
Posts Tagged: 'ron+weasley'

May. 28th, 2012



Always find days off problematic. Boredom, lack of focus. Unpleasant. Would much rather be working.

May. 21st, 2012




So, I called the mole lady Nurse Hatchet, and she's surprisingly upset with me. Since my girlfriend's downstairs working (my girlfriend is awesome by the way, seriously, yours isn't as good, just accept it) I've got to come up with a way to pass the time, since now Hatchet is glaring at me and won't talk to me.

SO. Uncle Tony is going to help you fuckers out. Sounds great, right?

Treat this like an advice column. Ask me a question, and I'll try to help you through your life's problems and bullshit like that.

And I swear to God, if someone sends me strippers again I'm going to return the favor. With a male stripper.

A bear stripper. An old bear stripper. Unless you're into that kind of thing, which is okay, not judging, but then you get like, an old lady. I don't know, just don't send strippers seriously.

May. 17th, 2012



I miss Viktor. He didn't drive me absolutely frikin crazy with every breath. Even when he was just watching me study. It was stupid and silly but it was sweet.

I think I need a break from studying. My brain has hit overload and I really don't think it's doing much good staring at these pages right now.




I haven't slept in....

I'm actually not sure how long. My Mom keeps leaving me snacks though, so that's good. I'm about to roll my second hardmode character and then BOOM.

Error 37.




All that stands between myself and graduation are an English final and a history paper. So while I WANT to be outside lounging in the hot tub, I'm putting myself to good use by being on here and not finishing the paper. But, I'm looking at it this way, tomorrow is skip day so I've got all day to get it done. Not to mention the weekend. It's not due until 3p.m. Monday.

Plenty of time.

So how are you, dear social network?

May. 15th, 2012



It's finals week, so if anyone needs me, I will be unreachable. You can leave me messages or voicemails, but I won't get to them until next week unless it's a huge emergency.

Ron, your lack of something to do does not count as an emergency.

If anyone would like to study with me, you can probably find me at the library. Or Starbucks. Or anywhere except my parents' house. I'm still upset with them.

May. 6th, 2012




12 days left of high school! Although I don't know how much in the way of school is going to happen. Katniss has a birthday, we have prom, senior skip day, the athletics awards - class is sort of the last thing on my mind.

Although I am trying to convince my parents that we need to go to England for the Olympics. Mum isn't going for it, though. It's mental considering we ARE English. You think she'd want to go have tea and cheer on the teams. Except in swimming and archery.

KATNISS EVERDEEN, what do you want for your birthday? I can spare a brother or two if you'd like someone to shoot arrows at, but I'm also going to get you something that is wrapped in paper and all that.

May. 2nd, 2012




Is it cool if I just skip the last three weeks of school and show up for graduation? It's not like I'm going to learn anything. I stopped trying before Christmas hols ever arrived.