
Posts Tagged: 'john+crichton'

Jul. 14th, 2015




So while this crazy storm kicks up, I'm taking solace in my house to keep up with the progress of the New Horizon project. Tomorrow is the closest fly by of the probe to Pluto and hopefully it should send back some great data about that little piece of rock I grew up with as a planet.

I also figure it would be a good time to try and write up some of my Dreams. Might help me keep some semblance of sanity. I hope.

Jun. 30th, 2015




Another great skywatching opportunity tonight! If you can get out and see it, check out the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus tonight Gorgeous!

Jun. 15th, 2015




A good day for science! The Philae lander woke up! This is such an exciting opportunity for science! We can actually see how a comet changes as it goes past the sun. It just blows my mind! I can't wait to talk to my students about it tomorrow!

May. 12th, 2015




I don't know if I've ever experienced a joy more powerful than getting a few full nights' sleep in a row. This sleep training thing is the best thing ever. Ben is a happier baby, and Merlin and I are actually getting enough shut-eye that we can function properly.

Apr. 27th, 2015




So I heard through the grapevine that this was a good way to meet people around here.

So hey, I'm Cosima. Originally from San Fran, and was that crazy person that decided spending a few years in Minnesota for grad school was a great idea. Which it was, just not many Californians would agree with me there. Anyways yes, I've recently come back to California, now I'm going for my PhD at UC-Irvine so maybe I'll see some of you around there if I'm not in the labs or in the library?

Also kind of always babbling about science, so be warned of that ahead of time? And always kind of late so I'm always kind of sorry, too.

Apr. 9th, 2015




You know what I haven't done in a few weeks? I haven't hosted a POKER NIGHT. Who's in?




Seeing these sorts of images makes me want to get back into research and leave teaching behind. But then I think of trying to get young people excited about science and it makes me want to stay. Any other teachers/profs out there feel the same?

Mar. 20th, 2015




Just look at the incredible pictures from the solar eclipse that happened on the other side of the globe today!

Events like these just remind me of the majesty of our universe and how incredible physics really is. God I love my job!

Mar. 14th, 2015




So after my alarm didn't go off, I locked myself out of my office, spilt my first cup of coffee down me and smashed the screen on my phone, I had a quick look for reasons why Friday the 13th is considered unlucky. I'd always thought it was because of the Knights Templar, but apparently there's a whole lot more to it!

I posit that we create our own luck on days like these. The cumulative effect of all these stories passed down through generations is that we expect on some level for the day to be bad luck and thus, sub-consciously create bad luck situations.

Thoughts anyone?

OOC: I hope that makes sense, I'm sick atm :-/

Feb. 21st, 2015




I'm sure I can figure out how to get this into a lesson plan! It's perfectly legitimate, right?

Jan. 8th, 2015




Just finished stitching up about a dozen guys--two sides of a knife fight. No one brought a gun. I think they're all gonna live. That was about ten hours of my life I could have back, thanks. Going home to sleep for a day or two.

Aug. 12th, 2014




The Perseids meteor shower will be peaking tonight. I will be watching. Up on the highest hill I can find, wrapped in a blanet, probably from 10 to 2am.

Apologies if I'm a bit of a zombie tomorrow.

Jul. 31st, 2014




Does anyone think this pick-up line would ever work? "Hey girl, did we just share electrons? Because I'm feeling a covalent bond between us."

Ba-dum-cha! Here all week!

Jul. 30th, 2014




I love this idea! A quantum Cheshire Cat! I seriously want to shake hands with the dude who named this theory!

Jul. 18th, 2014




Woke up an hour ago and I can feel my face. My face does not feel good. BUT I HAVE THIS.

Jun. 16th, 2014




This is where I'm supposed to help find a date for my excellent friend, Sharon. Except it looks like she's found a date.

Regardless, Sharon is a wonderful woman. She's got a lot of things to give to someone. And she's hot. She's a lot of fun to be around. She's got a sense of humor, and she's not shy. Really she's kind of perfect. Makes me wish I was kind of gay.

This is her:

Apr. 30th, 2014




And this is why I chose astrophysics, simply amazing what physics can do.

On a side note, I dreamt I opened up a wormhole while performing an experiment in outer space then got beaten up and straddled by a hot, alien chick in leather.

So, there's that...

Apr. 12th, 2014




Ok, so I love to surf, but holy hell I'm glad I wasn't this guy!

Mar. 21st, 2014





Love food? Have a large place for many people to gather? Then you're the person I'm searching for! My friend and I want to have a rather large get together and feed the masses! Just for fun! But we're looking for a place to host it! Any ideas? Any takers?

And for those that love to eat...keep tuned! We're thinking a fun potluck for all of us to meet up and hang out! I will be taking sign ups for food.

Food, food, glorious food! )

Feb. 2nd, 2014




So I'm looking for someone to crash for the Superbowl. I had hoped I would have had my new place set up by now, but still not got the screen up. I'm a red-blooded American male with no-where to watch the Superbowl, can anyone help me out?

Jan. 25th, 2014




I'm going to be selling some furniture. We're turning our spare bedroom into a nursery, and have no use for the bed, desk, chair, and bookshelf that were in there. It's good quality furniture, and in great condition.

If you're interested, please message me.