
Posts Tagged: 'clarke+griffin'

May. 5th, 2015




Oh dream me. Find a boy you like and then his girlfriend drops from the sky. The girlfriend he never told you about.

But you've got more important things to worry about. Like trying to get the space station to know you're al still alive.

May. 4th, 2015




All work and no play...

It's never a dull day, though, at the barn. This last week we have had three foals born, two horses throw shoes on the same day (although the second was right after the farrier left, of course), one decided the fenced paddocks weren't their cup of tea and ended up needing stitches because they broke out and two who bolted from their owners. We've also had a few new boarders come in. Plus the usual lessons.

I need to have a day off. I need to get into some trouble

May. 1st, 2015




Find out BFF did something stupid to protect my relationship with my mom. Then BFF dies. So I give a great big fuck you to my mom.

As if being stuck in a deadly wilderness wasn't bad enough, it had to get personal?

it's her fault dad is dead, it's her fault

Apr. 27th, 2015




Tried to not sleep last night. That didn't really work. Felt like I was on Earth 150 years from now. It wasn't a wasteland like everyone on the space station thought. But it was still deadly. Acid fog, friends being used as bait.

The fog got someone. We had to...

I had to put him down.

Apr. 25th, 2015




I am 99% sure I'm jinxing everything in my life, but I'm really happy right now. I've finally got the house fixed up how I like, I have a boyfriend who's absolutely amazing, and school's even going really well.

So of course, something catastrophic will happen within the next week.

Apr. 24th, 2015




Had the craziest dream. But at least I know even when I have weird dreams, dream me still gets herself into trouble trying to do the right thing.

Felt so real though.

Apr. 22nd, 2015




I almost feel stupid having missed this network, for how long I've been in Orange County now. A client of mine pointed me in this direction. Apparently it's supposed to appeal to my love of things out-of-the-ordinary. I hope it's not a waste of time.

As it is, my name is Stephen Strange. I own Sanctum Sanctorum in Costa Mesa. I look forward to what this network has to offer.

Apr. 21st, 2015




I think I've spent too much time in the sun last weekend. No one wanted to sit inside and paint, everyone wanted to be outside. I'm not really equipped to be a teacher but I don't really have a choice.

At least the horses are nice.



Locked from Rapunzel's Prince because he is a fartface.





OMG I think my eyes are going to bug out of my skull. I have this big paper due and I've been working on it ALL FREAKING NIGHT. Ugggghhhhhhhhhh

I don't think I've ever needed Red Bull as much as I do right now to get me through work this afternoon.