
Posts Tagged: 'yue+katou'

Jun. 6th, 2016




It's bullshit that just because you find a girl and a guy together in a basement, covered in dirt, that you automatically assume they've been fooling around. It's even more bullshit when your Aunt, who practically raised you, also goes along with that assumption. The only tiny good thing about this is that it allows you to cover up for what you were actually doing - no one would believe you're reburying corpses.

Also, love how ghosts want to be cryptic with information. Apparently my powers are too strong for my age. Ya think? And sassy ghosts - ugh. But at least we found out information that the guy our group home is named for is insane and did experiments on the supernatural.

At least we're all getting the hell out of there, even if it was moved up quite a bit. And Derek changing....I hope he doesn't have to go through that here. Oh please let him just be normal here.

I wish I had a summer vacation from these dreams.




It's strange sometimes... Waking up from these dreams... And realizing this is reality.

May. 18th, 2016




I did not envision my morning going like it has today. I woke up around 2AM this morning, and was drunk and high from the dream I had last night. I'm only feeling a little tipsy now, but fuck me, I haven't been drunk in a long ass time and I forgot how much it sucks after the alcohol wears off.

May. 17th, 2016




You know, when Martin Luther King talked about his dreams, he managed to do it without boring everyone half to death or coming off like a bunch of Hot Topic rejects.




Okay so I'm just checking tumblr while waiting for my dog to finish his business out back and I stumble across this.

Cut for length, not filtered )

All I can think is that is one badass hippo and I would not want to mess with it.

[Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

I don't know if you're still looking for those dinosaur shaped nuggetsm but I found them at [Name of grocery store]. And I'm not ashamed to admit that I bought about 10 bags to throw in the freezer here at the house.

May. 15th, 2016




So I got on the computer at the library and I got an e-mail about this place? I didn't know the e-mail address, which is why I was going to ignore it, but I guess curiosity got the better of me. It's a good thing I'm not a cat, I guess.

Um. Hi. I'm Luke Caste and I'm sort of new to the area.

May. 2nd, 2016




So, I called to get a new picture window put in the front window. Which was apparently super easy because the window dudes already had the measurements and knew exactly what house it was.

... I ain't going to have to explain to these dudes why we've been through three windows in a year, am I?

Apr. 22nd, 2016




The nice part 'bout not actually living in my own body for the last few months especially one that changes shape whenever I want is that waking up in someone else's body? Not as weird as ya might think.

And hey, free breakfast too. This might even turn out to be an alright day. Or it would if I hadn't woken up in the most vomit-inducing bedroom of the century.

Mar. 14th, 2016




Accidentally fell asleep on a couch in the library and I think I had another dream. Not sure if I should be angry at or thankful towards the guy who dropped a bunch of books on my head because otherwise I probably would have stayed there the rest of the day. The only thing I really got out of it was that I still have the intense desire to beat up like, three gladiators, which is probably not a wise thing and this me is better at letting things go.

Well, that, and that I really, really want a sword now.

Mar. 6th, 2016




I really, really, really need to get my hands on a fake id.

[Derek Hale]
OMG. I almost cut your arm off in the dream last night!




Well, my big sis finally got her inheritance from our old man. He didn't leave nothing to me, and Sae says all he left mom was the house, but I can't say that it surprises me none.

Anyway, my sister decided to buy me a motorcycle and a new guitar. Which is pretty fucking sweet and I hope the old man takes it like a kick in the teeth. Don't got a license or nothing, so I guess I oughtta get in on that, but it'll be nice not needing ta rely on the bus or flying around no more. She says that I'm supposedta use the bike at least to visit her and little Yue more often, so I guess I gotta do that now. I guess there's worse things to come outta it.

Check out this beaut )

Feb. 29th, 2016




Baxter's Bakery Location #2 [Address details] is now open for business!

Come along and see the wonderful team we have here and let us know if you think we've still got the magic of the original!

And since we're opening on a Leap Day anybody who buys a sparkling latte gets a themed cookie for free and if you're dressed as a mythical being yourself then you'll get your drink free too! :D

Feb. 26th, 2016




Maaaan, apparently I got the worst fucking luck imaginable.

There ain't no one out there looking for a place to live, is there? Real cool house, even cooler roommate.

Jan. 22nd, 2016




Ok, to those of you who actually live here: What the hell is with this fog?

Jan. 5th, 2016




Yes or no: it's an abuse of one's invisibility powers to poof to the front of a line when you're super friggin' hungry.

Asking for a friend.

JK, it's totes me. But in my defense, the person at the front of the line was doing that bob and weave thing, where they keep leaving and coming back.

Jan. 4th, 2016




I probably coulda posted this a while ago, but people really don't gotta know when my birthday is I forgot. Anywho, been listening to this song a bit lately.

18 don't really feel much different than 17 though. Sept I don't gotta use my fake ID to buy smokes no more I guess. And if I get arrested I'll be headed to real prison insteada juvie now.

Dec. 23rd, 2015




Has anyone else seen someone die in their dreams?

Last night I dreamed that Cynthia, the woman who was with me in the abandoned subway, died. I don’t really understand what happened. She was in this little office on the upper floor near the turnstiles while I was doing something down on the platforms. I don’t even remember what it was I was doing down there now. She paged me over the loud speakers that she’d found away out. But before I could get back up stairs again someone broke into the office and killed her. Whoever did it was gone by the time I got there. I’ve never seen so much blood, it was literally everywhere and Cynthia…whoever did this had to have been insane as fuck. They sliced her up and carved “16121” into her chest. INTO HER CHEST?! Who the fuck does something like that?!

The worst part of it is she wasn’t dead when I found her. She asked me if this was all part of the dream. She was dying, so I told her, yeah, it was and that she’d wake up soon. Then she…just died in my arms. I’ve never seen someone die before. It was like the light inside her eyes just turned off.

Then I was back in my apartment again, like I’d woken up from some kind of nightmare. I heard sirens outside. I looked out my bedroom window and saw an ambulance by the subway station’s entrance and watched the paramedics wheel a stretcher out with a body bag on it.

I feel…I feel awful. I keep thinking that if I had gotten back up to the office quicker, I could have saved her. Maybe if I hadn’t taken so much fucking time killing the monsters coming out of the walls on the escalator back up, I could have gotten to her in time.

I just can’t get the look of her lifeless eyes out of my head.

Nov. 24th, 2015




So, more dream stuff. Yay.

That tunnel I was crawling through, I don’t really know what was at the end of it. The next thing I’m aware of I’m sitting on this ridiculously long escalator going down and I have no idea how I got there. I don’t even remember crawling out of the tunnel and there’s no sign of it anywhere either. Even if there was, I don’t think I’d be able to tell. There’s literally nothing on either side of the escalator, except Advanced Darkness. I can’t see shit except what’s in front of me on the escalator. Its like I’m in some kind of surreal post-modern painting.

I get to the bottom of the painfully slow escalator and find myself in an abandoned subway station, only its not supposed to be abandoned. It’s the same station that’s outside my apartment in South Ashfield. I could literally see it from my window. But there’s no one around except this woman named Cynthia.

She is under the impression that she’s dreaming and that I’m a figment of her imagination. Any attempts to tell her otherwise…well, I pretty much fail at trying to tell her otherwise. But she doesn’t seem to mind my fumbling attempts and heavily implies she’ll repay me with some kind of sexual favor if I get her out of there.

Classy. But she thinks she’s in a dream, so maybe she’s a little more adventurous when sleeping? I don’t know. What I do know is that I go along with her because being with an adventures woman who is convinced she’s dreaming is preferred over being alone.

Nov. 23rd, 2015




Unexpected Christmas music assault on my headphones from a popular rock station kind of makes me want to cut off my own ears IT'S NOVEMBER. Any time you wanna stop would be great.

Nov. 18th, 2015




Whelp, I had my first and last shift at McDonald's last night. Apparently maintaining eyecontact with some douchecanoe as you spit in his burger is grounds for termination or something. But fuck, if he don't want people spitting in his burgers and shit maybe he shouldn't be enough of an asshole to make the sixteen-year-old girl behind till cry.

Nov. 16th, 2015




How do you tell your dad that you don't wanna do Thanksgiving with him and his new girlfriend without having to explain that it's not actually about him dating another woman only just older than his daughter and really because you're mad at him for ruining the Nation that you'll one day rule in a mystical dream world that potentially doesn't even exist?

I need to give him an answer by Friday. My brain hurts.

Nov. 1st, 2015




Ya know, I appreciate the OC giving me something to fight, but this is way too easy. Man, why can't it give me something that takes more than one punch to take out?




Anyone know how to get eyeball goop outta satin?

Sep. 19th, 2015



Locked from Kyu

Okay, I need advice.

Is it alright to tell a girl you've been dating for a couple of months that you love her? Is that too early or going too fast?

I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

Sep. 13th, 2015




I think my dreams are over. Looks like lucky dream death number five is what finally did me in. I would have liked to see things through to the end, but then, I've known that I wasn't going to for a while now.

I don't know if I was hallucinating or if it was real, but Kira, my best friend who died a while back... He came to come collect me in my final moments. I wanna believe it was really him though. And my final act before that was making sure Setsu got through the gates of Etemenanki safely. Probably about as much as a guy like me can ask. I hope he and the rest of 'em can wrap things up all nice and pretty without me.

But holy shit am I glad that's over. My Dreams started off a hoot, but they kinda blew toward the end there.

Sep. 11th, 2015




whelp. last night i dreamed i said "ta da!" and then wiped out half of all creation.

Aug. 25th, 2015




Has anyone on here that dreams ever died in them?

I read somewhere that you would always wake up before you die when you dream but that seems to be false. I'm not sure what to think of this.

Aug. 22nd, 2015




Ya know, I really wasn't expecting it to be so damn satisfying running my new claw elbow deep into someone's stomach, but oh man, was it ever satisfying running Lucifer through in my dreams last night. Course, as soon as I pulled my arm outta him he healed up like the nice little monster he is.

Oh yeah, I guess I finally met good old Lucy in the dreams. Turns out that Bible got at least one thing right and he's actually a massive fucking dickhole. Whoda guessed.

Aug. 21st, 2015




Who wants to spar? I need to get some energy out.

Hey, I know we have a lot of training going on here all day, but we should have a regular group gathering.

What date and time is best, and who wants to come?

Aug. 15th, 2015




So people's Dreams have been giving them gifts, right?

People I know have gotten some pretty neat shit. Like bad ass bows, wings, a mechanical arm and kick ass ravens.

I get a skateboard.

Specifically this skateboard:

cut for image. Viewable to all )

Not even the full fucking board. Just the damn deck!


Fine. Whatever.

Anyone know a skate park where it won't be weird for a 27-year-old ex-soldier to do a few fucking ollies?

Aug. 13th, 2015




Dream Katou just continues to prove himself to be the baddest badass of all time. Last night in dream land, he ripped off his own rotting arm so he could make some space for a brand-spanking new one. Check this out.

By day, kind of a sleek new design. Very cool, very modern.

Cut for image, visible to all )

But by night, it really takes my Edward Scissorhands cosplay to a whole new level. There's no way I'm losing the costume contest this Halloween.
Cut for image )

So I guess there's an upside to keeping a mad scientist chick who wants to dissect you around, eh? This is pretty sick though. I'm getting all them dream perks with none of that dream work.

Filtered to Friends )

Filtered to Akane )

Filtered to Zee )

((OOC: Pretending scans are actual photos because there's zero chance of me finding photos of Katou's arm.))

Aug. 7th, 2015




Well, after a whole bunch of shit happened (like... Hell completely collapsing and then colliding into Heaven. Lots of people died, worlds were shaken, Heaven and Hell are like the same place now with all them demons and angels occupying the same space. Fun times), I met back up with Setsuna again. Fucking dumbass managed to lose an eye and two of his wings which wouldn't've fucking happened to him if he'd let me fight instead, but he's alive.

We're actually storming the White Mansion in my dreams, where the Prime Minister of Heaven lives. He's got this stupid complex name so I'm not going to bother trying to spell it so we'll just call him Sevy for now. Anyways, Sevy's pretty much this giant shitbag dictator who's completely insane, and we're totally going to overthrow him. A small group is gonna infiltrate the place, and I get to act as Setsuna's double so that the enemy will attack us instead of him. It's pretty bitchin'.

Now, I ain't so up and up with like, word meanings and shit, but is it considered ironic if the first time I've ever prayed in my life is right before toppling Heaven's government on our quest to kill God? Kira's not with Setsuna, but he's still got to be alive. He's gotta be.

Aug. 6th, 2015




So I discovered this group called Sylvan Esso and I'm completely in love. I've been listening to the album non stop for about three days now. Which made me realize I tend to do that with any new album I get. Is it just me that does that?

So Valarnet tell me..what's your latest music addiction?

Aug. 2nd, 2015




So I have taken into consideration the dreams that everyone has been having, and certainly I'm by no means the only expert on this network so please offer critiques or support or what have you to anything I might be saying.

Still, I've been running through my head the concept of 'destiny'. I can attribute this to my lovely, and wonderfully brilliant roommate, who has made me actually stop and contemplate the very existence of these dreams and their role in our own society.

Stop and think if you will, we all know they're there, and I think most of us agree they're memories more than simply dreams. From the data I've managed to gather at any rate; question is though, does those being memories then alter our personality, make it even more confusing, or does it become a choice? Some would argue that having those memories return has to ultimately change your personality, right? Of course, because you've now experienced those things.

But you've also now experienced so much more, so then the question is, does it alter your personality, or actually does it simply now play a part in it?

I ask this because it seems that sometimes, some of us do not want to be the person we are in our dreams. And I guess I'm asking is how do you all feel about it? Do you feel you're destined to be that person? Can you make the conscious choice not to be? It seems easy to say 'of course I can', but you may not have chosen. It may have just happened overnight.

Because I'm beginning to theorize all of this might be a bleed over from a supremely thing reality barrier, and that our 'former' or parallel selves are actually bleeding into our own beings, and so we're getting a tiny, or large, bit of that personality. Is it true? I'm not sure, and wish to find out.

... oh, and also! Watch the movie Ex Machina, fantastic film!




Oh, good. I'm glad I got to watch someone get dissolved by a bug person in my dreams. Because that's a thing that's not a goddamn nightmare.

Jul. 28th, 2015




There's a meteor shower tonight, the Delta Aquarids apparently. Seeing as it doesn't seem to be related to the end of the world or anything, I might go out on the roof and enjoy it for a bit. Would anyone like to join me?

Jul. 26th, 2015




At some point I hope I get used to waking up from these damn things in a sweat.

I really don't get it. In one Dream I'm a doctor of some kind starting some kind of paramilitary project as a cover for some kind of experimentation with artificial intelligence and in the next dream I'm a military grunt in the project. I don't...I don't understand these Dreams.

All I do know is that they make my head hurt. And I have no desire to go back to sleep.

Jul. 24th, 2015




I just discovered a suit that I didn't actually purchase in my room. I believe it came from my dreams, but I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize it. I guess that's an upside from working at D.P. because now I own so many nice things that I don't notice an epic suit from my dreams. At least J.B. didn't try to eat it or anything.

Oh, and my mum decided to give me a call and actually started to cry on the phone about how she missed me. I -- just don't know how to take that. You sent me away, mum, you can't be upset about it now.

Jul. 20th, 2015




Today in history: Sixteen years ago today, dream me died! Ohhhh. Ahhhhh.

I think I woke up with a couple broken ribs this morning. It kinda blows. But I guess something was needed to counteract the awesomeness that is my new sword. Check it out. Its name is Shiranui. This is by far the coolest thing my dreams have ever given me. So, does anyone know if it means that someone's actually dead if you get a thing that belongs to them?

He's supposed to be immortal. There's no way that he

He can't be


Anyone wanna get loser pissed with me to celebrate my sweet new sword?

[Filtered to Wendy]

You don't care if I mount this above my bed, do you?

Jul. 14th, 2015




Dreams always bad. Wastelands as far as the eyes can see. Sun too bright to bear. Everyone dead or dying. Only myself standing alone in front of the empty world as the heat bakes the sand into my skin, hair, everything.

I am nothing more than the last man standing.

I am become a History Man.

Never dreamed of darkness unending. Never been in world where everything feels wrong for reasons got nothing to do with medications from doctors. Strange days. Alls need is to drive. Hit The Road. Been ordered to stay put. Cargo can't be lost due to crazed weather or a world gone mad as myself. Things more valuable than me. Do understand. Don't like it, but understand. Why this to come about now? Everything changing. Everything black. Storms upon storms yet none carrying sand. What happened to the sand? Red as blood and sharp as glass when it hits the skin. Hot. A world of fire and damnation yet this?

Nothing but blackness.

Even the lightning strikes black.

Is it a sign? Is it my sickness?

Or is it only all of us are damned?

This world is Hell and now we will know it?

Too many questions. No answers. Everything is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrongwrongwro

Jul. 8th, 2015




Uggghhh. I'm having so many fucking issues writing new material.

a) it's fucking hard writing new band shit when I ain't got no drum set or bass to fuck around on. ... Or band members.
b) writing songs that ain't about drugs is apparently harder than I thought it'd be.

This really fucking blows. I can't even play most of my old shit, so I've just been learning new songs other people've already wrote. That gets real old real fast though.

In other news, I've never been as creeped out by some little girlie groping me as I was in my dreams last night. That might've had something to do with the fact that she kept going on about fucking dissecting me. And then Setsu told her she could have me after we were done with our rescue mission. Worst. Friend. Ever.

But at least I got to ride a fucking dragon to Heaven. That was cool.

Jul. 7th, 2015




What do you do when you're starving, have eaten literally everything in your apartment, and you're still fucking hungry?

Jul. 6th, 2015




In my dreams, I stopped someone from being publicly executed for stealing food. Go dream Me. But then I had to fight a symbiote and her huge ... bodyguard... friend. Thing. At least I won.

I also got into UCI for Library Science, so that's good. Time to go glasses shopping.

Jul. 1st, 2015




In the Dreams last night, Setsuna came back from Heaven all depressed. He wouldn't talk about it, but I figure his little girlfriend dumped him or something when he went up to rescue her. Leave it to Setsu to get all bent out of shape the over some flatchested little girlie. Oh, and I guess he got a bunch of people killed, but whatever. Either way, kid needs to learn how to let shit go. Being the good friends we are, Kira and I busted down his door and in order to cheer him up, threw him in a fountain.

And then the fucking turdmonkey pulled me in after him. He didn't pull in Kira, the fucking bastard.

Anywhatzit, I woke up fucking drenched this morning. These dreams can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

Next up on The Mighty Katou's Epic Afterlife Adventure: Me, Kira and Setsuna are going up to Heaven to rescue some peeps and fuck up some Heavenly Army Ass. Whoda thought someone like me would go to Heaven someday. .... Then again, given some of the angels I've met, you ain't gotta be no fucking saint to be there.

Jun. 28th, 2015




Hey, we're officially halfway toward Christmas (and by proxy the other Yuletime holidays) so GO DO SOME SHOPPING.

This has been Navi DuBleu, helping you not end up at the mall when it is super crazy and claustrophobic because you'll end up queued up behind someone stinky, that's just how life works.

Jun. 19th, 2015




... So. Giant spiders rampaging around in California.

Fuck yes. I was born for shit like this. There could be literally no better way to finish finals and welcome in Father's Day weekend with getting to kick giant arachnid ass. Let me at 'em.

[Filtered to Jack and Wendy]

I know we were supposed to have an after finals roommate celebration thingy planned, but I'ma raincheck until Charlotte is dead.

Jun. 18th, 2015




Lawn Chair Crisis has their first show this Saturday night at, [name of club]. In case anyone doesn't know who Lawn Chair Crisis is, that's my band. Well, it's our new name. Matt thought it sounded better for our West Coast debut. Hope to see everyone there.

Jun. 15th, 2015




Finals start today. ugh. I've never done this much fucking studying in my goddamn life and I feel like my head's about to explode. Learning an entire semesters worth of shit for all yoru classes in like a month is a terrible idea and no one should ever try it.

But I got all my make-up and extra assignments handed in. I don't think none of my fucking teachers expected it, so jokes on them. Enjoy all extra grading you suckers gotta do now.

ALmost summer break, though I've gotta take summer classes too if I'm gonna graduate next year, so that sucks.

Anyway, my band the Drugnoughts is no more. There ain't no one out there that wants to play bass or drums in a punk band, is there? No musical experience necessary because it's punk, and I can teach ya all you needta know.

Jun. 6th, 2015




I really can't get enough of these fucking dreams. What a trip. So, Setsuna's body ended up dying when he was chilling out in Hades with me, so I disguised himself as him, stole his corpse from Hell. And there was some complicated plan that my master, the Archangel Uriel concocted where I killed a bunch of Michael's goons so he'd come down to Earth with Raphael (and they brought Gabriel? But she was actually the soul of Setsuna's little sister? Fucked if I know). So Uri and I trapped them in like, this pocket dimension or something while Raphael resurrected Setsuna. And then a bunch of shit happened, but that ain't important.

Anyway, the point is, there was all four archangels, the fucking messiah, and little old me. And then later, we gotta hang out with the Princess of the top layer of Hell. I really am hanging out with the bigwigs now, ain't I?

But that's not even the best part? After Setsuna's done rescuing his little girlfriend or whatever, we're supposed to kill God. And my best friend, Kira, who I killed when I was possessed the first time I actually died? He's really the immortal reincarnation of the unholy sword that killed me the frist time, and he like, follows around Setsuna's soul for all eternity like some sorta lame lovestruck puppy. And I got caught up in all of this just because I took drugs from a stranger. So let that be a lesson to you, kids. Don't take drugs from strangers.

... Or do, if you wanna go on the best adventure ever and don't mind dying a few times.

ANYHOW, I think I won the dream jackpot. Best. Dreams. Ever.

Oh, and I finally got my fucking cross rod. Of course it would come after all them vampires fucked off.

Jun. 5th, 2015




Apparently I started my second set of dreams! There are many similarities, except in this go at it my father is...well, he's not exactly the best. My brothers and I seem to be a bit terrified of him, so I've taken it upon myself to sort of protect them from his anger. I've also got an Aunt Milicent and I haven't got one that I know of otherwise, which is interesting. I'd really rather dream about my daughter, since she was quite lovely and now I sort of want one for myself.

Is it sad that I've already got tickets for the World Tea Expo in Las Vegas this time next year? I'm rather excited though will have to pass the time with SoCal Brew Fest on the 20th of this month. I'm not really one for beer but all of my favourite food trucks will be there which is reason enough to attend.