
Posts Tagged: 'kate+freelander'

Aug. 14th, 2014




I think it's over. And the one person I want to tell might not even exist. It's weird. Missing someone you never met.

Aug. 12th, 2014




Wow. Dreams, man. Gotta love 'em.

[Private: Pepper]
You and me, kissing on a rooftop? Possibly the sexiest thing ever. Possibly.

[Private: Steve Rogers, Nick Fury]
It's not all that often that I want to be involved in something, and am turned down. I gotta admit, you stick to your guns, Fury.

That being said, thanks for keeping me in the loop in this world. Anything I can do to help? Suit's had a tune-up and I'm itching for a test run.

Aug. 11th, 2014




Not to be a killjoy, but.

Is it me, or does the news report about the two bodies being drained of blood scream "vampire"?

Aug. 10th, 2014




Came home from work and found an axe on my bed.

There is an axe on my bed.



If they do it again I will beat them. With this axe they gave me.

Aug. 8th, 2014




Other people's calendars have things like birthdays, or vacations. Or deadlines, or other such very important information.

The calendar at our house has two things:
  1. Catholic holidays
  2. Food related days

Cheesecake Day was a great success.

We don't speak of Tequila Day.

(This Sunday is S'mores Day, everyone ought to celebrate.)

Jul. 23rd, 2014




Had the weirdest fucking dream. You people better not be rubbing off on me with your weird past lives dream memories bullshit.

Jul. 17th, 2014




I ... had a weird dream last night. Still not sure I believe any of this It was a lot like my life, but different. And my cousin Peggy was my Aunt, not my cousin. That's weird, right? It was really realistic. But I had pizza before bed. All that sodium probably went to my head, or something.

Jul. 16th, 2014




A family member suggested I check out this network when I got in. She had that twinkle in her eye she gets when she thinks she's being clever, so I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into. Name's Shepard.




I don't believe in past lives.

But that is the closest description I can find for what I dreamed. And I'm not generally a dreamer. Certainly not anything so vivid or real feeling as this.

Very strange indeed.




It's only Tuesday and I'm already in desperate need of the weekend. And a night out.

Jul. 14th, 2014



I think I'm having a mental break down. That's all this dream stuff is. I'm not from Gotham. I'm from New York. My name is Tim Drake and I'm from Queens. Gotham was just some kind of ridiculous cold pizza for dinner side effect nightmare stress related breakdown. That's all.

Jul. 7th, 2014




Hey, Mystery Folder. Did you really have to leave it where you found it? The least you could've done was put the clothes in the bedroom.




I kind of just set my apartment on fire.

On the bright side, those roaches I kept having issues with are definitely dead.

My landlord's gonna kill me.

Jul. 6th, 2014




I need to get out more.

Jul. 5th, 2014




There is a sock thief.

I am not amused.




That's strange. When I pair up my socks, I fold them together, however when I just opened my drawer to get a pair there is only single socks. No pairs. At first I asked Sirius if this was an attempt at a prank, but his are the same way. I highly doubt anyone broke into our house last night to steal socks, but this is quite strange. Almost too strange to be an OC thing, but somehow I don't doubt it.

Jul. 4th, 2014




Our big, bad, king of the house cat has been hiding under our bed all night. He was in the living room when some people on our street began setting off fireworks and the first loud bang, he was off the couch in record time and has been under our bed ever since. Anyone else's pets scared of fireworks too?

Jun. 24th, 2014




Everyone's getting married and I'm like, "I'm gonna stay home, nurse my hangover and play with this sword I just got."

I don't even know how to use a sword. Dream-me seems to be pretty decent with it. Oh well, I'm cool with random presents and/or weapons suddenly appearing in my apartment. NO BIG DEAL.





Jun. 22nd, 2014




I'm not one to post pictures of my McDonalds meals. This is something that I made and actually think I outdid myself this morning.

butterscotch sticky buns )

Jun. 21st, 2014




This book that I got from my dreams is pretty cool. It has Bilbo's story from the journey he went on then Frodo added the story of our journey to destroy the Ring and then I even added some stuff after Frodo gave it to me before he went to Valinor. In the dreams, I gave it to my daughter before I left for the Undying Lands to be reunited with Frodo.

It's got me thinking that maybe when crazy stuff happens here, I should write it down. Staring with mine and Frodo's actual journey to the volcano a few months ago to destroy The Ring. It'd be interesting for someone to read years from now.

Jun. 20th, 2014




I find it highly alarming that fewer people aren't panicking about the activity outside. I'll also overlook the enthusiasm with which people analyze their dreams.

This wouldn't have happened in Cambridge. I don't know if I should be glad or remorseful that I moved here.

Jun. 18th, 2014




Apparently my dream self is a master dinosaur wrangler.

Dream me is much more adventurous than real me.

[Jack Harkness]

I dreamed meeting you. It seems so weird considering I've never met you in real life

Jun. 16th, 2014




I thought I'd pick one of these things up since I'm a little sick of seeing people on Facebook posting pictures of Daffy Duck, hands (wings?) on hips, with some stupid saying like "People should stop expecting normal from me, it's not going to happen!" with a million people responding with "lol so true". Sorry if I fail to see how that's so hilarious.

Anyway, I'm Dan. I have a little garage called, wait for it, Dan's Garage here in central Orange County. I have a couple of Oscars called Scales and Wimpy, and a pleco called Dyson. I don't really like long walks on the beach, but I do like to stand on the shore at night sometimes. The OC seems to be a pretty good place for both things, whatever floats your boat.

Jun. 8th, 2014




Dream me is kind of badass.

Jun. 1st, 2014





Dear Orange County, California,

I'd like to write a complaint, notifying you that it is a fine time for a climate change personality crisis. You've made my commute this morning a veritable living hell. And it's not because I don't know how to drive in the snow, but because every tosser out there with car keys and a cellphone, can't figure out how to drive in it. Everything's gone all bumper cars and general stupidity, all over the place.

Do us a favour and die in a fire, which might happen considering someone so much as blinks the wrong way and one of those starts and burns down everything. Under normal circumstances, that is. Which even then is really quite questionable, because what's normal anymore?

In short, I can't raise these two fingers high enough.

Bloody California. Bloody climate change.

No love for you,


May. 27th, 2014




I'm kind of starting to love this place.




Strike one.

Don't sign up for internet dating if you're married and looking for something on the side. It's gross.

May. 16th, 2014




cut for mentions of death )

May. 15th, 2014




It is so fucking hot. Totally spending the day by my mom and dad's pool. I feel like I'm going to melt. All I need is one of those little fruity drinks and my life would be complete.




I’m thinking that my dream life is pretty boring. It’s either that or these dreams have decided to give me a break. I keep dreaming about my childhood. Normal, boring, a little sad but it’s like anyone else going up.

Although it’s nice to know somethings don’t change.

May. 11th, 2014




Mother's Day.

Did you call your mother? Is she still alive and kickin'? Are your fingers broken?

Then get on the damn telephone if you haven't, yet. Except for Pryde, sounds like she's got a good excuse.

May. 10th, 2014




You know, all the stories made Happily Ever After seem way more attainable than it is in these dreams. Just when you think everything's worked out, something new happens. But I did get to meet Lancelot of Camelot and the Mad Hatter. There's that, I guess.

In better news, my memory's been a lot better lately. I think it's dream related. I think I'm going to take another evaluation and maybe I can get myself back on track with things.




Am I weird for wanting to go back to high school?

May. 9th, 2014




I'm hungry.

This is not a good thing.




I've had a bit of a day. Well, a bit of a week, really. I think I could use a drink this weekend.

With friends, I mean. I'm not trying to fish for dates of anything, really. Just friends and that. Which must sound sort of awkward, now that I think about it. Really, this is why I stay away from this sort of thing, but there it is.

May. 3rd, 2014




I'm never having chimichangas before bed again.

Apr. 29th, 2014




Does anyone have any plans for next weekend? I apparently need to make friends and do things. Because I don't have any. According to my mother and brother, anyway. I'm 45 and they rule my life. It's not fair.

Apr. 26th, 2014




The dreams left me alone for three weeks, and now they are back. It's like a show going on hiatus, and I don't watch anything with any sort of regularity, but I guess I just needed a dose again.

Something happened to dream me. I got the girl. The big question is what will come along to screw it up?

Apr. 24th, 2014




I understand that others have had odd dreams, but I never expected to encounter one myself. I quite like it.

Apr. 21st, 2014




More of those strange Dreams last night. We were all choking on smoke that a dragon was snoring. Bizarre, right? I must be going crazy.

Apr. 19th, 2014




I think the crazy finally caught up to me. That or I have some serious issues with my past.

Apr. 18th, 2014




I think that spending three hours digging through boxes for one book is a sign that maybe I should actually unpack said boxes and actually live in my apartment.

Or I just need to have a better system in place. But I'm leaning more towards the unpacking idea.


I did find that script for you, though. As well as a recording they did from our Atlanta run.




It's come to my attention that I've been a part of this network for nearly a year now, and I still know so few of you here. I'd very much like to change that.

And so, for anyone who would be interested, I will be hosting a cocktail party for the members of the network. It will likely be held the first week of May, if enough people decide they would like to come.

Please reply if you plan on attending, and note any dietary restrictions, so that I may start planning the menu.

Those who RSVP to this post will receive a formal invitation in the mail, with the exact date and time, and the location of the party.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Apr. 10th, 2014




I guess the weird of this place hasn't gotten to me yet. I'm starting to feel left out.

Apr. 6th, 2014




I am not mentally ill. I am not mentally ill.




I finally get my ass over to The Agency's building and the brother at the front desk wants to tell me how late I am.

Excuse me? Have you ever been a big one-eyed black man trying to get a cab in any metropolitan area, ever? No, you have not.

Tryin' to tell me I'm late. I've been on a plane since before the SUN came up and the man can't even get me a coffee. Orange County, you and I are gonna have a problem you keep this up.

Apr. 5th, 2014




Hello, I'm Zuko. You can probably ignore anything my evil little sister has ever told you about me, because she's a little liar.

Mar. 28th, 2014




Walking my coworker's dog makes me think I should adopt one.

Mar. 26th, 2014




I keep thinking about where I’d be if I hadn’t left Chicago. You know, the kind of thoughts that keep you up at night wondering if you did the right thing. I’ve decided it doesn’t really suit me.

I could use a drink. Who's coming with?