
Posts Tagged: 'magius'

Jun. 7th, 2013




Netflix isn't working for me. Is anyone else having this problem?


I'm warm again. Is there a doctor here who can um.

Confirm I'm not dead anymore?

Jun. 6th, 2013




These dreams continue, and grow weirder and darker. I am unsure what to think or do, really. I am learning magic, as the dreams progress, though oftentimes, it seems it fails, or simply does not work. Enough does that I know this magic is real. Somehow.

I am truly gaining the power of this strange wizard, this other Magius! But I refuse to gain his stupidity. He is vain, arrogant, and foolish, and I will not follow him into his foolishness.

Say to me, those of you who dream, what do you do when your dreamself is truly stupid?
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Has anyone ever dreamed, and then woken up, and wonder what the hell was wrong with them? I mean...that was it? All that suffering and all that pain and that's what I choose to do? Romantic, perhaps, but also nutters.

I suppose I earned it, and Maker only knows what awaited me on the other side of that Eluvian...

In other news, I’m rather enjoying playing with my staff. It’s long, and it’s very hard, and you should see what comes out of it!

Jun. 5th, 2013




[ Filtered to Doctor Magius ]

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for putting that cream aside for me. It's really helping. I actually thought that itching was going to drive me insane, so yeah, thanks.

Jun. 3rd, 2013



This gun is getting chucked into the ocean. At the very least it will be water damaged and unusable if I do that, right?




I do believe the best I can say of my dreamself is that he's a genius. Incredibly dumb, selfish, annoying, and whiny, but a genius.

Can I disown my dreamself now? Despite the fascination of learning magic, I am quite over dreaming of being an idiot emotionally and having impulse control issues. It's starting to affect me while wa-




I knew it; these stitches really freaking itch. Someone please tell me not to scratch them. I know I shouldn't but my will is failing really fast.




I think I may have joined the ranks of the dreamers here, but I really hope that's not the case. I've been having this recurring nightmare about my parents coming to pick me up from a party in their old hometown and us going over the bridge on the way back. My parents drowned, but I survived. Flash forward to the beginning of junior year and... Well, then it just gets weird. I'm hoping it's just a nightmare, but I guess only time will tell.

[Filtered to Jeremy]
Katherine wasn't in my dream. Not like she just didn't show up or something, but like I didn't even have a sister. It was just you and me. I would have thought that would be nice, but it's actually freaking me out a little.

You haven't had this dream too, have you?

Jun. 2nd, 2013




I'm going to have a beach party on Friday evening before I leave town. Anybody want to join me? Say, around sunset?

Don't worry, I don't think I'm leaving for good. Just a little working vacation to kick off the summer.

May. 31st, 2013



hi, I'm cora, I like magic and musicals...

Wise men compose books of spells
They collect strange, mystic tools
But ere thou speak the magic words...
You have to learn the rules!

A staff in the hand may be quite continental
But potions are a girl's best friend
A wand may be grand but it won't pay the rental
Or make car payments
Or feed you more than cheap ramen
Wizards old and wizards bold
They all have their charms in the end
Even young magi grow weary, but dry those tears, deary
Potions are a girl's best friend!

Magius! Gandalf the Grey! Zedicus! Merlin!
Talk to me, Harry Dresden, tell me all about it!
There may come a day when a lass needs a lawyer
But potions are a girl's best friend!

May. 27th, 2013



Out of curiosity.. how many cats is too many cats? Before you become a spinster cat lady.

Also look what I got.

May. 26th, 2013




For anyone who's wondering after my last post on the subject - having more dreams seems to have made my ability to support myself, and yes, my ability to walk, suffer even more. Which is fantastic.

I'm trapped in a wheelchair in the dreams, and it looks like I'm heading the same way here.

May. 24th, 2013



Dear Asshole at today's work party:

Yes, that is a one-year coin from AA. That does not mean it's fucking funny to swap your bloody Mary for my virgin Mary. I'd about finished the Goddamn thing before I realized there was vodka in it. It wasn't easy to put down the last of it, either. That doesn't count against my sober date, either, because I didn't drink it on purpose, so screw you.

Enjoy your trip to HR - Love, the old bitch in the corner office

Flemeth, Thea, any of you girls, you know anybody who could maybe make a necklace out of this thing? It might be nice to always have it nearby. Especially if the dreams keep getting worse.

May. 23rd, 2013




I suppose it was inevitable, with how long I have lived in these parts. But today, waking up from a nap, I have the dubious honor of now being a Dreamer of the OC. The dreams are medieval in nature, pure fantasy and magic, and in them, I am a wizard, slowly growing in power and knowledge and trained in a school, a place called the Tower of High Sorcery.

It seems incredible, and somehow beyond all my dreams, that this has happened. My memories from these dreams seem so realistic, so vivid. I'm unsure whether to feel happy, or wary.


Hello, all. I just got an invite to this network; I'm thinking it might be good for marketing. Some of you might know my face; I normally go by Lady Mysteria, but you all can just call me Pam.

Yes, I am one of those workers, and I do charge high prices, but I'd like to think I make it worth it. Just shoot me a nice private e-mail if you're interested. You can even just chatter to me about your problems, but I'll only care if the money's good.

When I'm not working, I like vintage clothes, shopping, and pretty girls, in case you were curious.

May. 21st, 2013



I'm quite sure that I've been here for 72 hours straight. I've been sleeping in my desk chair. I don't really know how much longer I'll be here. I haven't been this busy in ages.


Could one of you perhaps go to my apartment and feed Toby? I got just enough time to feed him yesterday, but I need someone to look after him.

[Sherlock and Victor]

There's quite a bit of bodies here if either of you need anything. And I'll be here for a while.

May. 19th, 2013




Oh my God, we cornered a kid -

In my dreams, I -

Woke up this morning and got sick. Still feeling pretty gross, actually. I don't even have an appetite and thinking of eating makes my stomach feel woozy all over again.

And I'm so tired, but I don't want to go back to sleep.


((ooc: Warning - Possible talk of child death in comments.))

May. 18th, 2013



I've just had the strangest dream last night.

I dreamed I was an angel. Not just any angel, but a guardian at the gates of Eden. I was there when poor Adam and Eve were forced out, as a matter of fact. I gave them my flaming sword so they could protect themselves and make a fire and whatnot.

Of course, God did ask about that. Where my sword had gone, I mean. I said, "I had it just a moment ago, I must have put it down somewhere. Forget my own head next."

I lied to God. To God! I suppose it was for a good cause and all, really. Surely He'd see that?

Anyway, it was all very strange indeed. And a bit like my husband's dream, about him being the serpent in Eden, come to think of it. But from the opposite end.

Arthur Fell-Crowley




Uther, you bastard. How could you...? Just because a man has magic is no reason to execute him.

It's a good thing we were able to get the druid boy out of Camelot. He wouldn't hesitate to kill a child.

May. 17th, 2013




That's one benefit to a cybernetic brain. Backups when you get shot.

Now my dreams turn to conspiracies.


I need to talk to you.

May. 15th, 2013




Thank God I don't have to go to work this week. I'm going to do nothing but sleep and bathe for the next three days. If anyone needs me, I'll probably be scrubbing under my nails.

Private to Turin
Except I owe you a drink, still. How's tomorrow work?

Private to Alex Summers
How are you doing? That was a hell of a light show.



[Locked to People In The Know]

TW for non graphic discussion of violence and length. Not cut for network )

May. 14th, 2013




It was my deep and fervent hope to never see a war again, after Viet Nam. Being here, in this little occurrence this weekend... I cannot but think that we all of us are lucky. It could have been far worse, and gone on far longer. Even in three and a half days of conflict I feel that life itself was stretched thin.

I saw acts of heroism, and of hate, of cowardice and despair, of hope, and of selfless sacrifice. This was a dark hour and yet, in it, there were people who showed that, here and now, mankind is neither ending, nor doomed. It was... horrible, and I hope to never see it's like again. But if I must, then I would rather see it with such people at my side as I stood with this weekend.

And now, this day done, I am going to go have a meal and wine and do my best to forget, once more, that war exists.

May. 13th, 2013




Just a quick post because I only have a few seconds to spare, but my wife and I (mostly my wife) gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Sunday. His name is Samwise. Now, if you excuse me, I need to get back to them.

Apr. 23rd, 2013



I'm starting to feel like perhaps I should move to France or New Zealand with my girlfriend. At least some countries have the right idea when it comes to marriage.

I have a very important doctor's appointment coming up and this time I'm nervous. I'm usually not nervous, but I am this time. I don't know why that is. I guess having a drink before I go isn't a good idea.

Also if Doctor Strange is out there, you and I should talk.

Apr. 12th, 2013



Ugh. I hate being invited to black tie events. I have to figure out what to wear, I have to find an escort - it's so much bother to just sit and be bored. But if I decline, I look ungrateful. Double edged sword.

Apr. 8th, 2013




So I believe it would be remiss of me if I didn't introduce myself as I've moved to the area recently. And the internet does seem to be the best way of meeting people in a new town.

My name is Luisa and I'm a writer by trade, I'm hoping to find some inspiration here. But don't worry that doesn't mean you'll turn up in my next book ;)




Seems like the thing to do these days is post on one of these blogs, or networks, and talk to people here. Somehow, it doesn’t feel quite the same as talking in person, to me, but that might be my age showing. Either way, hello to all.

My name is Magius, and I am a doctor at Sunburst Medical Clinic and it's sister facility, Sunburst Women's Shelter. One of my colleagues kept mentioning this place as an interesting read, and since I do rather love reading, I decided to give it a go. Seems a bit chaotic sometimes, but what doesn’t, these days? But you mostly seem like a nice bunch, so I hope to enjoy a few chats on here between work and studying.

Now, does anyone by chance know of a good stable around and about? The one I used most recently is shuttering its doors and my horse Silvanus needs a good place to stay.