
Posts Tagged: 'river+song'

Nov. 3rd, 2016




[This is River's first time on the network, and she's been considering posting here since her dreams had shown her everything that there was to show her. It was difficult to think that she'd been taken away from her family, let alone all of the scifi things that go along with it. And being an assassin, and being a different person.

Or three different people, she expected that she really should call it three. So, instead she just asks, because well why not, but she does it in amused River sort of way.

So, dears, what does one do when all of the names in the dreams happen to sound just as viable as your own. Do pick one from there or do you keep the one you've now or do you decide to go a third way.

Of course I am always fond of finding my own way, so perhaps that's an option. If nothing else, a girl could certainly use a drink, if you're buying.

May. 31st, 2016




Dreaming about your own death is jarring, to say the least. I feel the need to drink away that particular dream, but I do have to be in LA early tomorrow. Maybe Friday I'll indulge, but for now, I believe that I'll just drown myself in working on this routine.

May. 29th, 2016




It’s strange being in the house by myself. I used to love it but now it feels like something isn’t right. I’m going to take it as a sign I need to go out more. Any recommendations for interesting hobbies?

May. 28th, 2016




I have found one thing I dislike greatly about America.

The sheer amount of paperwork.

May. 15th, 2016




So I got on the computer at the library and I got an e-mail about this place? I didn't know the e-mail address, which is why I was going to ignore it, but I guess curiosity got the better of me. It's a good thing I'm not a cat, I guess.

Um. Hi. I'm Luke Caste and I'm sort of new to the area.

May. 14th, 2016




When it's as nice as it has been, I dislike being cooped up inside a lecture hall. As a result, I might teacher my classes outside on Monday. There's nothing I do inside that I can't do outside.

Apr. 30th, 2016




Once the semester is over, I'm planning on doing some proper sightseeing. What would everyone suggest?




Oh, dammit.

Does anyone in this god forsaken place know where I can buy blackout curtains? Apparently the sun is too strong for dark grey.

I hate California.

Apr. 23rd, 2016




Oh how very interesting. It would appear that in the dreams I'm in jail for killing a man. A prison in the 52nd century. The only reason I was out was because I had a mission and once it was finished I was to go back. And I did go back once The Doctor saved us from the Angels and the time energy. I told him before I left that I'd see him again when the Pandorica opened. No clue what the Pandorica is, but from the sound of it, I've already witnessed it, what with being a time traveler and all.

Apr. 19th, 2016




Perhaps I should make attempts to use this thing more. Though this time I have an inquiry to make.

A few weeks back I met a girl in the park. Very perky and optimistic. Never caught her name, though. I also suspect she had something to do with a rainbow that appeared soon after she left.

Mar. 28th, 2016




So I have recently been developing certain...mental abilities which I have no idea how to control. Is there anyone out there who might have some experience with this sort of thing?

Mar. 20th, 2016




Can't tell if the God of War just likes me for me or for my killing capabilities. But I think Lao Ma's teachings finally sank in or maybe... But things change. Not sure how it makes me feel. Not sure who I'm sposed to be anymore. Almost put down the sword forever. Ended up helping someone.

Now I got a side kick. From badass warlord to wandering ronin with a side kick. Go figure.

Mar. 15th, 2016




Is anyone else obsessively checking weather reports after last month's -- whatever the fuck that was?

I don't feel save leaving in the morning without checking the weather channel and at least two different websites.

Mar. 14th, 2016




Weeping Angels. Dying Weeping Angels. Probably one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. Those are truly what nightmares are made of, I think. My dream ended with us being trapped by them, but as usual, The Doctor had a plan. I'm very curious to know what is going to happen. I know from my first dream that I won't die there, but I don't know how we're going to get out.

Mar. 7th, 2016




I seem to have joined the ranks of those who have received items from their dreams. I woke up this morning to find the Sonic Screwdriver I had in my dream from a few weeks ago. It's quite impressive. A little beat up, but impressive none the less.

Feb. 28th, 2016




Everyone alright, then? No other inexplicable mishaps, monkeys of slightly unknown origin lurking about?

Feb. 26th, 2016




I hope all of you are doing well! The weather seems to be slowly turning.

On Friday, March 11th, Sunburst Medical Clinic will be holding a fundraiser for those inconvenienced or hurt by recent weird events. We're a nonprofit organization, and all proceeds will go to aid those in need.

Seeing as those on this network know more than any what those events are like, I thought telling you all about it would be the right thing to do.

The gate fee will be a mere $5, and there will be a shop with keepsakes for donations.

Feb. 17th, 2016




World Cabbage Day? Who the hell comes up with these days? I mean seriously and more to the point why is my calendar telling me about them?

Feb. 14th, 2016




I'm glad I don't live close to the beach. I just saw on the news that tidal waves have started hitting every beach in the area. Hopefully everyone who lives in those areas is safe. From what I know of the area though, this doesn't seem like normal weather unless there's been an earthquake and one hasn't been reported.

Jan. 31st, 2016




Every time I teach a class, I always end up with at least one student who thinks Archaeology is going to be an easy pass class. I'm not entirely sure how these particular students get into a class like mine. It has certain prerequisites that some of these students don't have.

Are there other professors this happens to or am I the only one?




Katniss, playing Candy Crush is not the way to get a business plan put together! While I'm waiting for lives to recharge, I'd appreciate any help or advice from people about starting up their own business




Sometimes I have to wonder just what my dreams try to tell me. I save people, it is what I do, but there are consequences for saving people sometimes, as is evident with Ashildr.

But I at least remembered why I chose this face when I regenerated. It was to remind myself that I do save people. But when do I fail to save Clara? That is the question

Jan. 14th, 2016




I must say, while I wasn't quite sure what to expect when this site was recommended to me, posts about dreams was definitely not a consideration. Is this a common trend or did I just join at the right time for that?

Jan. 13th, 2016




Hello, darlings, my name is River Song. Some of you may have heard of me before, but for those who haven't, I'm an Archaeologist and I've recently taken a position teaching Archaeology at UC Irvine. I've been traveling so often and for so long, I decided I wanted some time to stay in one place for a little while.

This isn't my first time in California, but it is the first time I'll have a chance to do some proper sightseeing. What would everyone suggest?

May. 19th, 2012



I'm supposed to socialize more. But not with the 'voices' in my head. I keep trying to tell them that most of the time I don't understand what they're saying, but nobody really listens. It's such a tragic part of society these days, nobody listening. Such a shame.

But I don't want them to get angry, so I'm writing this post while the nurse watches; I think she's taking notes on my emotional state. Isn't it funny how when a person is perfectly at peace, something must be wrong with them? I know it seemed bad before, but everything is fine now.

Hello, net.

May. 18th, 2012



You know how you have days where nothing goes right? My entire month has been that way. Nothing quiet like being told your classes are getting cut in half, which also means your income is taking a hit, and then that your roommate has decided to move to Seattle - at the end of the month when our lease expires.

Anyone know of apartments where I don't have to sell a kidney to make rent? No time to find a new roommate. Job hunting begins Monday.


Five minutes. I left five minutes late and hit a wall of traffic that you could see from outer space.

But hey, its Friday night and what could be better then playing Angry Birds on your phone while inching slowly but surely up the 91 to your final destination of Gypsum Canyon Road?

10 more miles.





So what do people do for fun around here? I haven't been around long enough to know the best places. Tell me your secrets, valarnet.





May. 17th, 2012



I miss Viktor. He didn't drive me absolutely frikin crazy with every breath. Even when he was just watching me study. It was stupid and silly but it was sweet.

I think I need a break from studying. My brain has hit overload and I really don't think it's doing much good staring at these pages right now.




Her name is Amber and she randomly showed up at the house yesterday. I wonder how that happened.

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