
Posts Tagged: 'kate+bishop+%28hawkeye%29'

Jan. 23rd, 2015




I know it's late and I should be asleep...

But I'm gonna need to know what the best gay clubs in the area are. I could use the atmosphere before I have to become all...responsible. Heh.

I could even use some company. Please?

Jan. 21st, 2015




I just came home to find my bow and arrows from the Enchanted Forest dreams. I'm kind of really excited about this. I haven't done anything with them yet, cause I don't want to accidently break any appliances like a certain Prince Charming did when he got his sword, but I'm looking forward to seeing if I just know how to use them or if I need to learn.




One night stands have some common courtesy rules, too. Geez.

Jan. 20th, 2015




Someone tried to mug me today.

But I'm too poor to mug - the jerkoff didn't even want my phone, it's that shitty. So he kind of just stood there, watching me empty my pockets, and I think the most expensive thing I had were two cigarettes and a pack of gum.

I felt kind of bad for him.

Jan. 12th, 2015




All this crime is getting ridiculous. I should have stayed on the East Coast.

How's your head?




I've just spent the last three hours trying to explain to a seventy six year old woman how to attach an HDMI cable. If you had asked me before tonight if that were even possible, I would have laughed in your face. Now I'll just stare at you with eyes full of hateful wisdom.

Is anyone out there hiring? I'm getting bloody desperate. I will do literally anything that isn't illegal if it means I never have to answer another question about how to perform a manual reboot on a Bluray player. Spoiler alert; you press the power switch once. Then you press it again. Viola!

Jan. 9th, 2015




I had the strangest dream last night.

Jan. 4th, 2015




So, two things happened today.

1) My boyfriend broke up with me.

2) My Jeep from another universe was waiting for me in the driveway.

This leads me to conclude that the universe(s) is telling me that cars are better than significant others. Maybe they're right.

I took Roscoe for a drive, and he still drives like a piece of shit, but at least he won't hook up with his old high school boyfriend whose family just happened to also be vacationing in Hawaii over Christmas break.

Cut for image )

Anyone know any mechanics who will work for cheap on a 1980 CJ-5?

Jan. 1st, 2015




24 doesn't feel much different from 23. I got a couple of fantastic presents. Drank with some college friends. Stayed warm, because it was unbelievably cold on my birthday.

My stepmother bought me a year pass to Disneyland, so that's cool I guess.

Dec. 28th, 2014



[Blocked from Porthos and Sharon Carter]

Oh my God. What have I done. Why did I think any of this was a good idea? It was so easy to say yes.

I can't do this. I can't settle down like this. This is all a disaster.

Maybe a week in San Francisco will calm me down.

Dec. 21st, 2014




If anyone wants to like, give fencing or archery lessons as a fantastic Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/Festivus present this year, don't hesitate to contact me. Kate Bishop, reporting for duty. Definitely not as busy this time of year as I'd like to be.

Dec. 10th, 2014




Jesus Fuck it's cold The heat in my apartment isn't working. I'm stuck without heat. It's like a freaking walk-in freezer in my bedroom.

Dec. 7th, 2014




I clearly picked the wrong time to move. I never thought snow would get in the way. This place is weird. Despite mother nature being against us, we still managed the move to our new apartment. It's nice to have my own room again, and an actual bed.

Oct. 28th, 2014




Oh, man. I forgot I had this account. Surprising, I know. How can one forget the crazy, right?

So, I'm back. What'd I miss?

Oct. 15th, 2014




Alright, I'm better now. I'll be back to taking over full time at Ciao Bella. We will be having Halloween Happy Hour the 18-31 with Halloween themed foods and drinks, along with all of our regular specials.

[Damon and Elena]

I think I'm ready to go back home and get back to work now. I'm sorry for that meltdown. Elena, Damon can explain to you why it affected me as much as it did, but I truly appreciate you stepping up and taking care of things for me while I was gone, love.

Damon, thanks brother, as always.




So, this is the network, right? My coworkers keep talking about this place. Some weird stuff, too. Is it all true? Hit me with your best shot.

Oh, I'm Kate. I teach self defense, archery and fencing. I'm always looking for new students, so if you're interested, you can email or call me. [Work Email address and Work Phone Number]