
Posts Tagged: 'aria+t%27loak'

Apr. 3rd, 2017




Dreamed again. Seemed to pick up a buncha years after some of my last ones. Not the same universe where I died, that other one.

But looking like it's headed that way, since my powers ain't working so good there. Something is really wrong with Chuck too

Mar. 14th, 2017




These dreams seem to love irony. Apparently in them I went to a space station called Omega and worked as an exotic dancer at a club called Afterlife. I can see the parallels to my life here. They almost make me laugh.

Also apparently I'm an alien. Considering items from the dreams crossover, should I expect physical changes to crossover as well?

Feb. 23rd, 2017




I was told about this site, but I'm not used to making introductions over a computer screen. It has less of an effect than speaking to someone in person does.

Have to say, the nightlife here is a bit unexpected. Both worse and better than I initially thought.