
Posts Tagged: 'andromeda+tonks'

Oct. 6th, 2018




I know it’s been a while since I was a kid, but I… really don’t understand the toys that Madison and Laurel are asking for. Today they both said they wanted a poopsie doll for Christmas. Which is some weird mutant unicorn/human hybrid baby doll. That you feed. And it poops slime. I understand the unicorn part. Every girls go through that stage, I think? I understand the slime part. We’ve made slime together and I buy them slime from the dollar bins at Target all the time. It’s how you get from point A to point B that I really really don’t get?

Oct. 4th, 2018




Nothing like your dad telling your crush you have a crush on him. Right in front of him. Awesome.

Really, if my dreams are just reliving my teenage years and the raging hormones that are going on, I'll take a hard pass.

Hey, are you alright? I mean...I'm guessing you are. But in my dream, something happened and...I just got worried.

Oct. 2nd, 2018




Oh, U2 I HAVE finally found what I'm looking for. Until this moment I didn't know how incomplete I was.

[Private to Ahsoka and Padme]
I'm going out of town on Friday. I need someone to look after the Majestic Sand Beast. Can one of you do that?

[Private to Kira Yukimura, Lily Evans, Andromeda Black]
You guys up for a vacation in Mexico? Plans include skydiving, bungee jumping, base jumping - okay, jumping off of really high things. Y/Y?

Sep. 24th, 2018




I never knew it was possible to be banned from parent teacher conferences, but I have been. Apparently the girls teacher didn’t appreciate being called an idiotic twat for failing Madison on a spelling test just because she had capitalized the first letter of each word. Well, that and telling me she didn’t understand why I was so upset that she’d mixed the girls names up since ‘they’re identical’.

First off - I’m upset because you don’t seem to understand that, while they are identical twins, they are separate individuals with distinct personalities. Which anyone with half a brain would see if they paid attention for five damn minutes while in the room with them. And you, their teacher, are trying to behave and treat them as if they’re interchangeable. Secondly - you made my daughter feel like she was stupid over some arbitrary spelling rule that you yourself admitted not having told the kids beforehand. And the final reason I’m upset with? As an educator the teacher didn’t see any problem with either of those two things. So yes I called her an idiotic twat, and I don’t regret it and absolutely would again.

I guess it’s a good thing my fiance can go to these meetings for them. Although I do hope their teacher isn’t expecting him to go any easier on her than I did if he doesn’t like how she’s treating our girls.

There’s probably no way that we can have them moved to a different class, is there? Or is this where you’re going to tell me it’s early in the year and I should give it some more time to see if it gets any better?

Sep. 21st, 2018




Guys! I'm a real life super hero! This suit is so cool! My claws are really sharp and I can climb walls like Spiderman! And it turns purple if it hits stuff and then I can make things go BOOM and they fly away really far. It's SO COOL.

Sep. 11th, 2018




What is with this new trend of making everything unicorn flavored? What does a unicorn taste like? And who has been chomping on said unicorns?

Sep. 4th, 2018




Of course the one person in my dreams I hate more than myself, some blonde named Lucius Malfoy, is hosting the meeting for all of us to discuss our next move following the Headmaster’s death. And no before anyone asks I have no clue why I hate Lucius Malfoy so much there. And I have never met him here so I can’t even judge by that. I really just want to see the entire lot of us who have sworn to follow...Voldemort thrown in a bottomless pit.

Sep. 1st, 2018




If my dreams could stop killing me and my friends, that'd be fucking great. However, what I woke up to this morning almost makes up for it. Eliot, Quentin, Alice and I became Kings and Queens of Fillory so when I woke up this morning, my crown was on my dresser. I want to wear this all the time. It feels so natural. I may have to wear this for Halloween.

Aug. 27th, 2018




Alright, it's getting to be that time of year, believe it or not, Halloween is coming up and coming up fast. But this year, we are turning to you, the patrons and asking: what would you like to see in our nightclub for Halloween this year besides themed drinks?

Aug. 22nd, 2018




I'm pleased to announce that I got my wand from my Dreams! I spent most of the day attempting to do dishes by magic, though I think I ended up with more broken plates than clean ones.

And I accidentally turned my favourite mug into a mouse. I managed to turn it back though. Mostly.

Aug. 15th, 2018




So now that things seem to be back to normal, I thought it an appropriate time to see if anyone was looking for a roommate. Mine recently moved to Colorado and I can't keep up with the ridiculousness that is rent in this area. (Seriously, you can't find a studio for under $1000? Is this real life?) You can come check out the room here or I'd be open to moving. It would just need to be close to the Anaheim area...preferably.

I'm a super nice person, I clean up after myself, can be social when I need to be, stay in my own room when I wanna be antisocial. (Alright friends, this is the time to step up and say good things about me!)

Aug. 5th, 2018




I won't lie, I kind of enjoy it when I get to use my katana on something. I don't bring it out when I go patrolling normally, but when things like this happen, I always have it with me. Makes short work of most demons.

Aug. 4th, 2018




It's a good day to have a fire pokemon. I wouldn't be able to go out in this otherwise. Growlie has gotten so strong that we can actually help people.




Just to reiterate what Audrey has already said both Baxter locations are safe, we have protection, food and water. If you need help getting to us then let me know - we can get you here safely. You are not alone x

Aug. 3rd, 2018




What the hell is happening?? Is this real?

Because I don't know what to do.




Both Baxter Bakery locations are open and magically protected against these supernatural dangers. Please feel free to come to the Bakery should you need sanctuary. We have food, water, and medical supplies.

Aug. 1st, 2018




The best thing that will happen in 2019 is starting right now.

The legacy of Goose will live on!

Jul. 31st, 2018




So I've mentioned before that I wanted to open my own gym and teach self defense and finally it's about to happen. I've been sitting on a lot of that money that I got from my mom and I've finally used some of it to buy out another gym. I'm planning on re-evaluating the current staff and reworking some of the classes and schedules. Once it's all up and running, I'll be making another post about classes so if anyone wants to sign up and take some self defense classes, I'd be happy to have you.

Jul. 30th, 2018




There was an Over 21 night at a science museum last night. Nico and I are newly legal, thought it would be fun to do, so we bought tickets, arranged for an uber, and made up for every field trip ever where you had to be quiet and not touch things in a museum made of things you’re supposed to interact with. It really was a blast, and probably would have been without the drinks as well, to be honest. I definitely want to go back sometime.

I am a little confused about the lady with three kids that was arguing with security when we got there, though. I mean, it was advertised as ‘no kids allowed’. Not only was there alcohol, but it was past museum hours. Who tries to bring toddlers out at night like this?

Jul. 28th, 2018




Has everyone heard the recent mountain lion stories? First there was the woman who came home to find a mountain lion sleeping on her couch and when it woke up, cause her roommate came home and screamed, it ran behind the couch and slept for another six hours before it left on its own. Then there was a video of four mountain lions on someone's porch, drinking water out of a planter or something and then they just wandered off. I'm not sure where either of these things happened, but oh my god, I don't know what I'd do if I ever encountered either. I mean, aside from the taking pictures part of course. No one would believe you if you didn't take pictures.




When did my children get to be so big? I don't remember being asked if this was okay. It's definitely NOT okay.

Anyone else feel like they just turned around and life flew by?




Honestly, the most unrealistic thing about TV and movies is that people pull up to places and find prime parking right in front of where they're going on the first try. Just once I'd like to see them have to circle the block like twelve times for that real estate.




It's Frosty time. From Wendy's. I can't decide if I want the chocolate or the vanilla. I'm taking a poll. Thoughts?

Jul. 26th, 2018




This is equal parts hilarious, horrible, and makes me really really want some good Chinese food. Even if I doubt they’d make fun shaped dumplings for us this way.

Aug. 12th, 2012



Potters, Weasleys, and Tonks. )

Jul. 27th, 2012




Okay, so we're hosting a shindig for the Olympic's at Loki's Bar thing. On me, with feeds for the games, particularly our local boys & girls.

And this will be -our- game. )

Jul. 23rd, 2012




I found this tiny little fluffy thing in the bathroom this morning and another at work. I don't really know what they are or where they came from. It's been a really weird week. This should really surprise me more than it is.

And no, Nymphadora, you can't keep it.

Jul. 20th, 2012



All right, Weasleys and honorary Weasleys. Check in and ease your old dad's mind, will you?




... hamsters everywhere... some of my fish tanks are cracked...

Is everyone okay? ... the pet shop is a mess.

Jul. 17th, 2012



This news story kinda makes me nervous, because, I mean. I've had a lot of concussions. I used to do things like skateboard and learned the hard way how not graceful I am and how little balance I've got.

Hopefully that doesn't mean I'll die of old age at 50.

Jul. 4th, 2012




Done! I'm done. I've got all of my 4th of July orders out and now I can finally go spend some time with my family. 4th of July is my favorite holiday. I love the fireworks, the food, the family and friends. Can this day never end?

Jun. 18th, 2012




Now I'm curious what happened with the cake everyone was so worked up about the other day. Did the kitchen burn down or did it turn out alright?

Jun. 10th, 2012




The shop is closed, I'm finished with the orders for tomorrow and I want to do something fun! Where is my crazy cousin when I need him?

Jun. 1st, 2012




Are you happy, Six? I finally got on this bloody thing. It only took me all day to set up. Who comes up with these things? They should be shot.

[Locked to Family]

Hello dearies. We're going to have fun.

May. 23rd, 2012




The last week at the bakery has been a godsend, let me tell you. That fridge that was sent over is a lifesaver. I don't have to go to the store every morning before work, I just show up and everything I need for the day is there waiting for me to be put away. The internet has blessed me. Thank you, internet.

May. 18th, 2012




I just got an order for a Ninja Turtles cake. Oh, boy.

May. 14th, 2012






(backdated to May 13?)

Mother's Day always reminds me of how thankful I am to have my daughter.

May. 13th, 2012




I am getting completely pampered today. I have the best family. I just needed the world to know.

May. 9th, 2012



Private to Sirius Black

You realize your brother is certifiable, right? I'm actually beginning to second guess my decision to let Nymphadora on this thing.

Apr. 27th, 2012




Are there any brilliant graphic artists on the net? I'm in need for a new logo for my bakery. I can pay! I thought I would come here first before putting an ad in the paper.




I am now the proud owner of a fridge that automatically programs your shopping list when you're running out of something.

Think there's a market for it, Internet?

Apr. 22nd, 2012



Filtered against Absolute Truth Ministries

Since Narcissa won't let me work in the bakery on Sunday (it's the sabbath, don't ask) I'm finishing up this huge order at the house in my kitchen. My kitchen is not big enough to make this go quickly, mind you, so it's basically taking all day. Someone remind me to thank God for that one. I'm missing out on family night.

Apr. 19th, 2012




It's time to face the fact that I am one severely fucked up person. I don't even know why I feel like I need to disclose today, but it's actually true, and it's awful and I don't know what to do with that knowledge. Iraq did a real number on me and it's making interactions hard.

What is my life again?

Apr. 17th, 2012




I'm trying to decide if I should let my daughter make one of these journals or not. She's seventeen so she's practically an adult. I guess I can't really stop her anymore if she wants one. I swear it feels like yesterday that she was only five. They grow up too fast.

I should have more kids.

Or not.

Apr. 8th, 2012




Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all are having a great day. My family and I made the best of it and we're about to sit down to Easter dinner, but I thought I would pop in and give a bit of cheer first.

Apr. 2nd, 2012




My husband Ted said this might be a good place for me to advertise my bakery so I thought I would give it a go. Hello! My name's Andromeda. I own a bakery shop in Tustin. I make the best angel food cake you'll ever have in your life. Everything else is pretty good too, but that's the only claim I'll make here.