
Posts Tagged: 'sam+winchester'

Jul. 2nd, 2013



I'm really sad Mr. Spock doesn't talk anymore. He's still a wonderful parakeet but he was really funny when he knew English. I never knew that birds liked math!

Sam! Wanna go to that party? I want to go to that party!

Jun. 29th, 2013




Things feel really bad when Dean and I aren't working together in the dreams. Really bad. People dying kind of bad. But then again, people die left and right in my dreams lately. Last night was a long one. I was avoiding Dean, going by the name Keith for a while. We had to fight Paris Hilton, then a kid turned Cas into a toy, I got to see what Dean would look like in fifty years, the Angel Gabriel stuck us in a television, we got trapped at a Supernatural Convention (where I couldn't seem to get away from Becky) and then Jo and Ellen-- Anyone else here woke up crying from a dream before? I'm not too many to admit it

I think the Dream Me is losing it. I mean, how can anyone withstand the shitstorm that he's been through? All the guilt, all the anger. I don't know how much more of it I can take, and yet he's actually living it.

Jun. 28th, 2013




In my dreams I make a demon human for a moment - just a moment - long enough to escape Hell. And apparently he never forgets it. Twenty years have passed in my dreams, because when I first started having them, dream Me looked like how I did when I was a teenager but now she looks like me and a demon told me that he's still looking for me.

Elliot Spencer still wants me in my dreams and there's nothing I can do but try to fight back until he gets me. It's bad enough I'm fighting shit when I'm awake, but now when I sleep I have to fight too. Has anyone thought of making a Nightmare Before Elm Street type pill that prevents us from dreaming?

Jun. 19th, 2013



I do not understand. This is not normal mammalian or aviary behavior.

There is no ball I need to be prepared for.

Why are they making me a suit? Gabriel send help.

Jun. 14th, 2013




I really don't like these Dreams.

Jun. 15th, 2013




May. 3rd, 2013



To all those who Dream:

Have any of you managed to work out if your dreams are truly you, or if the protagonist of your dreams is merely a figment of your memories, or imagination?

I had one where I harmed a child. Accidentally, but nonetheless, harmed a child. The idea is sickening, especially now that I have a daughter ... but it does help convince me that the man in my dreams was never truly me - that it's some fairytale me, some manifestation of insecurities and doubts.

What do you all think of your own dreams?

May. 2nd, 2013



As the dreams persist, I am seeking meaning. Understanding.


There is no rhyme to the plan, yet I follow it.

I was Father's soldier. But what else might I have been if I was not?

May. 1st, 2013



It's so nice out! I thought maybe I should open a window to let the air into my apartment because it's so nice!

But then the screen thingy broke.
And now there are bees. :c

Mr. Spock doesn't seem happy about it either.

Apr. 25th, 2013




Dreams last night went from bad, to terrible, to somewhat amusing. I mean, my dreams are never good, but at least after a particularly horrifying dream last night, I had one that wasn't as bad as they've been.

...sort of set me up for the magic show this weekend, actually. There were magicians in my last dream.

Is there anyone out there called Anna Milton? Just on the off chance...

Apr. 24th, 2013




I'm usually not one for shameless promoting (all right, that's a lie), but seeing as this is for a good cause, I'm going to do it anyway.

This weekend I'm going to Los Angeles to do a bit in a magic show. All proceeds will be going to children in need, and, really, who doesn't love a good bit of magic? Most participants are members of the Magic Castle so it's bound to be fantastic.

I highly suggest you all come see it. You can find more information and tickets [here at web address].

Apr. 18th, 2013




Anyone else have a dream in black and white?

Or uh, about breaking the 66 seals of the Apocalypse to open the door to hell and let Lucifer walk free on the Earth? No? Just me, then?

What about drinking demon blood? Okay, this is getting dark.

Apr. 8th, 2013




I thought that today I might write a well thought out post here, as it has been quite a while -- but I am feeling particularly ineloquent today and four tries of what basically equated to rubbish has left me with little desire to try again.

Perhaps it's just as well; sometimes there just isn't much to be said.

Mar. 29th, 2013




I hate these dreams. I hate them.


So these dreams are getting remarkably intense now. Insanely intense. Scarily intense. That's not a proper wording of that phrase, but get over it.

I don't think they're dreams, they feel more like memories, but that's impossible. You see, I have never lived in New York at an age older than early middle school. Some of you people, most of which I have never met before, are actually in them. Even if for only snippets. People I have NEVER met, never heard of, never seen even on this thing; they're in them too, it is impossible.

On a side note, is Snooki basically just one lasagna away from being Garfield?

And Cool Ranch Doritos Locos taco is amazing, you're welcome for this important review. Now pay me, Taco Bell.

Mar. 27th, 2013




I watched my brother die about a thousand times in my dream last night. It wasn't exactly pleasant. Didn't get much sleep last night, since it was so riddled with dreams. I've been a bit of a waste of space at work today. I'll make up for it. Everyone has one of those days.

If anyone says "case of the Mondays" I might start throwing punches.

Mar. 25th, 2013



I don't understand.

Why do action figures rarely resemble the people they are intended to?

The Batman is not nearly that obese.


OH MY GOSH. I finally got my computer back from the shop! It's been a long week without it! But I tripped over the cord and cracked the screen. SO SAD.

But it's better now! And it's starting to feel like Spring, isn't it? SO WONDERFUL.




Today is my first day at my new job. I'm taking a late lunch break now, and it was hard to pull myself away from the work. It's all terribly interesting. It feels weird to say so-- I'm a lawyer now. It's not a job. It's a step toward a proper career: one that I've been planning since I was old enough to do so.

I-- am. Well. Happy? Better than I have been in a very, very long time. And I have a lot of reasons to be thankful for that.

Mar. 19th, 2013




Private Message to Deryn )

Mar. 13th, 2013




More dreams. Showing me what the life is like. Showing me what could happen. Life as a hunter. Dean's last Christmas. I don't know what I'll do if Dean actually

It's more than just ghosts and demons, though that's a big part of it. Last night I dreamed of a girl in a coma who was causing all sorts of trouble. And a hunter turned into a vampire, and a pair of pagan gods who take human sacrifices at Christmas time. I have lots of dreams, they take place over days, weeks, and when I wake up it's only been a few hours. Messing with my internal clock.

Mar. 11th, 2013




I have these dreams... like everyone else is dreaming. A second life. Though, my dreams are mostly nightmares. Last night I dreamed about the seven deadly sins that were really demons, changelings, a rabbit's foot that was really lucky/unlucky, and another hunter who wasn't quite as professional as Dean and me. ...if "professional" is the right word.

I'm curious to see where these things go, though I'm also trying not to let it distract me from my real life.

Mar. 3rd, 2013




These dreams are getting worse. Not even 11am and I need a drink.

It's not fair. She shouldn't have had to die like that
My hands were tied
I'm not a

Feb. 27th, 2013




Bar exam today.

Oliver, you will be pleased to know I made it. Currently standing outside the building after having taken the first half. Three hours left to go.

It seems easy enough. I am sure I will pass.

Feb. 26th, 2013



I think I'm a pony too! How FUN. HAHAH!! I had wings in my dream!

In other news, I am excited for weddings. But I am sad for no more Wonderland. It was such fun!

Also, my zzz key seems to be sticking.
:c Stupid juice.

Feb. 25th, 2013




I had a ton of dreams last night. Now the huge, strange plants are gone, apparently my dreams are coming back in full force.

Apparently my dream father thought I was going to turn evil. I thought I was going to turn evil.

I woke up with a mark on my arm from the dreams. Like a scar. I wonder how much it'll cost to have it removed.

Feb. 19th, 2013




Vampires, Vengeful spirits, mind control... my dreams just keep getting weirder and weirder.

Feb. 6th, 2013



Weird dreams. Weird, unpleasant fucking dreams.

Sammy )
Cas )

Feb. 2nd, 2013




Link, I think I saw your ghost. Looks like she's not confined to your house. Reminds me of something I saw on the beach when I was

Private to Dean
You haven't had any dreams yet, have you?

...we should look into this ghost girl thing.

[ooc: plot!]

Feb. 1st, 2013




Can't sleep. House still haunted.

Jan. 31st, 2013



Guess who finally has their mechanics' license for California? Gainful employment, here I come!

Jan. 23rd, 2013




Finally out of the hospital. It feels really, really great to just be walking around.

But really, I think the first thing I'm going to do is take a shower in my own apartment. It's been entirely too long.

Jan. 22nd, 2013




Apparently the world didn't stop while I was stuck at the hospital.

Go figure.

Jan. 19th, 2013




Home from the hospital. Cas can stop poking me in the forehead now.

[Private message to Tonks]
I'm home. You're not sick, are you? Did you get the antidote anyway, for immunity?

I'd love to cook you dinner sometime soon.

Jan. 12th, 2013




Stuck at Irvine General just like half this message board, I take it. Cas, you really can stop coming in and poking my forehead. Seriously, man.

I wish they'd give my bed to someone who's more sick than I am. I feel bad taking up space here when I could be home. The inhaler has been enough to keep me breathing.

Private Message to Tonks
Are you all right?

Jan. 4th, 2013




I thought maybe I'd be spared some of these terrifying dreams by the damn illness that's got me

Really bad flu going around, huh?


I haven't had a cold like this since I was a kid.

It fucking sucks. Happy fucking New Year, right?

Jan. 2nd, 2013




Anyone else feel kind of gunky?

Dec. 31st, 2012




Dec. 24th, 2012




Okay guys and gals, lets be honest here a moment, how many people buy themselves a present too while they're shopping for everyone else? Me, personally, I am splurging and ordered my Christmas dinner from a catering service. This way we can all eat well and have to do none of the time consuming prep work.

Best present you got yourself, lets hear it.

Dec. 23rd, 2012




...I think I'm actually pulling this off. Today I got most of the make ahead stuff for tomorrow night's party actually prepared, while Mom didn't have to do a thing but give me pointers. She offered to help, but you know, defeats the purpose of me throwing Christmas and all, doesn't it? As of right now, I have made several kinds of cookie, gotten stuff ready to throw in the oven tomorrow, and even managed to get ahold of fish that I'm not going to ruin. Mom's side is from Poland and Christmas Eve dinner is traditionally a meatless thing. I know nobody would have cared all that much if I broke it but I wanted to do it RIGHT for once, you know?

There was a Christmas Eve, in law school, when I served them pizza. Homemade though it was, it was kinda a major disaster and I felt bad about it so it's time to make it up and be a grownup, right?

I may, of course, eat my death of shrimp before the meal is served (mild allergy that gives me hives but I'm not smart enough to stay away) but it's going to be amazing all the same.

And then for Christmas DAY, I've managed to not wreck my latest attempt at making gravy and I'm reasonably sure I'll be able to replicate it. Who knew this kind of thing was so easy when you applied yourself/had your mom giving you tips from the living room.

Tomorrow, a couple cousins, a few aunts and uncles, and Richard, who might as well be family, in all the ways that count, are starting to come in. I'm looking forward to not being the screw up host for once. Of course, if Santa Claus could put a girlfriend under the tree too...

Nov. 29th, 2012



Question, internet citizens: what is the best type of pie?

Nov. 17th, 2012




I really need to stop having these dreams. I'm gonna start calling them nightmares.

On my way to the gym to work this off.

Nov. 16th, 2012




Anyone want to spend Thanksgiving getting Chinese and going to the movies?

[Private to Joe]
Thanks for uh.. whatever it is that you did. Looks like I'm in the clear. I even got some kind of crazy apology note.

Nov. 13th, 2012




Apparently, Justice Sotomayor was on sesame street to talk about careers. Personally, your chances of becoming a lawyer who makes money are about the same as becoming a princess, even if I do, for one, welcome our future pink and fluffy overlord (overlady?).


Nov. 8th, 2012




I'm trying to stay calm, but I can't hold back my excitement.

I got an email from the personnel department of Stark Industries. They want me to come in tomorrow for an interview.




She's all over in my dreams. All I can think about is revenge. I'm not sure what to do with all of that.




There is a theory that says the ideal nap is twenty minutes in length; this is because the first two stages of sleep happen in roughly ten minutes each. Therefore you should feel rested after only twenty minutes of napping.

This is complètement not true. Maybe you need to sleep at night for it to work I find I feel almost worse after them.




The next person who comes in with an obnoxious opinion about the election results is failing my class. I'm here to teach, not listen to you complain about how your candidate did or didn't win and whoever voted for the other one is stupid and should be shot.

And to whoever has the gall to shoot off fireworks nearby: some of us actually do sleep.




So I stopped for coffee after work today, and they had some board games out for people to play. Nothing weird there.

Then I saw this fucking thing. The "Words With Friends" board game.

Uh, yeah, I have that already. It's called Scrabble.

The parade of stupid things people want us to buy each other for Christmas has started. Oy.