
Posts Tagged: 'hazel+levesque'

Oct. 13th, 2019




The president of my sorority might be able to force me to wear a costume but she can't force me to wear one of the slutty animal ones that she and her clones are wearing - I'll be going as a nurse.

Oct. 1st, 2019




Selfie of Harley in a dog pile with two Hyenas, she looks like she's soaking wet

Tried to give the babies their baths and it didn't go well for me!

But don't worry! I gave 'em some treats!
cut for image viewable to all )

Sep. 28th, 2019




It's 2019, who is out there still making prank phone calls? As though every cell phone doesn't have caller ID on it. I can see who you are.

Also they sounded like they were eleven, who is giving eleven year olds cell phones?

Sep. 17th, 2019




After that whole thing with the powers was over, I decided that I needed a bit of a change. So, here's the new me. All natural; no extensions or processed hair or anything.

All Mine )

I might go back to the braids at some point, but right now I love how my hair looks.

Sep. 9th, 2019




Meet Juliet and Marc. Maman’s new puppies for breeding. Juliet was gotten from a breeder someone on here put me in touch with, and don’t let that picture fool you - she has more energy than her raccoon friends can handle.

Marc flew back with me from my brief stop in France this weekend on my way home from Japan. He is actually the son of one of the boys from the same litter as Antoinette, and he most definitely inherited his aunt and father’s cuddlyness. He doesn’t want to sit anywhere but in someone’s lap and actually seems to be perfectly happy to do nothing but that on some days. Regardless of who it is that he sees a lap on, so if you come over to visit - be prepared for a lapful of chubby puppy and clothes covered in dog hair.

I went to the campus early today because I was expecting trouble with my classes since I've missed the first two weeks but none of my teachers had any problem with me just starting to attend. They even told me not to worry about assignments I'd missed and my composition instructor isn't even going to take points off for being late with my summer assignment. I don't know what I did to get so lucky but it feels good to have things working out in my favor this way.

[Private to Haruhi]
And he’s taken to sleeping in my room with Antoinette and I. Sometimes in the bed if there’s a storm or a lot of traffic or noise outside. Unlike her, he doesn’t like to sleep at the foot of the bed, he likes the middle so that he’s right by you with his stuffed bird.




I had no idea that there was a candy version of my brother until now.

Aug. 26th, 2019




Definitely understanding why Dad put the house in Nico's name and not both of ours'. Mom was super upset when I finally told her that I met them, and it got worse when I mentioned I was living in the same apartment as Nico. Because clearly finding and getting on with the other half of my family means I'm abandoning her or whatever. I ...really don't get that mental gymnastics, I really don't. But then again I never got the mental gymnastics that kept her from even telling me I have a family outside of her and her relatives.

Somehow she found out about the new house and immediately tried to invite herself over to stay between filming. I was able to nip that in the bud by telling her it's my brother's house, entirely, and I have absolutely no say over extended guests. She'd have to talk to him. I mean, I'm sorry I threw you under the bus like that, Nico, but I also know she'd never contact you? While at the same time, she'd never accept my no. After all, how could an extension of herself say no to her.




So last month (I think it was last month...) I posted something about my elderly neighbor who likes to be up sawing and hammering at the ass-crack of dawn and who also likes to stand on his porch at night staring off into space.

Some of you thought I should try talking to the old guy, so I did. Turns out he spent most of his life as a furniture maker in Arizona and, according to him, the only time to get that kind of work done and not roast your ass off is before the sun is up. Also, according to him, the evening is when he "does his thinking". Not entirely sure what that means and he hasn't really expanded on that, but he seems like an ok guy who's a bit homesick. His son moved him out here when his wife died and he's not exactly happy about it.

So, yeah, those of you who said I should talk to him, were pretty on the spot.

Jul. 25th, 2019




Okay, I’ve just about had it with this stroll down memory lane that my dreams seem to be intent on. Although I do have a lot better taste in guys here than my dreamSelf seems to, judging by the first boyfriend she ever had. If you’re going to have long hair - take care of it. No one actually likes the greasy hair look.

Jul. 21st, 2019




I just saw a suggestion on facebook to add your own hair to your potted plants as free plant food. And you know, even if I've probably accidently killed every plant I've ever touched, I'm good. If it comes down to it, I'll just get a fabric tree or something, because I've seen this movie. Today you feed your plant hair, next week you've got a venus flytrap yelling "feed me Seymore". And I just don't need to deal with that.




I have this new neighbor who moved into the condo next to mine. Older guy, probably in his 70's and I swear the man doesn't sleep. He's turned his back porch into a work space and I hear him out there at the ass-crack of down, sawing or hammering or whatever. He's still awake when I get home at like ten or eleven at night. Every single light is on in his house. Sometimes he's standing on the front steps staring at the street. Its kind of weird.

Jul. 10th, 2019




Okay, I get "reality" television is constantly stooping to new lows and/or running out of ideas. But did they have to go make a show called "Marrying Millions" in which one person is a millionaire and the other isn't? Just...why?

Jul. 7th, 2019




Okay I'm calling bullshit on my DuoLingo app. Because of a glitch in their network my 93 day streak gets wiped out and in order for me to restore it I have to buy into their premium app? No. Hell no. It's not the money because my parents don't care what I buy but I shouldn't have to pay for the company's fuckup.

Jul. 1st, 2019




Hello people of the internet!

My name is Rapunzel and I'm new to this corner of the interwebs. I just recently graduated art school and I'm currently living in Santa Ana while working at an animation studio. I'm also working on illustrating a children's book for someone, which has been a lot of fun!

Not sure what else to say to introduce myself. I like tiny animals, being barefoot in the grass, and trying new food. I'm so excited to meet you all :) And I realize this is way too chipper for a Monday morning, but there's a holiday this week, so it's a short week!

Jun. 19th, 2019




Is there such a thing as contact drunk? I need to know if I should switch my cashier to bagging orders or something after the amount of alcohol fumes she just got in the face dealing with one guest. Drunk people and registers are not an adventure I want.

Jun. 13th, 2019




It's weird, house hunting with Nico and Will. Because of Mom's show, I haven't really lived in our house back in New Orleans since middle school. We were always hopping around the country and staying in hotel rooms. I mean, they were nice hotel rooms, but still. Then I moved into the dorms at school, and from there their spare room at their apartment. I... honestly don't know how to look for a house. Or at a house. Not in any way that I can really contribute much to the conversation. Pretty sure "Carpet in the kitchen was an interesting choice" isn't exactly helpful. Although I stand by that opinion all the same. In the bathroom was even more an interesting choice

I just don't know how to give my opinions on what I'd like to see when I don't even know what I want to see.

Jun. 4th, 2019




Oh my god. Have you ever had something happen at a restaurant that you just knew you'd never be able to show your face in there again, or you'd just risk melting into the floor?

Somehow when I was ordering my food with my hands nowhere near my drink, I hit something that moved the glass and sent iced coffee splattering all over the table, the floor, and the poor poor waitress. By the time I even realized it was happening, it was too late to try to catch it to stop it.

She was so, so nice about it and was trying to keep me from being embarrassed. While she was covered in iced coffee. And to make the matter worst of all? I was her last table of her shift. That's the note I ended her day on. I made sure to tip her before she left and the new server took over. I still feel so awful, though.

May. 19th, 2019




I know I'm not a Californian native, but A. I know enough to know that the state's been in a drought for close to a decade now and B. an open bonfire near trees and buildings is a baaaad idea. Especially when the wood is dry and the people that built it are all drunk.

Sadly, my neighbors don't seem to know this. I took a picture and I'm texting it to the landlord now. What is wrong with people?

May. 15th, 2019




Who wants to go with me to Vegas this weekend?

New Work asked me to start early by going to the Tribology and Aerospace Applications convention. I got an extra ticket. You get to learn about the amazing advances in aeronautical lubricants, applications, and see on site demonstrations.

Lubricants. Lubricants. Lubricants.

May. 13th, 2019




You know, I'm pretty sure that taking a shower isn't supposed to trigger the smoke detector.

May. 10th, 2019




And some of our neighbors think I'm spoiled and entitled because Father pays the rent and my bills while I go to school. At least I don't think that I have some kind of claim on laundry room usage for our building and that I'm doing everyone a huge favor by allowing them to use the machines like the guy I ran into down there this afternoon when I was starting a load. One machine already in use so I'm loading the other one when this guy comes in and starts giving me a bunch of shit about how he guesses he'll just have to be okay with waiting to use the machine while I'm still loading the one I'm using. All the whole he's coming closer and trying to peek into the machine to see how much I'm putting in there, like he's going to ask if he could dump some of his own things in there or convince me to let him go first or something.

I looked at him and told him yeah he was going to have to wait. Because I got down there first and was already loading the machine. And actually I think I was being pretty nice about the whole thing, for me at least, by not telling him to just fuck off. But when he got pissed and started talking about how he's always having to wait for the machines because other people are always using them. Which it's a community laundry room - what do you expect? Them to clear it with you before doing their laundry? Get over yourself. I've met actors on Father's film sets that were less full of themselves than this guy.

Which he didn't seem to enjoy me telling him. Or my telling him that if he feels that strongly about not wanting to wait for a machine to be available to buy a house with it's own laundry room or get a washer/dryer installed in his apartment. The complex we live in them has them. You can get one put in and your rent will go up each month by like 50 bucks. I looked into it a couple months ago. I spend less than that each month going down to the laundry room and using the machines.

May. 5th, 2019




Looks like I am now the owner of a donut shop thanks to Tony Stark having more money than he knows what to do with clearly. I wasn't sure it was legal for me to won a business when I'm not 18 but apparently it is. Which doesn't make any sense. I can't vote or buy a car on my own but I can be given a business.

You know how to run things right? Because I am in over my head.

Apr. 29th, 2019




First off, I really realy want to know what happened in this restaurant. Secondly, no one tell my mother about that restaurant.

Apr. 26th, 2019




Antoinette and I are going to have to shorten our walks out back of the house and spend more time at the park in the next few weeks I think. Some of our raccoon friends have had babies! And we learned last year that they aren't the biggest fans of her sniffing around their nests for a month or so afterwards. But the babies will be adorable when they come into the yard to play! And school will be over for me soon so that I can spend lots of time earning their trust!

Apr. 22nd, 2019




I really should have gone to see my mom before going to the store to see what they had in the way of leftover Easter candy on sale. Although now that I think about it - I probably still would have bought as much as I did. It was half off chocolate! Best part of Easter once you're an adult.




Recently my dog has started guarding Estelle when she's sleeping. Don't get me wrong, it's really sweet and everything, but when Mrs. O'Leary decides she's gonna guard Estelle's bedroom door, it can be dangerous if you get up in the middle of the night and almost trip over a huge mastiff.

Then there's the whole shadowtraveling into my mom and Paul's room if they don't get up right away when she cries. I'll be honest though, I think that's a little funny. Especially the first time it happened and they couldn't figure out how she'd gotten in with the door closed.

Apr. 9th, 2019




You would think watching little people live on your computer would be relaxing. I decided to make a family on the Sims so I could have a long line of characters with punny names ending in Berry. I switched from the main family to make more people who would have kids the same ages as theirs. To keep the line going. I didn't know that you have to disable aging for everyone you aren't playing, so imagine my surprise when the Berries walked past the other house as elders.

I had put in so much hard work into them, their house, and the mom's writing career, and I didn't want to have to reset everything. I... don't like to cheat in games. Even if I'm only playing against myself. But is it really cheating if I am just trying to correct a mistake I made?

I didn't realize the deaging cheat would also reset all the characters skills and progress. And after I got their daughter back into a child, she immediately failed school and got taken away from her family.

I give up. Studying is less stressful than this.

Mar. 26th, 2019




So, I’m pretty sure the local market thinks I’m on some weird diet where I eat nothing but meat since the clerk when I was checking out made sure to remind me that it’s not healthy to try and get your vitamins and all just from meat. Which leads me to wonder - anybody know of a good butcher shop that won’t ask me a bunch of questions about why I’m buying so much every week?

Mar. 20th, 2019




It’s never a good thing to come back to your building from classes to find a fire truck sitting outside and waiting to be given the clear to go back inside. Even worse when you find out that they were on your floor and in your hall.

Turns out one of my hallmates thought it would be a good idea to make instant mac and cheese without reading the directions, so when she put it in the microwave? She put it in completely dry. No water, no milk, nothing. And unlike the kind you do on a stove? The sauce in the microwave ones is powder. ...Powder in general is highly flammable. So it caught fire, which made the microwave catch fire, which made the microwave blow up.

It didn’t spread so I’m safe. But the whole building smells like burned pasta and it’s really hard to do homework or get to sleep. What was she thinking?

Mar. 11th, 2019




Daylight Saving Time can kiss my ass. I want my hour of sleep back. I need it.

Feb. 25th, 2019




I don't care if it does mean that neither of them will ever trust me with their phones again - I have absolutely no regrets about downloading Duolingo on Will and Hazel's phones.




Meet Sonic. Curious little bugger has discovered all of the things to crawl in. Maybe I won't have to make him a extensive habitat at this point. Just put a bunch of mugs in his cage and he's a happy little dude.

Not filtered, just cut to save space )

Feb. 20th, 2019




I didn't think it would take me so long to get used to being back in my apartment after a week staying with somebody else because we were tied together by whatever that force was. And the bologna sandwich and ramen I ate? Best thing I've tasted in days because they are absolutely real foods.

Feb. 19th, 2019




The Universe really didn't want me to get food on my way home tonight.

I decided to go to McDonalds after class and so I pull into the drive thru and the screen is off. A minute later the guy says that they're closed cause their system is down. So there's a Taco Bell down the road so I decided to go there and there's like twelve cars in the drive thru and nowhere to park.

By that time, my mom was texting me, telling me that she was making breakfast for dinner.

Feb. 2nd, 2019




Out of all the things I expected to happen over the government being shut down last month, seals taking over a beach was not one of them. I mean, to be fair, it probably belonged to them long before humans came along. Keep squatting, guys, maybe you can keep it permanently.

Jan. 21st, 2019




Turning the undead into hamsters is, perhaps, the most entertaining thing I've done all year.

Have you been holding up okay?

Jan. 2nd, 2019




2018 was a wild ride. I found out my mom hid a whole side of my family from me my entire life. I got to meet my dad for the first time, as well as cousins I never knew I had. I found out my best friend is my half brother. It’s still weird, getting used to it. Knowing I have a huge family when for so long it was just Mom and I.

But it’s a good weird, at the same time. How many people sincerely get to say their brother or sister is their best friend, you know?

Here’s to hoping 2019 is a little less of a roller coaster. And really hoping I’m not tempting fate or Orange County in general by saying as much.

Dec. 13th, 2018





Jason Grace grace has tagged you (Hazel, Nico, Percy, and Will) in a post )

Nov. 19th, 2018




I knew I was right not to be comfortable with Bianca spending all her time with those Hunters that rescued us in my last dream. She finally breaks loose from them to come and talk to me, only to say that she’s going to join up with them. She’s abandoning me because now we’ve found other people who can take care of me because, hey, we’re demigods and there’s a camp for people like us! So that totally should make it better right? Since they’ll come visit the camp at times. Complete bullshit. I just want to go eat my weight in chicken nuggets and ignore her calls.

Thanksgiving’s still on don’t worry. I’ll be nice and mature that day.

[Jason and Percy]
Please tell me you guys can come by for at least part of Thanksgiving Day? I’m having Dad and Bianca over to meet Hazel. She said she was ready.

Oct. 30th, 2018




I'm not really trusting my computer to not eat my project with everything going on, so I'm just messing around on my phone and trying to distract myself from the tv that keeps flipping itself on and off to different channels at random. Because that's not creepy one bit.

So youtube has been an awesome distraction. Maybe I'll find a funny video, or I'll learn something new. I saw one titled "What's Pink Bubblegum Supposed to Taste Like?", which is a question I never knew I was actually curious about until then.

So. Bubble gum... is supposed to taste like bubble gum. That was very informative. I'm sure I'll get those ten minutes of my life back somehow. Thank you, youtube.

Oct. 29th, 2018




I don't know who's behind all the electrical fuckups going on but you better fix it soon. My damn studio just attacked me. Literally.

Oct. 25th, 2018




No, Mom, I don’t really want to fly out to join you for you hosting a marathon of your own fake ghost show on Halloween. I’m not homeschooled anymore, I actually have a schedule to go by. You remember, that tuition thing you’re paying for? I’ve got classes to take and projects to work on. That, and I still don’t know how to bring up the whole “hey you know how you didn’t tell me about the other half of my family my entire life?” thing.

Sep. 28th, 2018




Of all the different ways I could imagine a seal to sound like, I never would have thought they would sound like this. But I have to say that my favorite unexpected animal sound was to learn that pandas squeak.

What’s your favorite unexpected animal sound?

Sep. 24th, 2018




I found this thing in a stream today.

I think I'll call him Wrex.

Aug. 25th, 2018




So while I'm sitting on this cloud, as if I don't have a care in the world, it appears that I receive a letter from two children who are looking for a nanny. It seems to be the thing I've been waiting for as I fly down from the clouds to apply for the position! Even more, it seems that I literally blow away the competition!

I find that I've received a gift as well. Perhaps an early birthday gift? An umbrella. I must admit, as mental as it sounds, I'm tempted to see if my ability of flight has crossed over from the dreams. Such things have happened before, am I correct?

Aug. 13th, 2018




I really need to stop watching the ghost shows on Travel channel. Or at least stop watching My Haunted House. Although sometimes it can lead to a very interesting phone conversation with my stepmom. Like the episode I watched last night - the first story was about this girl who went to live with her dad and stepmom after mom’s death which is sad enough as it is. But then the stepmom was just absolutely horrible to her. Even went so far as to tell the dad that she didn’t want her in the house and to get her out of ‘her house’ because oh yeah. That’s nice right?

Anyway - weird stuff started happening, the teenager contacted a medium who came to the house and told her there were two spirits there. One protecting her and one attacking her. Which twist: the one attacking her is actually being caused by a living person and of course she figures out it’s the stepmom. It just got really weird, the protective spirit ended up driving the stepmom from the house. I had to call my stepmom after watching it and thank her for never treating me with anything but love from the moment I came into her life.

She wasn’t too thrilled with my dad when they found out about me, but she never took it out on me. Maybe if more stepparents had that attitude there would be less haunted house stories and less creepy fairy tales. Although I still think that the Prince in Snow White was so much creepier than the Evil Queen ever could have been.




It's time to admit we are a generation of murderers!!!!!

How Millennials Killed Mayonnaise.

But I do have questions - What are "Identity Condiments"? And is mayonnaise "the most American of foodstuffs"? Really? Really?

Jul. 28th, 2018




Honestly, the most unrealistic thing about TV and movies is that people pull up to places and find prime parking right in front of where they're going on the first try. Just once I'd like to see them have to circle the block like twelve times for that real estate.

Jul. 25th, 2018




The more trailers I see for Christopher Robin the more I really want to go see it. Does anybody want to go with me? It'll be my treat.

Jul. 10th, 2018




So...today's grocery store trip was interesting. I wasn't trying to impress anyone so just went in my work out clothes to get what I needed and while I was putting the bags in my trunk this older man came up with his wife and started talking to me. It was innocent enough at first until he started talking about how much he'd always liked tiny blondes and would like to get to know me better. Before I could even think of a response to that his wife turned to look at him and went "Are you serious? She's our granddaughter's age and I'm standing right here!" before dragging him off into the store.

I'm not sure who to feel worse for - her having to live with him doing things like that or him when they got home.