
Posts Tagged: 'yang+xiao+long'

Apr. 1st, 2017




Forgot it was April Fool's today and only got reminded when my regular cashier at the gas station told me that they'd run out of hot dogs and had to switch to tofu dogs. Totally got me. Great prank. Dogone fantastic I'd say. I've seen a lot of them that are the wurst and people should really reconsider what they're doing with their lives.

Set up a prank of my own though, because, y'know. Spirit of the holiday. It's pretty harmless I think, but just in case, anyone in the dorm should probably not use the hand sanitizer pumps.




Someone 'pranked' me today by pulling off my scarf and then making it worse by making snarky comments about my scar, implying I cut myself for attention. I recognized him; he's my my psych class. He should know that's not funny. I should have said something like I'd kick his ass if his head wasn't in the way. But I didn't. I just took my scarf back and ran away. At least I can do that here. I don't know if my dream self will ever get away from the staring and the questions. There's a reporter than even comes into the hospital. Dream me might let her write a book, she thinks the book will help people understand her point of view. At least that's what dream me wanted when I was having newer dreams. They've been repeating lately, of the day I got that scar. Maybe that's why the 'prank' bothered me so much.

I want this day to be over already but I sure as hell don't want to go to sleep.

Mar. 12th, 2017




My sweet little angel of a kitty ruined not one but two pairs of tights today and I still love the ball of fluff. It's weird how these little animals sneak into your homes and hearts. Is there any way to train cats not to shred your belongings?




Can I just say thank goodness that I can make people I work with see whatever I want them to see? Because it would be difficult to explain cat eyes. Not that I mind them, specifically, but that was my surprise from last month. But almost two weeks have passed and nothing's changed, so I get the feeling they're here to stay.

And in my dreams, we're going to find Desjardin's house, which sounds like a terrible idea, but here we are.

Mar. 8th, 2017




It's days like this that make me wish I was still on active duty. I want to be over there fighting, not sitting here doing desk work.

Feb. 24th, 2017




The weather has been so nice recently. I'm thinking about going hiking this weekend to get out and enjoy it a little more. So, if anyone wants to come with, this is me offering to let you come along. What better way is there to make new friends? My friends at school said I'm about as terrifying as a kitten trying to play with a piece of string if that makes you feel a little less concerned about it. The only thing you might have to be scared of are my fun facts.

How are your carrots doing, by the way? I meant to ask earlier.

Feb. 14th, 2017




Started dreaming again. It's...really kinda depressing. Mostly just me being numb. Thought I was over that depression.

But then I dreamed General Ironwood sent me a new arm. It's metal, unpainted, but...losing my arm is the new normal, you know? I wonder if it'll show up here. Or if I'll try it, let alone get used to it. I don't think dream me is ready for it yet. But soon, maybe.

Feb. 4th, 2017




I wasn't certain at first, but it seems I am having those Dreams people here sometimes talk about.

Apparently my father belonged to a secret brotherhood known as the Assassin Order. He's training my brother and I in the Creed. Or, well, mostly me. My brother seems to prefer wasting his time elsewhere, but me? I am focused and embracing the Creed fully. Also apparently I'm living in the Victorian era, which is really ironic because I've always felt like I was born in the wrong era here.

Jan. 1st, 2017




I remember 2016 like it was yesterday.

And once I'm done drinking I won't remember it at all!

Dec. 28th, 2016




Hello, I'm Evie Frye, new here and confused by the snow? I did not expect this amount of snow upon moving here. Is this normal? Though I suppose this is proof that climate change is real that can be shoved in the faces of those who don't believe in it.

Nov. 29th, 2016




There's no way to ask without sounding insane, so I'm just going to go for it.

Has anyone else ever had a Dream where you woke up injured in some way or.....you know....died?

Because I think I did.

Nov. 15th, 2016




So hey guys.

I'm Hannah's super embarrassing older brother and I told her I was gonna do this so I'm gonna do this and be the obnoxious older brother that it is in my DNA to be.

So I hear she has some guy friends. Jim and Minato? And I just wanted to say HI!

Come say hi back, introduce yourselves, let's be friends.

Also all other people who are friends with Hannah Washington LET'S ALL BE FRIENDS, I want to meet all of you!

Nov. 14th, 2016




today is now punday, i need your best puns.

it's for science

Nov. 10th, 2016




Well bloody hell. I'd say I didn't see that coming but I don't think anybody did really.

My heart goes out to you all, anybody from the UK knows a little bit about how this feels though I know the situations aren't exactly the same. But don't give up and don't lose hope, fight on. You won't be alone I can promise you that.

Oct. 27th, 2016




I think I've had one of those dreams that everyone talks about since um, yeah, I was a rabbit. It started off when I was young, I'd say around first or second grade age, and we were having a talent show at the Carrot Days Festival. Myself and some classmates did a little play about how anyone could be anything they wanted, and of course I wanted to be a police officer. My parents weren't too happy about it after the fact, and they tried to talk to me about not setting such big goals for myself in life. I honestly don't know what they were going on about since I saw this fox named Gideon Gray pushing around a couple of other kids and I went to help them out.

He bullied them out of their tickets, and I confronted him about it. I landed a decent kick to his face, then he got me back by scratching my face with his claws. Still, in the end I managed to get the others their tickets back, and my little bunny self is even more dedicated to becoming a police officer now.

Oct. 15th, 2016




Hallmark has just announced its Christmas movie lineup!

I know they're cheesy, but I love them so much.

Oct. 10th, 2016




Okay. So my kickass friend scored two tickets to the Bear vs Shark reunion tour in two weeks but now has to bail because of some family stuff. Anyone want to take me up on going? They're weird, and there's some yinging, not even gonna lie...but this is the opportunity of a lifetime! LIFETIME people.

A taste of their stuff. I wanna be the light round your wrist

C'mon..who wants an adventure?

Tonks, by the way! In case you don't know me. I technically signed up for this thing ages ago, but I mostly use the internet as a way to find books and music.




I heard some hipsters talking about a program they found that guides them through writing their own 8 bit video games. It's the first time I've been jealous of a hipster. I wonder what kinds of video games people are out there writing. Honestly, I bet there are some really creative ones out there.

Sep. 25th, 2016




Hello everyone! Good morning. Hi.

My name is Jill, and I just moved here, and I'm looking for the textbook for THTR250 because the bookstore was out and there's no online version and the next order isn't coming until Christmas which is a little late for me but they said if I asked here someone might have a copy they don't need anymore so does anyone have any copies of Gilette's Theatrical Design and Production?

Sep. 17th, 2016




good to know. this was very helpful information. also probably nsfw, but whatever. you'll all thank me later.

in other news, i found out about this true american game in new girl. i'm not very american, but anything that involves a lot of drinking and absolute ridiculousness sounds fun to me. does anyone else want to play? i'll figure out the when later. since i don't know availability and numbers.

Sep. 16th, 2016




Why doesn't the sun go to college?

answer )

Sep. 6th, 2016




okay like this is a little late but i got distracted but i just wanted to give a shout out to my roommate Li

cut for image open to all )

Sep. 2nd, 2016





nuff said

cut for image )

Sep. 1st, 2016




OHMYGOD Words with Friends. I seriously thought I was gonna suck at this game. But guess what? I'm not terrible.

Does anyone else play?

Aug. 13th, 2016




I always dreamed of competing in the Olympics. But, while I had the determination and work ethic, I was not the best behaved of teens. And now, I can no longer compete, fairly anyways. Oh well, right? Those were the days, though.

And now I feel the urge to find a gymnastics place and see if I can pull off my beam and floor routines as well as I did then.

Aug. 11th, 2016




Packed and ready for another international trip, but this will be my first time leaving my dog behind. I'm a little sad about it. Am I a sap? I'm going to bring her back a British chew toy, not that she'll be able to differentiate British chew toys from American chew toys.

Jul. 16th, 2016




im gonna go out on a limb here and ask for a hand, but does anyone know anyone who can do prosthetics?




I swear to God that if you walk into Victrola with your face down in your phone and I see that stupid ass Pokemon Go game on the screen I will kick you out.

We're not here for you to catch virtual pets. Come and admire the dancers and order a drink. If you're not going to do any of those things then get the fuck out.

Jul. 5th, 2016




i got a black eye and like 5 stitches but i feel better for the first time in a month




Thank you to those who pitched in to help keep others safe and deal with what came out of those rifts. They're all closed now, and so is the Breach - which was the main tear in what I assume is our Veil here, and so with that patched up then no more nasty things should be coming through.

So I believe we're out one Wal-Mart and I'm out one arm, and it took me forever to even type this up, but if anyone needs help with clean-up or anything else just let me know and I'll come by.

Jun. 8th, 2016




was kinda in the hospital lately and they finally let me go home but i dont really see the point in anything right now

(ooc: possible triggery talk due to her injury in comments)

Jun. 6th, 2016




It's strange sometimes... Waking up from these dreams... And realizing this is reality.

May. 27th, 2016




I'm getting stir crazy around here. I think I need to go out tonight, make a little noise. Anyone care to join me?

May. 8th, 2016




so we found my sister, she'd found this whole underground base for this group called the white fang.

it used to be a city. see we were in this expansion area that had failed because of grimm attacks, and the people retreated into caverns and built a city inside the caverns but then grimm broke through and it kind of became the world's biggest tomb.

but the white fang was using it as a base of operations and it turns out they were using the old subway tunnels to prepare an attack. we tried to stop them but the train busted through into the main city and we had to fight all the grimm that the white fang had lured through the tunnel. i mean we stopped it but what kind of fucked up plan was that? unleashing all those monsters on innocent people!

when we were on the train trying to fight our way to the controls i fought this girl, she had pink and black hair and mismatched eyes and honestly she kicked my butt which was kind of a buzzkill. i think someone saved me though. as i was coming to i swear i saw someone stepping through a portal.mom?!?

May. 3rd, 2016




okay so in the saga of my dreams we did a school dance and it was kinda cool I helped set it up with Weiss and it was pretty successful. I had to talk my battle team partner into going so i bribed her with the promise of a dance and the dance was real nice.

i really miss Blake and Weiss. and that dance with Blake was so nice...

after the dance we went on this field trip only it was kind of an excuse to search out this secret base. the same guys that had the mecha are planning something big and we gotta stop 'em. luckily the headmaster is on our side and sneakily got us on a scouting mission.

scouting missions are the kind where we go out and kill a lotta grim. only we ended up with the one professor hunter who constantly ODs on coffee but turns out he's actually a pretty good fighter?

he also got us all thinking about why we wanted to be hunters, what our motivation was to do it because its kind of a job you know?

i woke up after my sister went missing because of course that's when i'd wake up.

May. 2nd, 2016



I am having dreams that people here seem to talk about. It is strange to see a different life play out. The life of my dreams is an intriguing one so far. I have been called a prodigy, having extreme potential for magic. I was taken to the Yshari Sanctum at the age of seven to be trained in the arcane arts, and it is a breath-taking place of learning and magic. The Sanctum is the center for studying magic, and is the headquarters of the Mage Clans. I believe I will like exploring my craft there.

Is it strange to long for a place that you have only seen in your dreams? Or to miss someone you have only met in your dreams? Though my teacher in my dreams has much in common with the violin instructor I had when I was younger.

Apr. 28th, 2016




He...I can't believe he did that!? There is nothing wrong with music! I am so angry and disappointed right now >.

Apr. 27th, 2016




I picked the strangest music for my bath, but it worked. I mean, it wasn't the most relaxing bath, but it was good music. If you sign up for Amazon Prime you get streaming music and they have a 70's channel which I highly recommend. Aerosmith, Blue Oyster Cult, Queen, Chicago, Earth Wind & Fire... It was a nice experience. Probably would have made better driving music than bath music, but I'll know better next time.

Apr. 26th, 2016




Note to self.... never reveal a hidden music club to six sisters.....

Apr. 19th, 2016




Motivational talk: Check
Survived: Check
Would rather jump in the cage with no practice than do that again? Check.
Dream me totally could pull it off. I'm a bit more shy in public speaking.

That said it was nice, and I'm glad I inspired a few new members to join and give it a go. In other big news, New York State finally joined the rest of this country in allowing MMA to be legal within it's borders. Maybe if I train hard enough I can get in one last fight so I can do one in Madison Square Garden - it seems like a crowning achievement for my career.

Pretty sure my shoulder would be ruined but....

Apr. 18th, 2016




A lotta stuff happened in my dreams like the last three nights. we were trying to get information on some bad stuff that was happening. there are these guys who are getting all kinds of weapons and crap and i took a dude into a club and that was fun because i got to threaten someone

then we ended up fighting this big mecha thing and we finally got to put all our team moves to the test and it was badass

i totally trashed it when it punched me, like i punched it back at the same time and blew its arm off i'm just that strong

then things settled down and there was this dance me and Weiss had to organize and i talked Blake into going with the promise of a dance with her and that was pretty nicei miss my dream friends. at least until my sister stumbled into a bad guy being all sneaky

no but guys when i get hit i get strong and i punched out a big freaking tank thing!




Someone today claimed I never take a selfie in which I am not smiling. I didn't deny it. I guess I don't see the point in taking a picture when you're not smiling? I've never been one for those pouty selfies. But, to appease the masses...
a pouty selfie )

Apr. 11th, 2016




Holy cow a hidden music club in Atlantica! Amazing!!

Apr. 9th, 2016



I was directed here by my new roommate that this is a good place to meet people, perhaps practice my English more as well. I am Li-Ming, and I'm a new arrival. I am a student at Biola University Conservatory of Music. I am a violinist, and one who wishes to expand beyond the confines of classical music, much to my parents' ire. They are traditionalists like that, but I prefer following my own path.

Apr. 5th, 2016




okay wow so a lot of stuff happened in my dreams last night like we discovered cute bookish girl is a faunus which is kind of like animal people and totally explains her tuna addiction but she ran away

then i find out she and my sister got involved with a fight at the docks but they're okay and im just glad we found blake again

we started the second semester after that with the BEST DAY EVER! and we totally started it off with a Yang.

food fight of epic proportions full power i used a pair of turkeys as boxing gloves against our friends on team JNPR and we kind of made a huge mess and Ms. Goodwitch wasn't too happy with us but prof Ozpin was okay with it which was cool

later we were playing this board game like Rift and i kicked everyone's butts

Apr. 4th, 2016




My brother texted me this afternoon to let me know that there's a freeze warning in NYC and that it might snow a little tonight. I, being the excellent and caring brother that I am, went outside and took a picture of how nice and sunny and warm it is.

Also I overnighted him mittens and a new electric blanket. No one tell him, I want it to be a monstrous surprise.




i was out at the park the other day and i wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. then it hit me!

Mar. 30th, 2016




Saturday night, April 2nd, you are all invited to a black light paint party. Actually, think of it more like a rave. I am hosting this event with another member of this network and it will be at [address of warehouse] from 8:pm until whenever. Black light paint will be available upon arrival so you can paint yourself, have someone else do it you paint someone else.

Mar. 24th, 2016




Well. I nearly set my house ablaze today. Having lightning unexpectedly come from one's fingertips tends to have an averse affect on flammable materials.

Mar. 22nd, 2016




I got lost in work again.

Oops? Sorry?

Between working for my father and helping out at the gym teaching young ladies that if they want to, they can have a career in punching people in the face, I've been so busy I forget to check this thing.