
Posts Tagged: 'natasha+romanoff+%28black+widow%29'

Oct. 12th, 2016




I'm not quite sure why I thought it would be a good idea to agree to being a guest lecturer in biochemistry at the local universities, but now I'm obligated to it and not quite sure what they want from me in these lectures. This was not one of my better ideas.

Oct. 6th, 2016




I've been given the okay to announce this finally, and I gotta tell you folks I'm real damn excited to be able to do so. It's been real hard not to shout it from the rooftops, and I may have pushed a little hard to tell our friends and family a bit early. Now, however, we both feel it's safe to let everyone else know.

Peggy's pregnant, 15 weeks along right now, and I couldn't be happier. Another week until we might be able to find out what the sex of the baby is, but for right now? It doesn't matter to me. I'll be happy either way just as long as Peggy and the baby are both happy and healthy. That's all that matters to me.

Oct. 3rd, 2016




So, hypothetically speaking, if one were to wake up and find a bag on their desk that contained the head of Medusa, what would this person, hypothetically do with it? Because hypothetically speaking, I wouldn't know what to do with it, because hypothetically speaking, I...this person wasn't expecting it.

Sep. 23rd, 2016




If there is one thing that remains true through both sets of dreams, it's that Asgardians lead to headaches. Seeing Coulson and May tell off Odin though? That might have been more amusing than it probably should have been. But given we were on Asgard to stop his assassination then him getting all uppity, it was certainly worth it.

Honestly though. They always leave such a mess.

Having Bobbi and Doctor Hayes join the team though after that was quite welcomed though, especially as I can go back to the lab and not be required for emergency medical issues.

Sep. 7th, 2016




How many times is it actually possible to split up with someone? I mean, honestly, I think we're at five times.

At least I can count on Barney to be his predictably idiotic self.

Aug. 30th, 2016




With my divorce finalized, my father has reached out to me, much as I expected. Now it appears, after my subsequent rejection of bending to my father's will, I am officially disowned. Not that I need or want any of that money anyway. I am as dead to my family as they are to me. It is extremely freeing to have all ties with Moscow sufficiently severed.




I've been buried in dissertation work that I haven't had much time to do much else lately. There was a dinner thing earlier this month for the doctorate students, and Jemma went with me. I have proof that she doesn't always wear a lab coat!

Cut for picture, viewable to all )

[Filtered to Clone Club]

And uh, I don't know how exactly to put this, but after several months' delay, the dreams have started up again. About all I've gleaned thus far is Scott and I have taken to growing medical-grade marijuana in the basement of a hobby shop. Delphine's still missing. And, oh, there's a new clone sister apparently.

It's really weird to dream about being sick when I'm cured and healthy here.

Aug. 2nd, 2016




I received excellent news from my lawyer today. Seems as though my husband finally signed the divorce papers. With no contest. So I am finally able to put him behind me and move on to better things. I suppose he finally saw sense for the first time in his life.

Jul. 22nd, 2016




One set of dreams wraps up and a new set starts soon after. Well okay then. I can't tell what is more strange though. Is it the fact I apparently have two older siblings in this set, or is it that I told my parents that I became an executive party planner after moving to the States and they actually believed it...

I suppose this should be interesting, to say the very least.

In your dreams that were similar but different... was Maria Hill ever Director?

Jul. 17th, 2016




While I would rather have privately messaged a few individuals to figure this out, since everyone I know seems to dream various versions of our world of superheroes, I thought it best to pose the question here:

Does anyone know of a man by the name of James Buchanan Barnes?

It seems the dreams have started a new tangent.

Jul. 13th, 2016




Honestly, I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing Ward's disgusting face again. For him to parrot Will like that was just too However, his dead body being host to a parasitic inhuman? There is some sort of poetry in that I suppose.

Jul. 9th, 2016




I have had two sets of unique dreams, but now I'm dreaming of something that's clearly heading towards a similar event from the other set of dreams.

I don't need this.

Jul. 5th, 2016




Thank you to those who pitched in to help keep others safe and deal with what came out of those rifts. They're all closed now, and so is the Breach - which was the main tear in what I assume is our Veil here, and so with that patched up then no more nasty things should be coming through.

So I believe we're out one Wal-Mart and I'm out one arm, and it took me forever to even type this up, but if anyone needs help with clean-up or anything else just let me know and I'll come by.

Jun. 7th, 2016




My shoes!

Two more shows! Tonight's and tomorrow night's and then I'm done performing at UCLA! It's kind of exciting. The end of an era. I sort of hope everything goes well with Anaheim, but if it doesn't there are auditions for that contemporary company that expressed interest in August. I hope some of you have gotten a chance to see the show. I've had a lot of fun performing as Alice. I totally get what my instructor meant when she said that Alice was a role that would require some acting as well as dancing. There's a lot that goes into this ballet. It's different from when I danced Giselle. A lot different. Of course, Giselle was a heck of a lot more tragic than Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Jun. 1st, 2016




Take a look at our cute resident scientist outside of her natural habitat.

May. 14th, 2016




Screw this. Screw the dreams. Screw Osborne.

I'm so done with this stupid initiative.

I am taking liquid painkillers and going to sleep in a blurred state for a week hopefully.

May. 8th, 2016



txt to Stahma

>> Morning. Almost.

Apr. 19th, 2016




It seems after a long absence, the dreams decided to come back in a flood instead of a trickle. I have decided to take a personal day, as I am too exhausted to teach.

My own ancestors turned their backs on me when I refused to blow up a parallel earth in an incursion, and then Namor robs us all of our choices and does so anyway, killing billions to save our billions. I should have killed him when I had the chance. Even after that, with the Cabal continuing Namor's dirty work of continuing to destroy incursion worlds, and our efforts to find another way to stop the decay of the multiverse, it is all for naught. Every sacrifice, every attempt is like trying to stem a tidal wave with a single sand bag. It is useless.

In the end, we decide to create a life raft. An ark of sorts. We bring aboard some of the most brilliant minds and select individuals that can hopefully restart humanity elsewhere, though I don't know where we could go where this threat would not chase us to extinction in the end regardless. But it is our last hope.

The last thing I dream of is a blinding light as the incursion hits our world and Reed's family is ripped from his arms as the ship is torn asunder, and then there is nothing. I don't know if there are further dreams, or if this is it and we have all died.

I have lost my sister, my people, my world, perhaps my very life. And in the afterlife I am to be abandoned still because I chose not to sacrifice another world full of innocents just to save Wakanda. I don't know what sort of man, what sort of king this makes me.

Apr. 4th, 2016




Why do people think running is an easy thing to do? Somebody in the gym over the weekend was training for a half marathon - first time they had gone into the gym and yet the marathon is in a week. Some people do not have an idea about these things.

Apr. 3rd, 2016




I can't believe
Of course the

Of all the terrible strange things that can come from these dreams, I have to say, my sudden heterosexuality is by far one of the more unsettling things I have seen.

I need to know how to get out of restraints in a more efficient manner.

Mar. 28th, 2016




So I have recently been developing certain...mental abilities which I have no idea how to control. Is there anyone out there who might have some experience with this sort of thing?

Mar. 25th, 2016




That dream provided a first time experience for me. A man actually made pancakes for me. And I told T'evgin the truth?

Mar. 8th, 2016




Learning how to cook today. I suppose I've been learning for a while but I'm officially trying to teach myself using internet videos now. I have a feeling I'm going to have to explain a mess then get a real teacher.

Mar. 2nd, 2016




Big things coming soon. I'm excited.

Feb. 29th, 2016




The dreams seemed to stop for me for a little bit. I don't know why they did that because I really did want to know what happened next in them, but I had another one last night. Very action packed, lots of explosions, very Michael Bay-ish if I'm being honest here. Still, managed to save some POWs and get them back alive.

Feb. 15th, 2016




So, apparently the dry cleaners won't even attempt to get blood rain splatter out of clothing. Something to do with OSHA. Does anyone have any tips? It's just a regular cotton dress.

Feb. 10th, 2016




Well, apparently I can't live here and not be a member of this thing. I love new forms of social media, though, so I think I can handle it. I'm Virginia Potts (people usually just call me Pepper). I came over here from the East Coast branch of Stark Industries to lend a hand to the branch out here. I'm sure it'll keep me busy. Other notable facts about me include a love of sushi and peanut butter cups (not together), and shoes. And a good pigmented lipstick never hurt anyone, either.

Jan. 31st, 2016




It's been brought to my attention I have no 'social life.' I've been working on getting out more. That hasn't been easy lately. I'm blind which means the visual effect of the fog we had was lost on me. I still felt---wrong in it.

The sun shining on my face feels good to have back.

I hope I'm not the only one enjoying the return to our usual Southern Cali days.

Jan. 24th, 2016




This fog was one thing, but now it seems that something bigger is going on here. I went to the shelter and it's all boarded up and there's no one there as if it's been closed for years. I don't understand what's going on exactly, because I was just there yesterday.

Has anyone else noticed anything strange going on aside from the fog?

Jan. 15th, 2016




I don't really do the whole "forum/network/we're all connected through the internet" thing, but I figure if it saves me time pounding the pavement, why not?

Anyone know of any jobs open in the area? You name it, I've probably got experience doing it. And if you're really hung up on something fancy like a resume, I can work that out.

Jan. 6th, 2016




I almost forgot what rain was like.

It's almost like living back in London. Hello El Nino, stop flooding the roads.

Jan. 5th, 2016




Okay, who the hell just gives other people's stuff away? I mean, sure, dead and all, but c'mon man.

Don't know how much stock to put in that death thing in this place, but jeez, giving away a mans bow? That's low, even for Cap and his well meaning.

I'm pretty sure this samurai thing isn't gonna stick.

Jan. 4th, 2016




First off, no I'm not sorry Jemma. I told you I'd be posting this!

Secondly, for anyone who wants to know how tiny and adorable my girlfriend is, she was trying to fight a duvet...and the duvet won tonight. And I have documentation!!

Cut for pictures, all SFW and kind of large! )

Yep I had to go in after her. But she's all well and good now! The duvet got tamed eventually.

Jan. 3rd, 2016




I can't believe the holidays are officially over. It was quite lovely to have my parents come out here to visit. I just left them at the airport for their flight back across the pond a couple hours ago. They truly loved seeing Sharon's parents and little Viv because they just couldn't stop talking about it. They also got to meet Steve Unfortunately it's now time to get back to work and work off the stone I probably put on with all the delicious goodies that everyone was making the last couple weeks.

May have to think about going to a happy hour tomorrow after work. Any recommendations and who wants to join?

Dec. 14th, 2015




Today has begun with a most significant surprise.

Dec. 12th, 2015




I feel like a grinch. I'm neither holly jolly, or merry and if carolers come to my door again I might shoot someone.

Nov. 17th, 2015




Things my dreamself learned: Avoiding loss/hurt doesn’t work out. I could have told you that Dream!Caroline. Would have saved me a lot of trouble in this world too.

Things I have recently learned: It’s not a good idea to go 24 hours without feeding eating. Probably should have known that one already. Whoops?

Speaking of food. A little over a week till Thanksgiving! I only get a few days off of school but I’m so ready for the break.

Nov. 10th, 2015




Hello, OC! This where all y'all been hiding? Finally got a computer worth a salt, so here I am. Call me Trip!

So. This dream thing f'real? 'Cause the stuff I've glanced over is nuts.

Nov. 7th, 2015




There's something really irking about being killed by a team mate.


Apparently my dream-half is a little more forgiving than I feel like I would be. Seriously, twice. What the hell. Plus side, existence. That seems like it would be a good thing.

Oct. 14th, 2015




Two things.

One, dating team-mates is bad. It's a bad bad idea and it should not be done. Voice of reason and experience here. Bad idea.

Second, why you die over there... that stops things in the dreams right? No more dreams?

Oct. 1st, 2015




Good evening, Orange County. I was told that this is the place to be, and while I'm not one for a lot of online stuff I thought I'd give this a shot. I'm Steve Rogers, and I just spent a lot of time at the Children's Hospital of Orange County helping them put up Halloween decorations. Yeah, it's the first of October, but it's all they've been talking about for the last week so I couldn't say no.

Has anyone else gotten any decorations up yet, or are you waiting a little while longer?

Sep. 18th, 2015




Well, I've been here for a few months now, and I've already been told that I work too much, and I need to get out there and meet new people.

Anyway, I'm Daisy Johnson. I'm twenty-six, from Chicago, work for Future Industries, and I love computers, hot wings, and beer. Also, terrible movies.

Sep. 12th, 2015




Oh, hey, I made the Dean's List last semester. I'm sure I can put that on a resume, right? Doreen Green - A student and savior of the world. Got a nice ring to it.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




Okay, I'm new to this whole social media thing, so don't laugh too hard if I screw up. I figure it's time to meet some new people, and it was this or okcupid... and I don't think I'm ready to visit that side of the internet just yet.

Where do I start? The name's James, but most people call me Bucky. I just moved to the OC a few months ago-- I'm from Brooklyn, originally. Thought the change in scenery would be nice. I work at the VA doing social work.

Is that enough information? Or too much? I can never tell with blogging.

Aug. 28th, 2015




I have to admit that I do enjoy the feeling of going back in time with my dreams. Still in the 40's, but this time I've teamed up with the Howling Commandos once again. I've missed seeing those boys in my dreams and I really had the chance to prove myself to the prat that is James Thompson.

Off to Russia/Poland we went and to an abandoned school. The thing is that they were certainly brainwashing young women - one tried to kill us. We managed to escape and brought home a man that was being held in the prison there. This isn't going to end well.

I think this place I went to ties into your past in the dreams.

Aug. 23rd, 2015




It would seem that whatever was ailing this county, yet again, has finally subsided. I'm beginning to wonder if anyone's doing anything to stop this, or if they're just worried about cover up. I'm sure I'll get belitted, or attacked for suggesting that no one's really doing their jobs, told that if I thought I could do better than why don't I.

Well, you're right of course, unfortunately I've only just now begun to gain true access to my powers. In time, maybe I'll be able to figure it out, but in the mean time... who is working on this? What have they accomplished? Anything? Anything at all? Are we even one step closer to success?

Regardless, I'm glad things are getting back to normal, but we all know something else will come. What happens when it's something big? Something that can't be stopped by the person from the dreams? What if their dreams are of the ending of the world? We need to find a way to filter these things.

Did anyone get hurt in this? Anyone majorly hurt that is, or killed? Like last time? Do we need to mourn anyone else?

Aug. 10th, 2015




I can't believe that Viv is fifteen days old. Fifteen days. I'm on some pretty heavy duty pain killers that make the world seem a big foggy, but it feels like it's been longer. Maybe the lack of sleep makes it harder to judge the time?

Fifteen days. Wow.

Aug. 5th, 2015




Much too late to be up, much too early to drink. But that's life.




You know, the overload of shit would be great if it didn't all happen at once, for fu---

You know what's worse than freaking out over your marriage to someone who doesn't exist?

Burying them.

Jesus could this crap not space itself the hell out?

Aug. 1st, 2015




So I have one week left until my first Marathon in the United States. I will be running in the Summer Bliss marathon at Huntington Beach. I am very much looking forward to it. There are a lot of running events in and around Orange County, I believe I am very much going to like it here.