
Posts Tagged: 'clarice+ferguson+%28blink%29'

Mar. 11th, 2014




I've finally found a place to live. And I have a roommate. I think this will be a good match. I'm looking forward to getting to know her and everyone else.

There is a pot luck dinner happening at the women's shelter on 3rd street this coming weekend. If anyone would like to volunteer to bring dishes, or help out in some way, we could use all the help we could get.

Mar. 7th, 2014


Locked to X-Men

Another day, another dream. I woke up and actively went looking for Sentinels outside my house last night, it felt that real. Then I remembered it was a dream, and it would have made me angry if I hadn't realized that it was pushing the story forward. That's good - the only way I can get myself back to ... well, myself ... is to see what happens next.

Though I will say for the record, if this woman ever shows up here for real, that I am going to smack her for getting a boob job that throws my balance this far off. Walking around my house, I look like I'm drunk.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Hello. I'm Terra. It's nice to meet everyone. I figured that joining this social network thing was probably a good idea. And a fun way to meet people. As long as you're careful about who you talk to, I suppose.

Someone tell me something interesting about themselves.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




You know the best looks I get are the people who come into the shop thinking they're gonna find a guy under the car. Sorry guys, I'm a chick and I can handle cars stop being so stereotype happy. Also I will kick the next customer in the shins who goes "So you're favorite car to work on is a Volkswagen, Mercedes?" with a grin thinking they're funny. You aren't.

Feb. 24th, 2014




Well, shit.

Now that the fun's over I guess I'll have to deal with real life again. Here's hoping we get orcs again sometime soon. I don't even mind that I got shot with an arrow and sliced a few times.

Filtered to Logan )

Filtered to Booker )

Feb. 21st, 2014




So, it would seem that I can make portals. So far I've only done it from one end if the house to another, to make sure it works, but I've been contemplating trying something bigger, but I don't think portaling to the store is a good idea. A portal opening up randomly in the middle of a store could be too much for some mundanes people to handle.

Feb. 20th, 2014




So even if there wasn't ash falling from the sky and gigantic fuck-off clouds of doom, Lucky Shop Pawn will be closed until further notice.

The owners are having some... let's call them technical difficulties. Yeah.

Randomly, I'm actually beginning to wonder if I should be exploring sex with women before I die. I'm apparently not too old for it, and if Orange County is about to explode, I'd like to know if boobs are nice or what.

Feb. 13th, 2014




I was invoked by a little girl today. She didn't exactly say it all correctly but apparently her mother had the alter to me set up properly so I heard her. She couldn't have been more than five or six but she was earnest and adorable so I popped in to talk to her.

Her name was Lyra, she had the cutest little braided pig-tails and a big vocabulary for her age. She said there was this boy in her class that she liked but wasn't sure if she wanted him to be her boyfriend. I asked her if she thought she was too young for a boyfriend and she gave me this really perfect no nonsense sort of stare and announced that she already had two other boyfriends and needed a third. After that well, I had to help her.

I don't generally go around playing matchmaker for kids but I gave her a pink mini-rose for her hair and told her that it was a magic rose. That it wouldn't make him love her but if she wore it the next time she talked to him it would tell her if he was right for her. I then also had a talk with her mother about leaving her books of invocation lying around.

I do love Valentine's day, even if it's so commercialized and fake. When it goes right it really is the best holiday.

Feb. 12th, 2014




There is no pleasing my father now. I told him that I got a job as a stagehand at a local theater and he told me that I was supposed to get a real job, not a hobby. I suspect he's still angry about my moving, but he could at least be pleased for me. But if it isn't something he's told me to do then it isn't important to him.

Feb. 9th, 2014




It's funny how we use the heart to symbolize love. You'd think it would be another organ. But the heart is life and often a romance leaves you wishing yourself dead.

I do have a fondness for roses, though. Those never go amiss.



Locked to X-Men and Candy

So. C'est official; I get to head out to Nevada and start shootin' my movie soon. Might even be there on my birthday - it's in a week; you can save les gifts til I get back, wink wink.

Just wanted to know if anything goin' down I should know about before I head off to be all movie star-y.

Feb. 4th, 2014




Hello my lovelies! Guess who has just learned to apport! And I can teleport! Oh, and I dreamed of actually doing nice things for people. Still waiting on all the 'love' based stuff, but as I sit here in my pool full of glitter, drinking a bottle of Shipwrecked 1907 Heidseick and polishing off my second box of Pierre Hermé Initiation Chat macarons, I can't help but think that today was a good day anyway.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




Hi, Valarnet.

TW: murder, ota. )




Well, those dreams took a weird turn. I mean, when we're a group of superheroes going after a deranged lunatic from another world, you expect things to be strange. I wasn't exactly prepared for an alien invasion.

For a while there, I didn't even think we'd win but Tony went and I guess I under estimated my team. Truth be told, I'm sad to see us all go seperate ways. But I get the distinct feeling that it's not the last of The Avengers.

Feb. 2nd, 2014




It's Superbowl, let's see how much attention this garners...

I'm bored and horny. Who's coming over to screw me?




First auditions for new roles at my theatre start this week. We're doing Wicked next month, and the month after that my newest original play!

Jan. 22nd, 2014




My theater is hiring! We need stage hands and ushers and people to help make sets, and some actors and actresses of course.

We mostly do Shakespeare but we also do original plays. One I wrote last year went over really well. Most of the cast was naked so that probably helped.

Jan. 21st, 2014




Looking for a job. If anyone has any suggestions... I'm all ears.




Whoever decided that pecans, caramel and chocolate should be a thing deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. I imagine that the whole world would be a much nicer place if everyone just had some of these candy turtle things before going in to meetings to talk about country borders and non-aggression pacts.

By the way, guess what I'm eating? Double Points if you can guess how many I've had.




This might be a first for me. The first time I've ever even thought these words, let alone put them down somewhere. But I'm going to say them now. I'm sick of the library. I've been spending way too much time there over the past week.

Also. Has anyone else ever dreamed of a giant snake wearing an old woman's skin? Is that just me?

Jan. 19th, 2014




Gotta figure out a couple of good movies to go to with my husba tonight. Apparently, there's a smell at my house.

Has anyone seen any good movies lately?




Nothing good lasts forever, right? I honestly don't know how to handle these dreams anymore.

I haven't been solid for days now. No one on the street can see me. I'm dead. If you were wondering where I've been, it's because I can't pick up the phone. I'm only 'typing' this because I have voice recognition software.

I'm not sure I'll ever go back. I hate this.




Learned the hard way that you don't always know someone until you marry them, and then you're kind of screwed. So I'm back!

And the teleporting taxi is not open for business, damn it

Sep. 16th, 2013




For those who do not know, and those who are curious, I will be wedding the love of my life, one Natasha Romanoff, this Saturday, September the 21st, in a public-ish ceremony at [venue, at time]. Be polite, be respectful, and be welcome on this day of celebration.

The weather will be, I guarantee, quite delightful.

(ooc: Since I am fail as a mun, if your muse knows Thor, they likely got an invitation already, hand written and engraved.)

Sep. 15th, 2013




I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who attended our wedding and the still ongoing reception. Kitty picked out a beautiful place.

Sep. 9th, 2013




The hell is going on here?! I'm in my hotel room one minute, the next I'm in freakin' Irvine? Like, right in the middle of the damn road. Nearly became roadkill.

And I could swear I have a sound effect to go along with whatever the hell this...power is.

Sep. 5th, 2013




It's like it's starting all over again. I can't even say if it's better or worse, just the dreams are different. They just...

I don't like who I am in those. I believed her too easily...

Aug. 25th, 2013




Well, at least I knew the change was coming.

Aug. 21st, 2013




I'm curious, those of you who have had some form of physical change as a result of the dreams, how have you dealt with it? Yesterday I woke up to find that my eyes have changed, not only color, but my pupils have changed as well. My eyes now appear to be more feline in appearance. I plan to try colored contacts, but I'm sure they will only be a temporary fix.

Aug. 14th, 2013




Those of you who've had physical changes from the dreams - how did they happen? Did you wake up all at once changed, or was it gradual? I think I might ... shift a bit, and I'm scared I'll be at work and then BAM.

Aug. 10th, 2013




Has anyone ever...found something that didn't belong to them, but you've...dreamed about the item and the person who owned it?

Aug. 3rd, 2013




More dreams, arriving in last night's broken sleep, and in a catnap. Dreams of darker days are my lot now, it seems, in the world of the dreams. The me in the dreams, truly, is twisted sideways, but recognizably me. It feels odd having the memories of this other me, of seeing and feeling her thoughts and emotions, and tasting them. they taste familiar, true, like me, and like my own memories and life here.

Things happened to her that I do not know, do not care for. She did things I would like to think I would not, and yet... that she... that she feels like me.

And I do not know if I am more her, or she is more me, or if, really, there is a difference now.




Yeah. Piotr's an asshole in any universe. Tough, badassed bitch and he still walks all over me. literally

Blink, I think I just dreamed about the place you dream about. Or something a lot like it. Do you...do you remember how I died?

However, Logan looks pretty badassed with only one hand.

I think they're starting to influence me...I really want to have a smoke...

about 5 minutes after posting ETA: And now there's a couple lovely presents in the closet. Shit.

Jul. 14th, 2013




Lately, I've been dreaming again. Nothing new. Just the same things I've always dreamed, but it's been a long time since I'd had any of them. Maybe if I talk about it, they won't affect me as much as they do. I've only ever told one other person any of this.

Cut for potential triggers. abuse and molestation )
Men code-named Sabertooth and Weapon X saved me, and took me to a resistance group led by a Magnus and a Rogue, and many other faces that I've met a dozen versions of. I was raised there and trained to fight. and then there was the Negative Zone.. And when we took our final assault on his base, I was the transport. In the final battle, we rewrote the timeline, and I fell out of it.

I landed in a place outside time, along with several other people. These people became my friends, and my family. We traveled from alternate reality to alternate reality, trying to undo damage that had been done to their timelines. We lost a lot of people, and gained a new friend every time we did.

Eventually my time was up, for a little while. I was sent to a world we'd once helped, to help my old friend, Mr. Creed.trigger: mindcontrol, mentions of death )

Every day I wake up and wonder when I'll be pulled back. Because if my powers and my skin color came from the dreams, why not that link to that place outside time? That means my time here might be limited.

It's a depressing thought.

Jul. 12th, 2013




Woke up this morning and uh...this was burned onto my arm. Weirdest damn thing. Aren't these dreams everyone keeps talking about supposed to start before you end up with scars that weren't there the night before?

Anyway, I got no idea what this is, what it means where it came from or anything. It's just there. It doesn't hurt. Seems to be fully healed. Buddy of mine at the shop snapped a picture of it while I was just checking to make sure. That explains the face. And why you can see both my hands. It's a really friggen hard angle to try to take a picture of yourself, man.

Does anyone with experience with these friggen dream things happen to know if there's a pattern or something? Any way to get some friggen context for what's going on on my arm here?

Jul. 8th, 2013



[open message to everyone in Las Vegas]

I'm incoming with a really big rock, you may want to clear a big circle around that Reaper.

Jun. 8th, 2013




It's been awhile since I made one of these things, but my theatre is going to do another string of plays this summer. We're doing my favorite (A Midsummer Night's Dream), as well as Othello, and then we're doing a rerun of my play Naked Humanity as a run up to a brand new play I've scripted, set to debut in August.

May. 15th, 2013



While I am trying to keep this as low-key as possible... Let's just say that I've recently acquired a theater and it is my intention to make it a hub of activity once the renovations are complete.

To those looking for a job in the theater, I implore you to contact me. I apologize in advance for any delay in my response, since I am still getting the hang of all of this.

Mar. 17th, 2013



Oh the night that Paddy Murphy died, is a night I'll never forget
Some of the boys got loaded drunk, and they ain't got sober yet;
As long as a bottle was passed around every man was feelin' fey
O'Leary came with the bagpipes, some music for to play!

That's how they showed their respect for Paddy Murphy
That's how they showed their honour and their pride;
They said it was a sin and shame and they winked at one another
And every drink in the place was full the night Pat Murphy died!

ooc: later - ... what does this even mean, this song?


Okay, seriously? Last night someone asked me if I was a Kardashian. I still don't know if that was a compliment or a diss.


I might just sing. There could be worse things, right?




I'm going to porn awards in like, a week. Yeah. This is my life now. Gonna have to go to another meeting before I go, wtf.

Kinda glad I haven't really been singing much. Though there's one kid in my history class that has it really bad - apparently he listens to lots of dubstep, so he's just been making sad robot noises.

Mar. 2nd, 2013





Yo. This public service message is to the ninja asshole that somehow roofied me and then tribal tattooed my eyebrows and forehead when I was asleep last night. Yeah, it's not funny. Yeah, it's a real tattoo. Yeah, I tried washing it off my face and it's not coming off.

Whoever you are? I'm gonna FIND YOU and I'm gonna KILL YOU.

Feb. 19th, 2013




I have to ask.

Has anyone else had... changes because of their dreams? In terms of things like skin colour and texture, I mean.

Feb. 2nd, 2013




Kids these days have the WRONG KIND OF DRAMA!





Locked to X-Men (who know they're X-Men)

So, um. Bonjour, I s'pose.

You all probably know me - I'm Remy LeBeau, apparently y'all call me Gambit, too. But the thing is, I ain't technically met none of you yet.

I been having the dreams, just like everybody, and just recently, I dreamt that M'am Ororo get me inducted into your group. Obviously means I ain't up on everything right now, but at least I know what I am. Scott was kind enough to fill me in on some of it.

I want to know everything you all can toss at me. If I slept with anybody, if I pissed you off, if I done anything good or bad. I remember my life up til now, but after joining? Blank slate. So I'm counting on you. Right now I'm just wanting to know tous les choses so I can look after me and my girl.

Thank you. A lot. And I hope I ain't made any enemies among you.

Jan. 24th, 2013




...Last night, I dreamt of the most hideously pink woman in, quite possibly, the entire universe.

It can't be legal (or sane) to wear that much at once.

Jan. 9th, 2013




Had to check myself into the hospital today, surprised I made it.

There is nothing worse than missing work.

Jan. 7th, 2013




It is odd to find myself here, now, with no memory, no real knowing of what is going on. Being sick sucks, and being sick while not knowing where you are, or who you are? That is even worse.

They call me Illyana, but I do not... I do not know the name. Or the faces around me. I do not like this being sick, if this is what it does to your mind. Amnesia sucks even more than being sick.

Which should not be possible, but it is.

And being sick means I feel tired, but bored. So, for all of you out there... why are you here?




I cannot be the only one to notice that sometimes things about ourselves tend to "bleed through" from our dreams. Things about our physical appearance even. I can tell when I look in the mirror now. Those familiar with my dream world might wonder how having certain Veela traits is a bad thing, sure it can make you feel good about yourself and beautiful, but it really just makes me feel self conscious most of the time. Even in the magical dream world a lot of things are a double-edged sword.