up for this?

Aug. 7th, 2013




I must be doing something right. Making some decent money in tips. Which is good because I have bills to pay. And Lyssa is bugging me to take her shopping for new clothes. Girls have way too many clothes. Do you even wear them all?

It's my day off. I even did some laundry, cleaned my room and have the chili in the crock pot. Time to kill some zombies.

Jul. 30th, 2013




Now that we've finally finished getting the furniture arranged in this place, I should probably start looking for a job. Something to get some money coming in while I'm trying to work out this record deal. Anybody looking to hire somebody who's only job experience is guitar gigs? I'm willing to learn a new skill.

Jul. 24th, 2013




Haven't had a whole lot of luck hoofin' it around and asking for applications. Does anyone on this network know of a place that's hiring? I've got plenty of experience bar tending and waitressing.

Jul. 18th, 2013




I'm pretty sure my parents are gonna kill me. I went to that squirt gun fight last night and took my mom's car. Apparently where I parked it, I didn't see the no parking sign and I got a fucking ticket. They don't know about it yet. They were asleep when I got home and I was asleep when they left for work. This isn't good.

Jul. 17th, 2013




So Claire said I needed to introduce my self.

So...I'm Shane and me and my sister are new to the area.

If I'm supposed to say something else I'm sure Claire will let me know.


I'm going to need to find a job. The money I saved up will only be able to stretch for so long. So that's what I'll be doing today. Going out searching. If anyone knows of a good place to work that doesn't require anything more than a high school diploma, I'd appreciate a heads up.




Good bit of news then. More this week in science type bits, though it's a bit weird on timing due to recent events, but no matter. It's still brilliant!

A decapitated planarian worm has been discovered that it can regrow its entire head, including its own memories! Isn't that brilliant? Could lead to a break through in solving memory issues. Wouldn't that be nice really, to be able to just... 'come back'? Perhaps a bit different, but keep all those memories?

And the first artificial heart was declared ready for human trials, and the scientists watched the largest known star's birth in the Milky Way! Fantastic really.

Oh and gene therapy was used to cure two rare diseases... which means gene therapy could quite truly be the next miracle treatment.

Also, not science but history, today marks Disneyland's 58th birthday, as it opened on July 17th in 1955. Big day for this area I suppose...

What's more, I just got my new toothbrush from ancient Babylon. Made from bristling the ends of a twig; also, Ancient Egyptian toothpaste. Made from Ox Hooves' ashes and burnt eggshells!

Jul. 16th, 2013



A summary of my day:

- Rosa shut off my alarm so I was late for work.
- Got yelled at by my dad because I was late.
- My parents didn't have any of my favorite lunch food when I went upstairs on my break.
- A customer got angry with me because their food wasn't right like it's my fault.
- I got hit on by a cute guy got got his number.
- I'm tired as hell and my sister is having a party.

There's only one positive thing there. Someone remind me why I went back to work for my parents? Or live with my sister? Perhaps I need to reevaluate my choices again ...