
Posts Tagged: 'rarity'

Sep. 20th, 2013



I've just booked a flight for next week back home. I need to have a discussion with my husband and some things are better left in person.




Sometimes going out for coffee is worth the trouble. Maybe I should remember to be more social more often and to take advantage of this network, instead of attempting to stay a hermit while not working.

Maybe. Just maybe that would be a good idea.


For some reason, I don't know why, I thought being a Junior would feel different. One year close and all, you know? But nope, feels exactly the same as it did last year. Which was boring and uneventful. At least I'm still on the Lacrosse team. I swear I will get Lacrosse captain before I graduate.


Okay, so how old on average do you have to be before you start putting "the" in front of things superfluously? "The Google", "The Gays", going to "The Target".

Just stop. Please.

Sep. 19th, 2013




Hello, Valar! I've arrived! I hear this is the best place to be online.




Who's already got their house decorated for Halloween? Plus a costume for herself, and one for her dog? Yeaaaaah, this girl. I can't WAIT.


Ugh, I don't know what I did to myself but I don't feel so great. I woke up with a headache, like the universe was trying to push its way into my skull, and what feels like a fever though my thermometer says I'm normal. I think it's broken because I swear I feel like I'm burning up, I took the day off and napped in a cold bath but it didn't help.

Fever dreams are the weirdest, this afternoon I had one where I was a kid again. My mother and I were living in a weird desert town, apparently we were slaves owned by this big slug thing before we were lost in a game to some flying blue bug thing. He had me building and repairing mechanical stuff, I was even building a robot to help my mom with her house work. Not only that but I had like heightened reflexes and could see things before they happened. Strange stuff. Anybody know what it might mean, if it means anything? Or at least a place where I can get a decent thermometer and a body bag full of ice?


I had a customer ask me the other day why I didn't serve coffee or tea or pastries, or some such thing. Do many bookshops do that, these days? I would think that there would be a concern about getting some sort of stain on the books. Or crumbs, or goodness knows what else. It seems terribly dangerous to me to have food and beverages around books, especially old ones.

(Never mind that I sometimes have tea at the shop, it always gets put under the counter when a customer comes in. And never near the shelves.)


Well, readers, it seems that once again, this strangeness has passed. Though we still must deal with the repercussions of our actions, or the actions of our plants, or those of our doubles (depending on what sort of situation you may have been in last week), all seems to be calm for the moment.

Let us take these experiences as a reminder that while there may be awful disruptions during the course of our lives, things move forward constantly. Nothing remains the same. And that, perhaps, is for the best.




Good thing I was already out of bed at the time.

Pet Goat Shenanigans )


I did it! I got a job at Okugata (that new burlesque club)! I'm so excited I could scream and oh man, now I have to get new stage clothes and dresses and stuff.

This is going to be a blast. Who wants to go celebrating? Ms. Oyama, thank you so much.




While out walking Lucy and Colin today, Colin decided to be a little fashion plate and pose for me. I swear, between Lucy's churro addiction and Colin insisting he have accessories, my life has become a pet-based comedy.

Nobody will believe I dream I'm a demon at this rate. Well. Maybe when I tell them I'm a lawyer and PR guy.




I was getting dinner tonight, and a young man called me a milf. I've never been called a milf before, it was slightly flattering but mostly creepy.

I keep getting random comments on the street though. It's odd because I've never gotten them before. I wonder what's different.

A word to every man out there: Don't cat call a woman. She doesn't like it.

Jun. 14th, 2013




France sucked. I got peed on by a poodle.

May. 27th, 2013



Out of curiosity.. how many cats is too many cats? Before you become a spinster cat lady.

Also look what I got.

May. 25th, 2013




The more I dream, the more I enjoy it. Very interesting, if I do say so myself. (Though I suspect some people out there might feel some apologies are in order.)

I mean. I understand how some of these things my dream self has done might look bad, after all.




So... I wonder who will come with me. I leave for Paris in to days. And I only have my girlfriend to come with me. I need three other people to fill the first class tickets I purchased.

May. 16th, 2013




In my dreams I'm a married pony, with wings and a unicorn horn, and the magic to protect the Crystal Empire from darkness.

And I woke up this morning to find my bridle bridal veil hanging in my closet.

I kinda hate this.

May. 14th, 2013



[Locked from Murphy MacManus]

How do you know if you're gay? I mean, not all the way, this person still likes girls, but he might have fooled around with a guy and really liked it.

It's for a friend.

Apr. 2nd, 2013




...this is hell.

Why? Everything is wrong.

I can't walk outside with panicking because Everyones fashions is either gone... Or there is mixing fabric and it's just wrong.

Mar. 31st, 2013




I would like to announce that my very first line of mass produced spring wear will be in every major JC Penny's across the nation for the span of a few months. And they're shipped on the trucks tomorrow! Its a line of 10 sun dresses, 10 skirts, 6 blouses and 8 styles of shoes. I am so proud of it, and if this works out then more people are going to want it. Oh I can just see it now, it will be brilliant.

It should be in stores the morning of the 6th! And I couldn't be happier! Oh I could just squeal with delite.

[Turned NSFW in comments thanks to Thor ;P no it was Rarity's fault]

Mar. 29th, 2013




I have to be a contender for 'worst dreams in the universe' right now.

Living for millennia and seeing your comrades die over and over again, and being completely and utterly barred from so much as touching them. An eternity of solitude in the cold mists of time. It's one of the cruellest fates I can think of. And that's not even mentioning what comes after

Mar. 20th, 2013



[Everyone except Haruka has the ability to see this]

Locked from Tenoh Haruka(If Haruka tries to access it leads to a rick roll video) )




I must speak with a Natasha that knows a man named Thor. My phone has broken.

Mar. 18th, 2013




This spring collection is biting me in the ass... I can't seem to get the stitching right.




Thread by thread, stitching it together
Twilight's dress, cutting out the pattern snip by snip
Making sure the fabric folds nicely
It's the perfect color and so hip
Always gotta keep in mind my pacing
Making sure the clothes' correctly facing
I'm stitching Twilight's dress

Yard by yard, fussing on the details
Jewel neckline, don't you know a stitch in time saves nine?
Make her something perfect to inspire
Even though she hates formal attire
Gotta mind those intimate details
Even though she's more concerned with sales
It's Applejack's new dress

Ooh, I love this song.

I've made so many gowns while singing. This is one. Enjoy my spring minerals collection sneak peak.

Feb. 22nd, 2013




First, the universe goes crazy.

Then I accidentally break my boyfriend. Life here is terrible sometimes.

Feb. 7th, 2013




So, we found Michiru. Or rather a few "superheroes" and the Police did. She's not doing perfectly, but doing better now that she is in the hospital. Send all get well gifts to [address and hospital room number]. There are guards on her room and only select few are allowed to visit her as of yet.

I would also like to apologise to any I offended yesterday. I was impatient and wrong to call my frustration on them into a public venue. They protect the city and deserve better. I am deeply sorry.

Feb. 6th, 2013




No leads on Michiru. What a pain.

Are police so incompetent? Not all, just the ones working on this case.

Feb. 1st, 2013




Orange County again. Just lame.




...So, now, whenever I can sleep, I get more cracked-out dreams than usual.

Fairies, killer sweets, that creepy puppet and really cute maids... what next, honestly?

Jan. 31st, 2013



So, uh, I was watching the news today and one of my favorite musicians. I think I've spoken about her before on this thing, but her name's Michiru. She's been kidnapped--is this real? This isn't some stupid National Enquirer prank is it?

Well I suppose not, since it's on legit news stations.

God this world is terrible, well my thoughts go out to her and her family. I hope she's okay... where ever she is.

Jan. 26th, 2013




It's kind of sad that a humour site provides more accurate information than some books we have in this library.

A note to any aspiring writers: research is a good thing. Honestly.

Jan. 24th, 2013




I really really want a drink right now.

Jan. 20th, 2013




I am so lost for inspiration today it's not funny. Everything I've tried designing today was shit.

Dec. 30th, 2012




It's honestly been an amazing year. Moving out here might've been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Especially since I got to see my father flailing over my girlfriend. Guess that means he approves!

Dec. 20th, 2012




...My sister turned up on my doorstep last night. I... haven't seen her for years.

This could turn out to be an amazing Christmas for once

Dec. 5th, 2012



Help Wanted

So, I need an edgy and slim boy to model a few designs for me.

It's a punkesque theme, I call it 'my iron scales' because it's got a few chain-mail elements with weaving with the leather.

Any takers? I could take a few guys!

Dec. 2nd, 2012




Hey, listen, Rarity... I'm sorry I was such a bitch when we crashed at Twilight's place. I'm not really like that here. I don't know, sometimes I feel like these dreams are sending me some kinda warning... what not to do?

Dec. 1st, 2012




I officially have the best girlfriend ever. Because this puppy is the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

I should get thinking of names.

Nov. 29th, 2012




Ugh. If one more person demands I say something ~pretty and Irish~, I'm going to murder them.

Nov. 26th, 2012




owwww I think I broke my ass

For the record, it's ridiculously difficult to ice your bottom.

Nov. 24th, 2012




I think I like this... body I received in my dreams. Certainly much more sturdy than the average human one.

And I don't doubt I'll put it to better use than Cerberus did

Nov. 21st, 2012




I really missed being taken, darlings. It feels so much better being back with her.

even if we're still working on trust again.

Nov. 20th, 2012





Wade, you're already going.

Nov. 16th, 2012




I hate being single. It never seemed this lonely before having loved.

Anyone want to go to a club with me?

Oct. 25th, 2012




Well. That was interesting.

I'd say the vampire dreams were just because of the time of year, but... they're too similar to the other strange dreams I've had.

Oct. 24th, 2012




These nicotine patches aren't strong enough. They are more like badges. They announce to the world that I am in desperate need of a cigarette.

Oct. 19th, 2012




Twilight, darling... Do your notes say anything about whether I perfect magic control?

And to the other ponies! Why do we all sing so much?

Oct. 4th, 2012




So, I am the owner of a gorgeous and adorable necklace that glows when I wear it. And I had dreams.

And I am a fashion designer for a superhero, well MANY super heroes. It looked fabulous as always.

I was described the events of Fluttershy kicking ass at flying of all things. Not that I ever doubted she had it in her. I also now understand why I just love giving things to others!

Also, to my darling.

I went to this fancy party, and there was a prince but... but... He was an aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssss And he ruined my caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape. My glorious cape. It was fabulous and amazing. And he made ME open the door. ME! I was supposed to be the belle of the ball! I was supposed to show I belonged and he made be feel like a loo-loo-loser waaaaaaaaaah