
Posts Tagged: 'rachel+grey'

Mar. 5th, 2014




Hello. I'm Terra. It's nice to meet everyone. I figured that joining this social network thing was probably a good idea. And a fun way to meet people. As long as you're careful about who you talk to, I suppose.

Someone tell me something interesting about themselves.

Feb. 21st, 2014




Trying to keep twins entertained while their mom goes out to kick ass is way harder than I thought it'd be. And we're getting sick to death of eggs and mac n cheese, but those are the only things I can cook.

I called up a pizza place and offered them double to deliver in this, but no takers. Fuu.

Feb. 16th, 2014




How do you manage to get sick in Orange County? It's practically summer here compared to other climates. But I've had a non-stop headache all freakin' day. Nothing I take is touching it.

Fuck my life. This better go away, do you know how hard it is to do your physics homework when your brain is throbbing?

And no, before anyone says it, I didn't drink anything last night. It's not a hangover.

Feb. 12th, 2014




So I'm picking up the house today - morning classes at least let you have the afternoon to yourself - when what should I find but a very pretty golden necklace.

It's not mine.


[locked to Scott]
She likes yellow roses by the way, and thinks red ones are boring. You're welcome.

Feb. 11th, 2014



A slightly NSFW list for Valentine's Day. I think it was #12 that set me laughing out loud at my desk.

Dear you know who you are: none of these are coming to you, even as a gag gift. Rest easy.

Feb. 9th, 2014




Well, hi, everyone!

Guess I the newbie here! Moved here from Nippon! Fun!

Some guy on the airplane told me about this place before so I wanted to sign on before I forgot about you people.

I'm Goku! I'm going to start up a karate dojo this week, not sure where yet though. Anyone got any ideas? Anyone want any lessons?




I guess the dreams don't realize that you really don't need a dose all the time.

I did learn a few more things about my dream self. I didn't have to die, neither Stefan or I did. That bitch had a plan all along but we tried to play heroes, lesson learned. Of course, she never told us about it. don't even start on the werewolves either. My body count keeps rising as a vampire. Heart removal is an effective way to kill a vampire or werewolf. Don't get any ideas here.

I also found out that the heart still beats as a vampire as long as there is blood in your system, and pictures can be taken. We still show up in the mirror. It's a good thing. How else would I be able to know how my hair looks?

Also, the break is over, kids. Time to get back to work.

Feb. 6th, 2014




Here's a few tips that Kate shared with me (and a few I looked up).

If your dreams are leaving you with red scars, get yourself a green tinted concealer and then another good, creamy concealer that's a shade lighter than your skin tone, and a matte (nothing with shimmer or glitter in it) powder to set it. Apply the green first, let it SET, then apply the creamy concealer on top. Feather the edges of the concealer out until the edges aren't noticeable. Set with the powder.

If your dreams are leaving you with lighter colored scars, skip step one and apply a concealer that's one shade darker than your skin tone, feather, and set.

If your dreams are leaving you with bruising, pick out a salmon colored concealer or a sheer, orange colored lipstick instead of the green, and repeat the rest of the instructions.

(OOC Note: Likely triggers for mentions of torture and other dark things in the comments. Nothing in detail, though.)

Feb. 2nd, 2014




Well it's done. My last video of my bike trip from Puerto Rico to California is uploaded. I started with a lovely view of the ocean and finished with a lovely view of the sunsetting over an entirely different ocean. On this trip I interviewed a bloody gaggle of people. My favourite was the homeless chap under an overpass who spoke in riddles.

He never did tell me why a raven was like a writing desk...

Jan. 22nd, 2014




Kind of good to be back. Everyone at the labs were happy to see me again. ran into the ex now I want to hang myself

What's new with everyone? It's really hard to get news about the OC these days.

Jan. 19th, 2014




So I'm back. The real me, not the creepy other me.


I'm so so so so sorry.

Jan. 13th, 2014




So. What's a girl gotta do to get a job around here?

Jan. 8th, 2014




Okay, is everyone in my dreams mentally defective? It's weird, because I'm not always in my dreams. A lot of times I'm reading this book and watching other people's lives through their eyes.

So far, I've been a Roman centurion who, after stumbling upon five pillars in the desert and hearing them moan his name, decided to approach them. Protip: if you hear random objects of an ominous shape calling your name in the desert, don't head toward them. You will turn into a lich and eternally serve dark eldrictchian horrors.

I've also been a Cambodian dancer who whined about wanting a more exciting life about twenty minutes before she had an elder god's heart put into her chest. Oh, and Charlemange? He died because Xel'lotath ordered it. My dream great-grandfather found out that there's an entire city of the dark eldritchian horrors under our family manor in New Hampshire. Kinda went batshit and got locked up in a sanitarium.

Oh, and I can still do friggin' magic. I think I might need Xanax, but I can fix anything by asking an elder god to do it. So there's that.

How's your 2014 going?

Dec. 31st, 2013



Text to Scott

>> SO
>> I can probably sleep somewhere else tonight.
>> Just saying.

Dec. 30th, 2013




So, I'll be the one to start the topic. Anybody got resolutions? Anybody think they got a prayer of keepin' em?

I was gonna resolve to be more humble, but I figure the wife will tell me that shit ain't gonna work out.




In order to welcome in the New Year - which will hopefully not be quite as crazy as this one though I'm not holding my breath on that - Stark Industries will be holding a party on New Years eve.

I hope everybody had a lovely Christmas and I look forward to seeing you at the party.

[OOC: Let's pretend this was posted with a little more notice]

Dec. 29th, 2013




So I'm sitting in a plane, waiting at a gate. You know how it is when the flight lands and everyone pops up out of their seats like the plane is on fire and they need to jump off of it before they die? And they clog up the aisles run people over trying to get their crap out of the overhead bins.

Like they're monkeys.

I figured - hey, might as well surf the net on my phone while I wait for these assholes to 'Exit the plane in an orderly fashion'. This is the network my phone decided to connect me to. So hi, everyone.

Also - and maybe more importantly - Dad, how are you? You might want to head to the airport.