
Posts Tagged: 'margaery+tyrell'

Feb. 22nd, 2013




Well, Vala, when you throw a party...

Feb. 13th, 2013




So, who's up for a social gathering of happy, single people tomorrow night at Always? :D

Feb. 3rd, 2013




I'm a moderate fan of football. I enjoy it when I find myself watching it. I have more fun playing it, though it's been a long time.

So, I'm looking forward to the game tonight. The fact that the two coaches are brothers is rather interesting, as well. How many brothers as children dream of this exact scenario... though I imagine most of them picture themselves as opposing quarterbacks. Haha.

Feb. 1st, 2013




Everything seems to be moving in fast motion since I got back since I was released from hospital. The hospital. Oh, you Brits.

It may sound silly, but I've been calling you my lady-friend. That's what you get for dating a geezer. Anyway... you wouldn't be opposed to it if I called you my girlfriend, would you? It almost sounds like a demotion, lady to girl, but we both know it isn't.

Not in the slightest. :)

Besides, I still have every intention of calling you m'lady in private.

Jan. 30th, 2013




[General lock to people Kitty considers friends. This is a fairly wide lock XD]

Hello! This is Kitty, and I'd like to invite you to Xi'an and my's wedding. It's February 16th, at [location]. I know it's kinda short notice, so I'll have a webstream setup for those who can't make it! I'm not sure there's enough room for all the people I'd want to invite anyway.


You're my best man. Got it?

[Thor, Jubilee, Navi, Illyana and Clarice]

Brides maids?


Would you like to be one of my Brides Maids?

[Pete & Scotty]

You'll be there?


We need a maid of honor for you!

Jan. 21st, 2013



My father still wants me to wait at least a week before returning to school, even though classes have resumed. He doesn't trust that this epidemic has finally passed. So I guess that means I'll be at least a week behind starting the new semester.

Is there a way to make text sound bitter? Because I am really angry right now. I'm so... PISSED.

The shop's not open either. So I am essentially stuck in my room with literally nowhere to go, nothing to do. I haven't felt the sun in weeks. Dad won't even let me open a window.

Jan. 17th, 2013




I think it's time for a new start. A new me. Before they drag me further into their world

Hi, I'm Éponine. I've just started studying at UCLA... and, well, I'm new to all of this. And to California as a whole, really.

Jan. 7th, 2013



My head is killing me and I am aching like I have done a marathon. I am hoping I have not caught the illness my professor has. I need to complete too much work to be unwell.

Can anybody recommend any remedies?

Dec. 19th, 2012




Who wants to go out tonight? It's snowing and I'm full of energy. I'm thinking of hitting up some of the clubs in LA. If we're all going to die in a couple days anyway, why not right? Let's make some memories!

Dec. 13th, 2012




Charlie Pace. You are dead man.
What did he do? Painted my damn car pink.

...Alright, maybe it's a little bit funny.

No survey from me.




Why not. Here's that survey going around. )

Dec. 11th, 2012




I always tend to forget how quickly time passes between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm running out of time to get all the holiday shopping done-- I suppose I had better work on that.

Although I do kind of hate shopping -- it's just too late to order things online and get them in time.

Dec. 5th, 2012



Busy day full of classes and what do I find when I get home? A dead kitchen. There had better be a great explanation as to why it's looking in such a state. And I don't mean bowls and plates everywhere, actually I'd take that over this right now. I didn't even know things could melt like that.

This is going to take days to fix, I guess on the plus side I can shop for new appliances.

Nov. 23rd, 2012




Heh. I am legitimately hungover today. I used to be able to drink much more without feeling it like this.

It was a wonderful night. I really needed that.

Nov. 22nd, 2012



Anyone else happen to be non-American? I've got my green card, but I've never been much for this holiday. For one, I'd prefer pheasant to turkey. For two, I always think it's vaguely blasphemous for Englishwomen to celebrate.

I suppose it's a crock-pot stew and telly type of day.

Nov. 20th, 2012



the joy of baking

Cornbread really isn't supposed to look like this, right...?

click if you're in need of a laugh )

Did you learn to cook yet?


A week off from classes means a week at home with dad. It also mean's I'll be working in the shop.

So if anyone was turn off by the reek of onions in the shop lately, rest assured that employee has the week off.

Something fun we just got in )

Nov. 14th, 2012




I know it's early... But I need help putting up my tree.

Anyone know of anyone that's close by so that it's not a bother to them that can help?

If not, I completely understand.

Nov. 9th, 2012




I got the job! I start Monday!

Nov. 8th, 2012




I'm trying to stay calm, but I can't hold back my excitement.

I got an email from the personnel department of Stark Industries. They want me to come in tomorrow for an interview.

Nov. 4th, 2012




I had another one of those incredible dreams yesterday evening. My family and I were still living in England, and my father won the lottery. It was paid not in pounds, but in gold, and he used to money to visit my brother Bill, who was working abroad in Egypt. He was a sort of archeologist, but he called himself a 'curse breaker', who worked with Goblins if you can imagine. In any case, Bill took us all on tour to see the pyramids, the Sphinx and down into ancient tombs that would not be accessible to the ordinary public. The marketplace was amazing, and I purchased a fez, which I proudly wore. Fred and George were monsters, but I shouldn't mention that, should I?

I've never considered a trip to Egypt before, but this dream made me feel as though I'd actually been. Now I wish I could actually go there.

On another note, if you enjoy live theater, may I recommend Teatro ZinZanni, playing at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts. It's Cirque du Soleil meets cabaret meets dinner theater. Highly entertaining. I should add that the meal was also very well done. I went Saturday night with my friend, Margaery and we both had a lovely time.

Nov. 2nd, 2012




I can't help but feel that I've just taken part of some mass hysteria. I don't know what came over me.

I'm not excluding the possibility of hallucinogens being introduced.

Oct. 28th, 2012



I think my Madonna costume looks more like a Cyndi Lauper costume. Hm. Some last minute tweaks are in going to be necessary.

Oct. 24th, 2012




These nicotine patches aren't strong enough. They are more like badges. They announce to the world that I am in desperate need of a cigarette.

Oct. 18th, 2012




Ah, so I can afford health insurance now. That's a plus! Or course, I need to get a physical first -- which will cost me out of pocket. I suppose it's back to the clinic. NOT the one with the crazy nurse who proposed to me.


Okay, this might be gross to some of you, but these: Seasnax Well, they are amazing. They are my new favorite thing.

Sep. 24th, 2012



Apparently everyone's phones are doing weird things. My tablet has started acting up, too. I use it to write on when I'm "talking" with people. So... now I am relying totally on pencil and paper.

Sigh. More people need to learn sign language.

Sep. 7th, 2012




Dammit. I am regretting this haircut.

Later Update:
[Private to Loras]

I'm sorry.




Dammit. I need a hair cut.

Sep. 3rd, 2012



I can go to this Gala thing on my own correct? Without looking too pathetic?

I mean I am sure I will end up talking to many people when I am there anyway. I have never been one to be a wallflower.




I need more friends that are girls. Oh hey, Rory, we should hang out.

Filtered to Roy )

Sep. 2nd, 2012




My sister really did it, and now it's time to turn the tables. Alleria also needs to get laid. In her case, a woman. Her standards are pretty high.

As she mentioned in her own post we run around in skimpy costumes and shoot arrows at each other.

She also does her own stunts, and is quite flexible.

Aug. 31st, 2012




So who's all going to the Gala? And when is it happening?

Aug. 28th, 2012



I have all of my hospital bills paid off. I can't believe it. It's kind of crazy. Thank you, anonymous benefactor. I appreciate it. Those bills made my parents and I homeless for a while and made them file for bankruptcy. So it's extra special. I wish I could thank you in person.

I'm still paying off for school, but it's not that bad now that I don't have to pay for my hospital stuff. It's completely manageable, thanks to my job.

I might actually hang out this weekend and do some things. Except I'm not sure what to do. What do people do when they don't work? Suggestions?

Aug. 20th, 2012



I don't understand. I went to my bank and someone deposited a lot of money in there. Anonymously.

Whoever it was, if you're reading this, I can't accept it. I didn't earn this money. It's a really nice damn gesture, but it's too much.

Aug. 18th, 2012




You know, I wasn't going to post but I'm still pissed off after last night, so it's going up here anyway. Cope. You people missed reading Bullshit Roy Can Do Without even if you haven't admitted it to yourselves. So. Today's topic. People Who Think They Can Tell Me What To Do Just Because They're Older.

Uh no. Unless you're a cop, or I'm working for you, I'm not actually obligated to listen or to give a fuck about what you're saying. Sometimes I do give one. When it's important or you're my friend and I actually care enough to ask for your advice or you give it to me and I decide to listen to you. But the listening part? That's completely my choice here. I do not have to sit there and take it, I do not HAVE to allow you to micromanage my life, and you treat me like a little kid, and I'm REALLY not required to deal with it.

There's no law that says I have to take being disrespected and that I'm not allowed to disrespect you right back in your face no matter who's there watching if you pull that shit. There's no law that says I owe you any fucking thing if you treat me like that and I don't HAVE to take it, and right now? I'm not gonna.

In other words? I'll respect you when you respect me and not before. Two way fucking street, People. Deal with it.

Aug. 15th, 2012




Fever 102.4
Or 39... if you're on metric...


This is me saying hello. I'm Jessica. Nice to meet most of you.

It feels like I've been inside for the better part of a year. Sometimes I forget what sunshine is and the outdoors. The only time I get to see a part of it is on the way from home to work and back again. I've been living on ramen noodles and trying to make something of my life. Every time I think I've got a handle on it, something puts me on my ass again. Needless to say, I'm sick of it.

This country isn't bad though. I'd heard so many stories about America, I wasn't sure what to expect. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be though. Your weather is much nicer, even if I haven't been able to see much of it.

I know this is an odd way to introduce yourself, but if anyone could tell me maybe the name of a lawyer? Looks like I've got myself into a bit of trouble already. Guess hopping across the pond didn't help that at all. Not that I thought it would.

Aug. 8th, 2012




cut for Beach Volleyball spoilers )

Aug. 4th, 2012





Aug. 1st, 2012



I need more female friends.
Just a fact. :)

Jul. 27th, 2012




Okay, so we're hosting a shindig for the Olympic's at Loki's Bar thing. On me, with feeds for the games, particularly our local boys & girls.

And this will be -our- game. )