
Posts Tagged: 'kevin+flynn'

Jun. 11th, 2014




So far so good over here at E3. I have to say, our presentation for our fall lineup of games went exceptionally well. Didn't hurt to have Tony Stark randomly showing up there either.

Now to take a break, relax, and hit the town for some fun. It's not quite Vegas but it'll do.

May. 19th, 2014




I spent the better part of today's quarterly Skype call with our Japan division messing around with Google's Rubik's Cube interactive doodle.

I solved it so many times within that hour I lost count. Which is weird when I've only played with a Rubik's Cube a handful of times as a kid and I remember it took me much longer to solve. Wonder if this has anything to do with my apparently 80's era dreams...




So apparently "to see aliens in your dream signifies that you are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new surroundings. You are feeling 'alienated' and disconnected."

Or I've just been watching too many paranormal reruns before bed.

Either way, my name's Siri. I guess I'm not going to get a more glaring sign to try to be social. Suppose this is the place to do it, yeah? Anyone else having crazy dreams?

May. 14th, 2014




It's really important that I have more Dreams. Really important. Does anyone know how I can... spur them on? Drunken sleep didn't really do

Not exactly sleepy. Trying to sleep more in case that does the trick.

May. 12th, 2014




Thank GOD the weather's gone hot again. I've been dying to get out my shorts and tank tops. Didn't have too much opportunity to wear them while we were in New York, but it was standard attire in Vegas. Now I get to show off my legs again! ...though, don't look too close until I get them tanned up a bit. The white is blinding.

May. 7th, 2014




Well, well, well, Orange County. Finally I get sent somewhere that I can have a little fun. Just in time for beach season, too.

I guess I should formally introduce myself. I'm Harry Osborn, and I'm going to be running the big new OsCorp building that's just gone up in Santa Ana. Our doors officially open at the end of the month, so I've got a couple of weeks to bum around and see what there is out here. Where do all the cool kids hang out?

May. 6th, 2014




I hadn't realized that today was National Nurses Day too. It's also National Teachers Day, which is ironic, because in real life, I'm a teacher, but in the dreams I'm a nurse. Both professions appreciated on the same day. I got some baked goods and cards from my students today, which was nice, but I don't do this job for that reason. I teach, because I want to help kids, but it's a nice perk.

May. 1st, 2014




God, it's so HOT. I don't think I've ever had to deal with this kind of HEAT before. I mean, Vegas was hot, but we all had air conditioning. Why don't houses in California have AC? What's wrong with these people?

Apr. 27th, 2014




Okay, so this is actually pretty cool. I heard about this once, but didn't think it was actually true. I mean, who buries stuff in the desert like that? It's also crazy to think that at one point video games weren't popular. I mean, when you think of them by today's standards, almost everyone plays video games now.

Apr. 25th, 2014




So, I'm looking to expand my music library/workout playlist. Any recommendations? I prefer music from the rock genre but as long as it has a good beat, I'll like it.

Apr. 24th, 2014




I understand that others have had odd dreams, but I never expected to encounter one myself. I quite like it.

Apr. 21st, 2014




More of those strange Dreams last night. We were all choking on smoke that a dragon was snoring. Bizarre, right? I must be going crazy.


Gud i himmelen! I thought the drivers in San Francisco were bad, but I have almost been thrown off my bike three times in the last week by Los Angeles motorists! Ladies and gentlemen, do please remember that if you are a car driver, there are those of us who ride motorcycles and scooters that share the road with you!

Ugh, I am still shaking.

Apr. 20th, 2014




Well it's out of my hands now.

My project has officially been completed and released to the companies it was promised to. If the limited release goes well, there will be a wide release later in the year, provided we can get production costs down by that time.

I feel like a mother bird watching her hatchling stretch its wings and fly out of the nest for the first time. Proud, but also anxious.

Apr. 19th, 2014




So what do computer people do on their days off? Tomorrow is a day off from everything, because it's some holiday I'm not really sure about, but I'll take a day off, whee! No school, no job.

If Snakeychan were still here we'd have some fun, I'm sure.

Who's up for some fun tomorrow?????




It's an incredibly dull Saturday afternoon. Come on Orange County, you need to step up your game more. Impress me.


How are you doing mate? Are you safe to be around yet? Kind of worried about you, what with you being...dead and all.

Apr. 14th, 2014




Has anyone else noticed a wave of those "what [insert the blank here] are you?" quiz results on Facebook? I mean, jeez, if I wanted to know what pasta dish I'd be, I think I could figure that one out on my own.

I'm glad no one posts that sort of thing here. Just dream stuff. And I had more Dreams, so here I am, posting about them.

Apr. 6th, 2014




Is it weird to spend the entire weekend celebrating the fact I'm not a grizzly old man anymore? Because that's what I've been doing.

Apr. 1st, 2014




I'm old. Like super old. As in, I just got escorted out of my own company's building by security old.

I'm almost as old as my dad.

This is so wrong.

Mar. 29th, 2014



I think I'm up for a promotion at work, which is really awesome. But I'm also starting to feel like I'm just stuck in a rut there right now and I'm almost to the point of internally debating if I should switch up and look for a new job or not. I just want to find something that sparks that passion inside me again and helping with Torchwood is only a small-time thing for now since we're definitely not under the kind of alien threat we were in my dreams.

Anyone need a computer engineer with some really awesome skills?




What happens when Time's men of the year make a bet?

They have to pay up.

Yes, that's right. In all their glory may I present to you Mr Tony Stark...

 photo TonyTShirt_zpsa3baa770.jpg

...and Mr Kevin Flynn

 photo KFlynnTshirt4_zpsd3397e38.jpg

Mar. 28th, 2014




My father keeps wanting me to push up the release date of my product, but I had that date set for a reason. I want as much time as possible to work out all the bugs.

It's my first solo project, and the last thing I want to do is have to recall it because of something not working the way it should.

Still, it's nearly done, and I know it will be ready by the release date that I set for it.

I just wish he would trust me, sometimes.

Mar. 25th, 2014




Headed home from ENCOM. It's like my home away from home. I'm sure Opal will be very cross at me for having been gone for a few days.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Whoever ate the last of my Girl Scout cookies is fired.

Mar. 1st, 2014





Sorry. Caps lock. Still, that's fitting? My family's a bit on the loud side of things!

Anyway. Right. Valar net! I've heard quite a lot about it and anyone seems able to post on here. Takes all types, doesn't it? So I'm going to post and ask if there's anywhere to find work. Before my mother really does kick me out on my bum, since I had to bust through the front door when my brother and I lost the house key again.

Most specifically, my brother took out the window and I did in the door. He did tell me that it was easier to fix a window, but I didn't listen. I DID almost bust my hand to bits in the process, before I finally kicked it just so. I think my way was the less messy way, since I would rather clean up splintered wood than a whole lot of glass. That stuff's cutty.

Again. Jobs. Are there any out there? Ones that aren't incredibly boring? I tend to take matters into my own hands when I'm bored and no one wants that!

Feb. 20th, 2014




If anybody still needs a place to ride the latest wave of crazy out, ENCOM Tower is open for you all. We've got emergency supplies, a well stocked cafeteria, a lounge with tv, games and stuff. We've rooms set aside for sleeping quarters too.

Feb. 15th, 2014




So on Valentine's Day I kinda eloped with my fiancee to Vegas. And took my BFF and his girl with us as well.

Pretty sure that sounds like a plot for a just about any Valentine's Day chick flick.

Anyhow, Kevin Flynn is officially off the market and a married man! Who woulda thought... ;)

Feb. 3rd, 2014




Well looks like I won some nice mula in the company Superbowl box game. I know I'll have at least a quarter of my office brooding tomorrow and the rest of the employees happier than if it was Christmas. For geeks and numbers guys, I really expected most of them to be watching for the commercials more than anything else.

That being said, well played Seahawks. And it was good to see Morpheus again. You can never have too many Matrix referencing commercials.

Jan. 25th, 2014




I went to see "Her." It was good.

Jan. 24th, 2014




I miss my Christmas Tree.

Jan. 18th, 2014




An informal poll.

What is your favorite music genre?

Jan. 13th, 2014




To think, The Jetsons was set only 48 years from now. And Back to the Future II was only set in 2015. Part of me wonders where the flying cars are at, but then, I still remember life before the internet, so...wow.

Jan. 10th, 2014




Well, flying back to good 'ol Cali tomorrow morning. CES was a blast! I got mobbed trying to leave the hall after our presentation on our ENCOM Oasis flexible screen and Intelliwave Motorcycle Helmet. Was also fun hanging out at Weyland and Stark's presentations, nice job guys. It was great hanging out after hours too. Vegas is the place to do it!

It was also nice to spend some time before the show with my fiancée on the anniversary of when we first met two years ago. Love you babe!

If anyone wants a good laugh, check out this article on all the FAIL things at CES. Though I may have bought the Star Trek Pinball machine. Because pinball machines are awesome and I know I'm going to miss my arcade as soon as we board the plane :(

In other news, found a few copies of this at the hotel and even had a few folks asking me to sign 'em. If anyone wants a copy, I still got a box a bunch lying around at home.

TIME's Persons of the Year )

OOC: I may have had just a bit too much fun Photoshopping this cover <3

Jan. 9th, 2014




I think the Consumer Electronics Show has been a great success so far. I've very much enjoyed all the presentations, and I'm enjoying exploring Las Vegas.

I'm presenting myself, tomorrow, and I'm a little nervous. I've never presented at a convention before. But I trust it will go well. I've got my speech memorized, and the displays are all in working order.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Jan. 7th, 2014




3 days in Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show... Jarvis, you coming with me?

Kevin, I'm assuming you'll be there. David?

It's going to be... interesting.

Jan. 3rd, 2014




I'M ENGAGED! I'M GETTING MARRIED! I'M SO EXCITED! I have to start planning! I've got to design my dress and decide on venue, caterer, flowers... DJ or band? SO many decisions! We should probably pick a date first.




Here's to a prosperous New Year.

Jan. 2nd, 2014




Well looks like we're not flying out of NYC anytime soon. We left one coast's snow behind only to find more over here on the east coast!

Dec. 18th, 2013




Stark! You owe me five grand and an embarrassing gif as promised. Pft, and you said I couldn't hack your precious new firewall.

Kids stuff, man.

Dec. 10th, 2013





Cut for image of le smashed tree )




Self-cauterization. I don't really recommend it. It's unpleasant.




Hello, my name is David Weyland. I suppose I'm rather behind in joining this network, as I've been doing most of my social networking through our own site, but I was told it was a good place to introduce myself.

I work for my father, Peter Weyland, at Weyland Industries, and I'm very excited to be a part of the new and, might I say without sounding too full of myself, revolutionary technologies that will soon be made available to the general public.

Nov. 29th, 2013




Okay it's official: I've had too much turkey. And too much leftover turkey.

And probably too much spiked Egg Nog.

I had this crazy dream I was talking to an old computer. Like, the great-grandaddy of Siri or something. Then there was a flash and I was inside the computer. Like, a whole 'nother world with funky glowing grid lines and weird glowing outfits.

Nov. 23rd, 2013




I think all that Egg Nog made me put on some weight. And it's not even Thanksgiving yet!

Looks like I'll be hitting the company gym a bit more. Gotta keep this fine physique in some decent shape to help fight the gamer stereotype.

Nov. 13th, 2013




EGG NOG. Has anyone else noticed that there's egg nog in the stores?? TIS THE SEASON!

Kev, I may have brought home a gallon. Be ready to drink lots when you get home.




My parents are going to kill me! I've NEVER been suspended in my life, and now I've got a 2 day suspension for "Insubordination to staff" and "Disrupting the Learning Environment".

It's not my fault! I'd already finished the assignment and the teacher asked me if he was boring me with his lecture. And I said yes. Then he got mad at me, started asking me more questions (which I kept answering), and things kept getting worse! Eventually he asked me why I felt like I didn't need to pay attention in class. I told him I'd already mastered the work we were supposed to be learning, that I was only in the class because I was required to take it, and that he was a substandard educator with only a basic grasp of the material.

Then he dragged me to the Principal's office and demanded that I be suspended.

Oct. 27th, 2013




I can hear all kinds of scratching and movement about in one of the walls of the house. Almost perfect sound effects for Halloween. I think we have flying squirrels.

Correction, I KNOW we do. Because this little bugger just pulled a Rocky straight across the living room. Thanks for nothing, Opal.

'scuse me while I find something to catch this guy with.

Squirrel Attack! )

Oct. 25th, 2013




I'm already getting ready for Christmas. Halloween is all fine and dandy, and Thanksgiving is all right, too. But Christmas! The designer in me just jumps for joy. I get to create a new and improved color scheme every year.

What do you think of violet, brown, bronze and white?




I guess one of the good things about living in CA is that I can were something like this on Halloween and not freeze my ass off.

Oct. 20th, 2013



Brought to you by "to make you feel old"...

Mickey's Christmas Carol premiered in England on this day in 1983.

I must have Disney on the brain lately.